Title: An approach to various carriers' transmission properties and significant parameters in special semiconductor arrangement 'superlattice'
Authors: Sachin Kumar; Soumya Kumari
Addresses: Electronics and Communication Department, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India ' Electronics and Communication Department, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, India
Abstract: Semiconductor superlattices with submicrometer heterostructures are of interest not only for their device applications but also for the fundamental physical phenomena they exhibit due to their material properties and their submicrometer dimensions. In order to understand the features exhibited, it is essential to calculate their electronic and various optical phenomenon, e.g., transmission properties, reflection properties along the arrangement. This paper proposed the examination of potential energy profile at multibarrier system by using the mathematical function and consequently we derived the probability to get the carriers crossing the barrier in superlattice by considering the various transmission properties e.g. the transmission coefficient, reflection coefficient, dc conductance, energy variations, temperature variation etc.; and also some other significant physical parameters are analysed at different values of internal bias across the superlattice. The dc conductance and current both have variations with respect to applied voltage can be seen here as same as that happened in bulk semiconductors.
Keywords: transmission coefficient; reflection coefficient; energy; DC conductance; applied voltages; DC current; temperature.
International Journal of Nanoparticles, 2018 Vol.10 No.1/2, pp.92 - 106
Received: 15 May 2017
Accepted: 15 Oct 2017
Published online: 27 Jun 2018 *