Title: Reinvention of management innovation for successful implementation
Authors: Philippe Giuliani; Marc Robert; Frédéric Le Roy
Addresses: Montpellier Business School (MBS), Montpellier Research Management (MRM), 2300, Avenue des Moulins, 34185 Montpellier, Cedex 4, France ' Montpellier Business School (MBS), Montpellier Research Management (MRM), 2300, Avenue des Moulins, 34185 Montpellier, Cedex 4, France ' University of Montpellier and Montpellier Business School (MBS), Montpellier Research in Management (MRM), Espace Richter-Bat B, Rue vendémiaire CS 19519, 34960 Montpellier Cedex 2, France
Abstract: This paper's primary aim is to show how a management innovation is implemented due to the creation of another new management innovation through an endogenous process. We call this process the 'reinvention' of a management innovation. Building on management innovation implementation literature, we elaborate a theoretical framework that details the endogenous mechanisms through which the implementation phase of a management innovation can be the foundation of another management innovation. A management innovation's adoption does not necessarily require its adaptation. Adopting a management innovation may lead to the generation of another management innovation in order to successfully implement the first management innovation. We use the term 'reinvention' when a management innovation is generated through an endogenous process. We used an exploratory method based on a qualitative and longitudinal case research study. The present paper contributes to the understanding of emergence and implementation process of management innovations.
Keywords: management innovation; implementation; multinational company; reinvention.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2018.092747
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018 Vol.34 No.3, pp.343 - 361
Received: 21 Dec 2015
Accepted: 22 Sep 2016
Published online: 29 Jun 2018 *