Title: The role of green economics in achieving realistic policies and programmes for sustainability
Authors: Clare E. Lunn
Addresses: Green Economics Institute, 2 Technology Park Drive, Westford, MA 01886, USA
Abstract: The notion of a sustainable society is a radical one, and therefore, the ideas presented in this paper are arguably novel. We have become complacent with the notion of sustainability in recent years, but it is a concept that needs to be managed, planned, and administered, and inevitably will require significant institutional and cultural changes in order to achieve. The ideas set forth in this paper attempt to redress this complacency and envision a new revolutionary approach utilising the principles within the multidisciplinary field of green economics in order to achieve sustainability. This paper proposes pragmatic solutions for the incorporation of humanitarian and environmental considerations beyond traditional economic mechanisms. These green economic alternatives are essential to achieving the significant institutional and cultural changes necessary in order to attain a sustainable society.
Keywords: sustainability; green economics; human development; institutional change; cultural changes; developing countries; technological innovation; grassroots changes; labour; employment; trade regimes; sustainable development.
International Journal of Green Economics, 2006 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.37 - 49
Published online: 22 Mar 2006 *
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