Title: Restoring the rights of future generations
Authors: Chit Chong
Addresses: 13 Queen Elizabeth's Walk, London N16 5UZ, UK
Abstract: This paper promotes the idea of Rights for Future Generations as one of the ethical principles on which politics, economics and justice in the 21st century should be based. It argues that environmental damage caused by current generations has already impaired the ability of future generations to meet their basic needs. As a result of this, it argues that the concept of Sustainable Development is now flawed and should be augmented by the concept of Restorative Development. This paper highlights areas where restoration can be effected and some of the mechanisms that will be required in economics, law and politics to support this restoration.
Keywords: rights for future generations; restorative development; sustainable development; green economics; sustainability; intergenerational equity; climate change; renewable resources; non-renewable resources; restorative discount rates.
International Journal of Green Economics, 2006 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.103 - 120
Published online: 22 Mar 2006 *
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