Title: A hybrid bio-inspired approach to solving the routing problem in mobile ad hoc networks
Authors: Said Labed; Akram Kout; Salim Chikhi; El-Bay Bourennane
Addresses: SCAL Team, MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University, Ali Mendjli, 25000, Algeria ' SCAL Team, MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University, Ali Mendjli, 25000, Algeria ' SCAL Team, MISC Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri Constantine 2 University, Ali Mendjli, 25000, Algeria ' LE2I Laboratory UMR-CNRS, University of Burgundy, 21078 Dijon Cedex, France
Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile hosts (nodes) connected by a wireless link. However, the problem of designing routing protocols poses challenges to researchers due to the unpredictable and dynamic nature of ad hoc networks. Hence, bio-inspired algorithms are widely used to design adaptive routing strategies for MANETs. This paper proposes a routing protocol based on the hybridisation of ant colony optimisation (ACO) and 2-opt heuristic with the optimisation of ACO parameters. Given the vast scope of the parameters, a genetic algorithm is used to minimise the complexity of the problem. The implementation of the method is realised by MATLAB. To valid the results in terms of the quality of service parameters (i.e., normalised overhead load, end-to-end delay and throughput), a comparison was conducted using the ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol.
Keywords: mobile ad hoc network; MANET; bio-inspired routing; ant colony optimisation; ACO; genetic algorithm; routing protocols; QoS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2018.093395
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2018 Vol.9 No.3, pp.185 - 209
Accepted: 23 Sep 2017
Published online: 25 Jul 2018 *