Title: Measuring job satisfaction of customer-facing employees: scale development and validation in the context of organised retail sector
Authors: Kriti Priya Gupta; Sweta Saurabh; Preeti Bhaskar
Addresses: Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Noida, [Constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University]), Block A, Plot No. 47 and 48, Sector 62, Noida 201301, India ' Symbiosis Law School, Noida [Constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University)], Noida 201301, India ' ICFAI Business School, ICFAI University, Dehradun, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248197, India
Abstract: A very short multidimensional scale consisting of 18 items has been developed for measuring the job satisfaction of customer-facing employees, so that its length would not be deterrent for practical applications. Using a sample of 632 customer-facing employees working with organised retail stores in the Delhi-National Capital Region (Delhi-NCR), India, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has been conducted with a subsample of 200 respondents and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been conducted with a subsample of 432 respondents. A series of EFA and CFA have resulted in 18 items categorised under five factors namely - working conditions; interpersonal relationships with co-workers and supervisor/manager; compensation; career advancement and growth opportunities; and training and development. The stability of the factor structure was assessed by again conducting CFA on a validation sample of 329 respondents. The overall measure has demonstrated construct validity and each of the five subscales has exhibited high internal consistency.
Keywords: job satisfaction; customer-facing employees; measurement scale; organised retail sector; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWE.2018.093429
International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, 2018 Vol.4 No.4, pp.314 - 346
Received: 28 Apr 2017
Accepted: 25 Mar 2018
Published online: 25 Jul 2018 *