Title: The greening of South Africa is basic to its healing
Authors: Ursula A. Barnett
Addresses: Inpra Press Agency, 12 Marion Court, Tooting High Street, London SW17 0RU, UK
Abstract: It is environmental issues which are crucial in restoring the disastrous impact of the apartheid system in South Africa. The denial of natural resources in the rural areas to the majority of the people in the country is largely responsible for most of the problems which confronted the new government. Land reform, provision of clean water and sanitation, the HIV/AIDS epidemic and other diseases, education, crime and basic social services were among the main issues to be addressed. Much progress has been made in the 11 years since the fall of apartheid, but much still needs to be done.
Keywords: greening; South Africa; Albie Sachs; land reform; poverty alleviation; employment equity; education; green economics; environmental issues.
International Journal of Green Economics, 2006 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.169 - 173
Published online: 22 Mar 2006 *
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