Title: An empirical study of factors affecting customer loyalty in e-business: a predictive study in selected states of India
Authors: Swapnil Mackasare; Sanjit Roy Chowdhury
Addresses: Christ Institute of Management (CIM), 30 Valor Court, At Post: Dasve, Lavasa, Taluka: Mulshi, Pune 412112, Maharashtra, India ' Christ Institute of Management (CIM), 30 Valor Court, At Post: Dasve, Lavasa, Taluka: Mulshi, Pune 412112, Maharashtra, India
Abstract: Online transactions have brought a new dimension to the buying and selling of goods and services. However, the impact of internet in India is constrained by many obstacles like limited availability of internet infrastructure, high costs of internet access and usage, lack of awareness, truncated digital literacy, narrow range of applications. The purpose of this paper is to assess factors that will affect the future usage of e-commerce by internet users across the country which was achieved by using a survey approach. The use of social media helped immensely to achieve the intended purpose. Data analysis was done by using SPSS. Results indicate that the internet users have the necessary knowhow of utilising the benefits of digital transactions. The paper also provides managerial implications for online companies with regard to improved security during transactions, designing convenient website layouts and building a value proposition in order retain online customers in the future.
Keywords: online shopping; consumer behaviour; online shopping factors; e-commerce transactions; e-loyalty; e-satisfaction; web-based purchasing; consumer loyalty in e-commerce; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2018.093764
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2018 Vol.11 No.3, pp.203 - 236
Received: 29 Apr 2017
Accepted: 21 Dec 2017
Published online: 03 Aug 2018 *