Title: Applying PBL to teaching robotics
Authors: Yair Zadok; Nadav Voloch
Addresses: Dan School of High-Tech Studies, The Center for Academic Studies, Or-Yehuda, Israel ' Dan School of High-Tech Studies, The Center for Academic Studies, Or-Yehuda, Israel
Abstract: More than 30 years ago, new ventures in the field of robotics began to appear in the educational systems all over the world. Robotics projects can serve as a good platform for the implementation of meaningful learning characteristics, such as finding interest and challenge, sense of control in the learning process and personal empowerment. In addition, this practice contributes to the fostering of high-order skills, such as metacognitive thinking, problem solving, creativity and teamwork. In recent years, the Israeli Ministry of Education adopted the participation of students in robotics competitions, which exposes students to the world of engineering challenges by building an autonomous robot which performs a number of tasks on the job board, under the guidance of teachers and instructors. This article describes a case study that addressed two main issues related to the project-based learning method. It examined the relationship between project-based learning, robotics and project management fundamentals, and the teacher's preference for adopting a possible solution for implementing this method optimally.
Keywords: robotics; project-based learning; PBL; project management.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2018 Vol.24 No.2, pp.138 - 151
Received: 03 Jul 2017
Accepted: 24 Sep 2017
Published online: 14 Aug 2018 *