Title: The relationship between positive and negative affect, workplace spirituality and job satisfaction
Authors: Michael Sony; Kochu Therisa Beena Karingada
Addresses: Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Namibia ' DCT's Dhempe College of Arts and Science, Miramar, Goa, 403001, India
Abstract: The study tested the relationship between workplace spirituality, positive and negative affect at work and job satisfaction. 387 employees working in power utility in India completed workplace spirituality scale by (Petchsawang and Duchon, 2009) job affect scale (Brief et al., 1988) and job satisfaction (Adams et al., 1995). Results were analysed using structural equation modelling and regression analysis. The positive and negative affect at work mediated the relationship between workplace spirituality and job satisfaction with positive affect exerting a stronger influence. Among the four workplace spirituality dimensions compassion, meaningful work and mindfulness were significant independent predictors of affect at work. The results extend the literature on workplace spirituality effects in organisational settings.
Keywords: workplace spirituality; positive affect; negative affect; job satisfaction; compassion; meaningful work; mindfulness; transcendence.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2018.094254
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2018 Vol.17 No.2, pp.202 - 220
Received: 13 Jun 2017
Accepted: 29 Dec 2017
Published online: 23 Aug 2018 *