Title: Intelligent information passing about road transport using GSM and GPS
Authors: Balamurugan Mohan; N. Karthik
Addresses: EEE Department, Hindustan University, Chennai-603103, India ' EEE Department, Hindustan University, Chennai-603103, India
Abstract: The main intention of this project is to find the accident spot and pass the location information to passenger's neighbours and also to the nearby police station and hospitals through the GPS and GSM networks. Nowadays, it becomes very difficult to know where an accident occurred and where to locate the vehicle. It is very difficult for the survival of the victim until anyone notices and provides the information to the nearby police station, hospitals and passenger's neighbours. If an accident occurs in remote areas, there will be no hope to survive. In this project, a programmed GPS/GSM module will incorporate a crash detector (vibrating sensor) which will report automatically to the nearby police station, hospitals, and passenger's neighbours. The information shares the location of the accident via GSM communication platform (using SMS messaging). This will allow a quick and early response and rescue of victims of the accident; saving lives and properties. The paper reports its experimental results, with appropriate conclusions and recommendations.
Keywords: GPS; GSM; RFID; liquid crystal display; LCD; SS; BSS; OSS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2018.095264
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2018 Vol.9 No.4, pp.386 - 391
Received: 14 Aug 2017
Accepted: 27 Feb 2018
Published online: 02 Oct 2018 *