Title: University-timetabling problem and its solution using GELS algorithm: a case study
Authors: Majid Nikougoftar Nategh; Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi; Valentina Emilia Balas
Addresses: Department of Information Technology, University of Qom, Qom Beranch, Qom, Iran ' Young Researchers and Elite Club, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran ' Aurel Vlaicu' University, Bd. Revolutiei 77, 310130 Arad, Romania
Abstract: Course scheduling includes a large volume of data with numerous constraints and unchangeable specifications and each university deals with several times a year. Course scheduling is a NP-hard problem and using traditional methods to solve it is very difficult. But evolutionary algorithms suggest good solutions for this type of problems. In this paper we used gravitational emulation local search algorithm to solve the course scheduling problem which is an evolutionary algorithm. Results demonstrate the good quality of time table provided by the proposed algorithm and also decreased time against other algorithms.
Keywords: course scheduling; GELS algorithm; genetic algorithm.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2018.095473
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2018 Vol.11 No.3/4, pp.368 - 377
Received: 26 Mar 2016
Accepted: 05 May 2016
Published online: 08 Oct 2018 *