Title: Personalised reconfigurable trust management

Authors: Hisham Salah; Mohamed Eltoweissy

Addresses: Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt; Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA ' Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, USA; Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA

Abstract: Current technologies to include cloud computing, social networking, and mobile applications, coupled with the explosion in storage and processing power, are evolving massive-scale marketplaces for a wide variety of resources and services. In such marketplaces, interaction parties are largely autonomous with vastly diverse requirements, capabilities, and trust profiles. Thus, placing challenges against trustworthy interactions and transactions. We claim the need for customisable trust management system that can be personalised for the robustness and wide-scale adoption of such marketplaces. In this paper, we present reference architecture which decouples trust management operations and defines five interrelated reconfigurable components. The components which collectively can be used to implement a wide spectrum of trust management systems ranging from generic to highly personalised. We used the proposed architecture to implement a personalised and a generic trust management system. Our evaluations showed higher effectiveness and efficiency results in case of personalised trust, in addition to resilience and scalability.

Keywords: trust management; reputation management; personalised trust; trust architecture; customisable systems; dynamic clustering.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTMCC.2018.095612

International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications, 2018 Vol.4 No.2, pp.132 - 171

Received: 20 Jan 2017
Accepted: 01 Mar 2018

Published online: 12 Oct 2018 *

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