Title: Processing of PA2200/HDPE by SIS: effect on microstructure and mechanical properties
Authors: Sagar M. Baligidad; U. Chandrasekhar; K. Elangovan; S. Shankar; Vijayananda Kaup
Addresses: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 560037, India ' Veltech University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600054, India ' Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of Engineering, Hosur, 635117, India ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 560036, India ' Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 560037, India
Abstract: Application of polymer blend offers advantages like controlled composition, free-form structure and better operating parameters for rapid prototyping (RP) of parts. This study focuses on the investigation of parts produced by using different blend ratios of PA2200/HDPE and by selective inhibition sintering (SIS) technique. Study includes evaluation of blend ratios and the influence of operating parameters on the density, mechanical properties and the microstructure of the generated parts. Microstructure of parts produced with differing PA2200/HDPE blends have been found to be heterogeneous with co-continuous and disperse phase, depending upon the percentage of HDPE in the blend. Part-density and porosity of 3D printed parts also varied as a function of the blend composition. The blends 80/20 and 50/50 showed poor ultimate strength, indicating a low likeliness between PA2200 and HDPE components. The 20/80 blend showed higher ultimate strength due to high HDPE content. It also discloses a change in creep behaviour as a function of change in polymer composition.
Keywords: PA2200/HDPE blend; selective inhibition sintering; mechanical properties; microstructure.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2018.096143
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2018 Vol.13 No.3/4, pp.185 - 197
Received: 28 Dec 2017
Accepted: 29 May 2018
Published online: 13 Nov 2018 *