Title: The privacy aware transmission highway framework
Authors: Alfredo Pérez Fernández; Guttorm Sindre
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway ' Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Abstract: Handling users' privacy in ubiquitous systems is a difficult challenge. Many frameworks have been proposed to analyse the problems of privacy in a world with computers resembling typewriters. However, as the world evolves towards a proliferation of invisible computers, we see that the classical approaches are insufficient. Designers and developers need tools to help them better understand how to mitigate privacy threats in such complex systems. In our approach, the privacy aware transmission highway (PATH) framework, we address privacy threats originated as the result of the interaction between users and ubiquitous computing systems. We analyse the reasons why these privacy threats occur and propose a method to decompose the complex and abstract problem of privacy into more manageable sub-problems. An evaluation has been conducted with experts and students to validate the applicability of the framework.
Keywords: privacy; privacy-by-design; ubiquitous computing; internet of things; HCI; PATH framework; evaluation process; design science research.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIPSI.2018.096156
International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity, 2018 Vol.3 No.4, pp.327 - 350
Received: 07 Mar 2018
Accepted: 08 Aug 2018
Published online: 13 Nov 2018 *