Title: An IoT prototype system for environmental sustainability
Authors: Cynthia Fu; David Sta Cruz; Bo Sun; Guang Sun
Addresses: Department of Computer Science, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, 77710, USA ' Department of Computer Science, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, 77710, USA ' Department of Computer Science, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, 77710, USA ' Institute of Big Data, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha, Hunan, 410205, China
Abstract: We present an Intel Edison and Raspberry Pi 3 based proof-of-concept Internet of Things (IoT) prototype to efficiently collect environmental data, to advance understanding of water quantity and quality research. By utilising the Intel Edison board and Raspberry Pi 3, we create an IoT prototype to remotely monitor important environment variables, including air temperature, light intensity, and water temperature, pH, and conductivity. Specifically, for Intel Edison, by leveraging water temperature sensor probe H377, low-voltage precision centigrade sensor probe TMP36, and light sensor SEN-9088, we have built a prototype IoT to collect water temperature, air temperature, and ambient light. For Raspberry Pi 3, we leverage EZO class pH and conductivity sensor probes from AtlasScientific and Raspbian Jessie. The collected readings are then calibrated and transmitted to a public channel from www.ThingSpeak.com, which facilitates data sharing with researchers. We further point out important future work to extend our proposed IoT full-fledged.
Keywords: IoT; internet of things; sensor networks; security; prototype.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSNET.2018.096263
International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2018 Vol.28 No.3, pp.189 - 201
Received: 28 Jun 2018
Accepted: 28 Jun 2018
Published online: 20 Nov 2018 *