Title: Towards the verification of cyber-physical processes based on time and physical properties
Authors: Imen Graja; Slim Kallel; Nawal Guermouche; Ahmed Hadj Kacem
Addresses: ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia ' ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia ' LAAS-CNRS, CNRS, UT1, INSA, Universite de Toulouse, Toulouse, France ' ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Abstract: A cyber-physical process is a set of cyber and physical activities performed to accomplish a common goal in a given amount of time. The collaboration between cyber-physical processes describes the behaviour of networked cyber-physical systems (NCPS). NCPS have time-related and physical properties, which are crucial to the correctness of their execution. However, when we specify the collaboration between processes, some combination of their corresponding properties can be conflicting. This conflict renders the participating cyber-physical processes incompatible. We observe two types of problems: implicit time-related, and physical-related incompatibilities. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to verify the compatibility of cyber-physical processes with time-related and physical properties. We first define a set of constraints that allow the transformation of the NCPS model into a constraint satisfaction model. Then, we check the compatibility of the processes. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of our approach through a case study.
Keywords: cyber-physical systems; CPS; time-related properties; physical properties; collaborative behaviour; constraint satisfaction problem; CSP; BPMN; compatibility of processes.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2019.096364
International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 2019 Vol.13 No.1, pp.47 - 76
Received: 10 May 2017
Accepted: 05 Aug 2017
Published online: 27 Nov 2018 *