Title: New independent technology-based firms: differences from other NTBFs and future research agenda for technology innovation management
Authors: Fernanda Paula Arantes; Mauro Caetano; Verônica Angélica Freitas De Paula; Maria Salete Batista Freitag
Addresses: School of Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Economics, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, Goias, Brazil ' School of Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Economics, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, Goias, Brazil ' School of Business and Management, Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil ' School of Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Economics, Federal University of Goias, Goiania, Goias, Brazil
Abstract: New technology-based firms (NTBFs) are responsible for the dissemination of technological innovation and industrial boosting, and have become attractive topics of research in the scientific field. However, literature is not uniform in its understanding of the concepts and definitions involving these organisations. Starting from the assumption that clarifying this distinction may contribute to the scientific production of knowledge directed to NTBFs' specificities, this study first aims to suggest a new typology for NTBFs, differentiating between independent and dependent NTBFs. Second, this study presents an overview of recent innovation management studies on independent NTBFs among the top ten technology innovation management journals through a systematic literature review. Research results indicate various distinctive features between these organisations and the existence of several literature gaps to be exploited, such as the licensing of innovation and intra-industrial innovation architectures.
Keywords: technology-based; new enterprises; innovation management; technology intensive enterprises; systematic literature review; new independent technology-based firms; spin-offs; technological innovations; innovation management studies.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2019.096501
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2019 Vol.23 No.1, pp.46 - 71
Accepted: 01 Mar 2017
Published online: 05 Dec 2018 *