Title: General situation of wind energy source in Turkey and wind turbine technologies
Authors: Yusuf Alper Kaplan; Sener Agalar; Hasan Bildircin
Addresses: Department of Energy Engineering, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, 80000, Osmaniye, Turkey ' Department of Electric Electronic Engineering, Anadolu University, 26000, Eskişehir, Turkey ' Department of Energy Engineering, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, 80000, Osmaniye, Turkey
Abstract: The increasing need for new energy sources is a result of the rapidly increasing global population and consumption of fossil fuels. In order to achieve more efficient use of wind energy in Turkey, the establishment of more efficient wind turbines with new technologies and the widespread use of wind-generating systems are inevitable. The regional distribution of the wind energy potential of Turkey, the regional and general usage rates and the policies followed in wind energy subjects are worth investigating. Besides, it is very important to discover new wind fields, to calculate the capacities of these areas by technical analysis methods and finally to use them. Recently, wind power capacity has increased dramatically in Turkey and accompanying that, the wind turbines that produce it have become more affordable and more efficient for wind energy producers. Wind turbine technologies have been mentioned in general and generator models used in wind turbines have been examined. Consequently, wind energy resource is not efficiently used in Turkey and how the using of wind energy potential is improved is generally discussed.
Keywords: DFIG; energy policy; energy structure; PMSG; renewable energy; wind energy; wind turbine generator; Turkey.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2019.097004
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 2019 Vol.10 No.1/2, pp.56 - 67
Received: 04 Oct 2017
Accepted: 31 Mar 2018
Published online: 14 Dec 2018 *