Title: The international pressures on the energy market in Iberian America and Brazil
Authors: Guilhermina Lavos Coimbra
Addresses: Federal Rural University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Abstract: This paper analyses Brazilian nuclear energy history, and addresses recent events, such as the international political pressures, the International Atomic Energy Agency/IAEA position, the new facts about nuclear energy in the world, the international energy market and the Iberian-America, the news about the Brazilian nuclear energy area, the best opportunities of good business in the Brazilian nuclear sector, the Brazilian Government and the Brazilian public position, in relation to International Law.
Keywords: Brazil; nuclear energy; nuclear power; commercial nuclear competence law; Iberian America energy; nuclear law; non-proliferation; international pressures; energy market.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2006.009714
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2006 Vol.1 No.1, pp.77 - 83
Published online: 06 May 2006 *
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