Title: A legal framework of financial liability of the nuclear power reactor industry in the field of waste management in Sweden and proposals for improvements
Authors: Claes Martensson, Tomas Lofgren
Addresses: The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI), Stockholm SE-171 16, Sweden. ' The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI), Stockholm SE-171 16, Sweden
Abstract: According to the nuclear legislation in Sweden, companies licensed to operate nuclear power plants have overall responsibility for safely managing all nuclear waste and to pay all expenses regarding final disposal. A committee was set up by the Government to explore the requirements in the present legislation, and if necessary, make proposals for improvements. The committee proposed that the liability of the industry for costs should be formalised by extending the liability to pay fees until the time at which the waste disposal sites are sealed, and by extending this liability to include an owning company in each group, in addition to the reactor owner. The aim of this secondary liability payment is that it shall rest with the company in a group that has ability to make the payments.
Keywords: financial liability; extending liability; nuclear waste management; Sweden; nuclear law; nuclear power plants; nuclear safety; waste disposal; nuclear reactors; nuclear energy; funding.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNUCL.2006.009715
International Journal of Nuclear Law, 2006 Vol.1 No.1, pp.84 - 90
Published online: 06 May 2006 *
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