Title: Threats of the internet of things in a techno-regulated society: a new legal challenge of the information revolution
Authors: Eduardo Magrani
Addresses: School of Law, Center for Technology and Society, FGV Direito Rio, Brazil
Abstract: The promise of hyperconnectivity. Continuous interaction between gadgets, sensors and people points to the rising number of data being produced, stored and processed. On one hand, it may bring benefits to consumers, on the other, growing connectivity, accompanied by data overflow can also challenge privacy and fundamental rights. This paper approaches some of the challenges faced by the rule of law posed by the advancement of the internet of things, which includes a wide variety of actors, most importantly private companies that seek to promote techno-regulation through design, algorithms and market-based contracts.
Keywords: information revolution; information and communication technologies; ICT; IoT; hyperconnectivity; connectivity; threats; risks; regulation; personal data; fundamental rights.
International Journal of Private Law, 2018 Vol.9 No.1/2, pp.4 - 18
Published online: 15 Jan 2019 *
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