Title: Massive open online courses as open educational resources in a blended teaching and learning mode of instructional delivery in higher education
Authors: Melinda Dela Peña Bandalaria
Addresses: Faculty of Information and Communication Studies, University of the Philippines Open University, Los Baños 4031, Laguna, Philippines
Abstract: Education system, especially in developing countries, faces many challenges which include the quality of instruction as concretised by the quality of instructional content and qualifications of the teachers. The increasing adoption of open education practice (OEP) especially massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open educational resources (OERs) presents some potentials to address the concern of access to quality education. Many studies already provided some results on the use of OERs to improve instructional content. Harnessing MOOCs potential, on the other hand, is still constrained by factors like low completion rates and sustainability model. A preliminary study was done to look at the potential of using MOOCs as OERs in a blended teaching and learning mode of instruction. Specifically, the study determined the mechanics involved in the adoption of the model; the learners experience and perceived effectiveness of the model in terms of facilitating their learnings and the advantages and challenges in the adoption of the MOOCs as OERs model.
Keywords: massive open online courses; MOOCs; open educational resources; OERs; teaching innovation; teaching model; higher education.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2019 Vol.25 No.2, pp.156 - 169
Received: 07 Jun 2018
Accepted: 20 Aug 2018
Published online: 04 Feb 2019 *