Title: Using GHBMC M50-O to assess the suitability of H-III and THOR for the SOI tests

Authors: Chin-Hsu Lin; Ashish Nayak

Addresses: GM Global Technical Center, 30565 William Durant Boulevard, Office REB2-292A, Warren, Michigan 48092-2031, USA ' GM India - Technical Center, Creator Building, International Tech Park, ITPL - Creator Building Office 2V005, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066, India

Abstract: The NHTSA frontal 90 kph 150 OMDB 35% offset test is a part of the new test protocol being proposed to simulate small overlap and oblique impact crashes in the field. An advanced crash test dummy, THOR, is proposed in the test protocol for injury risk assessment instead of the standard frontal impact dummy Hybrid III (H-III). An integrated vehicle finite element model with H-III, THOR and the GHBMC 50th male models is employed to compare the kinematics and injury differences. In this study, we evaluated the occupant response in the new frontal OMDB test using GHBMC models to quantify and qualify the potential injury pattern and risk in this type of crash. The vehicle model was validated with both a full frontal 35 mph rigid barrier test and the very first frontal OMDB test with the H-III 50th %ile male dummies is conducted. The differences in the measured responses of the H-III and THOR from simulations and tests, and the simulated responses of the GHBMC model, were compared. The additional tissue-level injuries predicted by the GMBMC model, which are beyond the capability of the H-III and THOR dummies, showed the potential injury pattern and risk of occupants in the OMDB test.

Keywords: SOI; OMDB; GHBMC; THOR; Hybrid III; soft tissue injury.

DOI: 10.1504/IJVS.2018.097722

International Journal of Vehicle Safety, 2018 Vol.10 No.3/4, pp.301 - 319

Received: 08 Jun 2018
Accepted: 13 Dec 2018

Published online: 05 Feb 2019 *

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