Title: Crowd funding dynamics for venture and innovation development

Authors: Jarunee Wonglimpiyarat

Addresses: Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA

Abstract: This study explores the dynamics of crowd funding mechanisms to support venture development in Thailand. Under the policy of moving the country towards 'Thailand 4.0', the Thai government has placed importance on value-based economy and innovation driven economy. The empirical analyses, based on the national innovation system (NIS) approach, have shown that the Thai government plays a key role in building a crowd funding platform to provide entrepreneurial finance for start-ups. The findings point out the barriers both at the policy and operation levels underlying the Thai financial innovation system. The paper provides insightful lessons and implications to strengthen the FinTech crowd funding platform for promoting knowledge intensive economic growth.

Keywords: FinTech; crowd funding; innovation system; technology-based start-ups; entrepreneurship.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2019.097989

International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2019 Vol.19 No.1, pp.1 - 13

Received: 07 Sep 2017
Accepted: 12 Jan 2018

Published online: 26 Feb 2019 *

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