Title: Coevolution of technological capabilities and regulation in Indonesian herbal medicine sector
Authors: Lutfah Ariana
Addresses: Research Center for Science and Technology Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Gedung A PDII LIPI 4th floor, Jl. Gatot Soebroto Kav. 10, Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Abstract: This paper aimed to analyse the co-evolution process between technological capabilities of herbal medicine companies and regulation in terms of standard and product quality. Technological capabilities of herbal medicine companies are related to their abilities to produce new products, based on medicinal plants, in which the efficacy and the safety of the products for human consumption have been scientifically proven. By using multiple case studies, this research focuses on five herbal medicine companies and four pharmaceutical companies in which all of the companies have produced one or more herbal products, such as traditional herbal medicines, standardised herbal medicines (SHMs), and clinical herbal medicines (phytopharmaca). The sorts of regulation related to herbal products generates the need for changes in technological capabilities of herbal medicine companies. However, this study revealed that there are different technological capabilities acknowledged between herbal medicine companies and pharmaceutical companies in driving the herbal product orientation.
Keywords: technological capability; co-evolution; herbal medicine; traditional; jamu; phytopharmaca; scientific evidence; regulation; herbal company.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2019.097990
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2019 Vol.19 No.1, pp.14 - 31
Received: 18 Mar 2017
Accepted: 11 Jan 2018
Published online: 26 Feb 2019 *