Title: Sustainable development viewed from the lens of Islam
Authors: Junaid Qadir; Asad Zaman
Addresses: Information Technology University (ITU), Arfa Software Technology Park, Ferozepur Rd, Lahore, 54600, Pakistan ' Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE), Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan
Abstract: The 'sustainable development' movement arose as a reaction to the myopic formulation of development exclusively in terms of economic growth by neoclassical economics, regardless of its disastrous effects on the planet as well as on the people. The sustainable development movement has made much progress in highlighting the deficiencies of existing economic theory, but its practical import has been insufficient. The purpose of this article is to articulate the Islamic conception of the sustainable development vision and to briefly describe the tools, incentives, and guidelines that Islam offers. The Islamic conception of development is inherently sustainable (as defined by the sustainable community) due to its focus on responsible consumption, empathy for others, and recommendations for simpler lifestyles. Furthermore, the Islamic tradition provides concrete practical tools - such as legal instruments for the state as well as incentives to individuals - that can help in practically implementing the sustainable development vision.
Keywords: sustainable development; Islamic economics; Islamic sustainable development.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPEE.2019.098181
International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 2019 Vol.10 No.1, pp.46 - 60
Received: 12 Aug 2017
Accepted: 11 Mar 2018
Published online: 05 Mar 2019 *