Title: Partitioning and health risk dose assessment of polonium-210 in selected brands of cigarettes and types of tobacco consumed in Jordan
Authors: Mohammad S. Al-Hwaiti; Hanan H. Saleh; Ma'mon Makhaleh; Mufid Masadeh
Addresses: Environmental Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, P.O. Box (20), Ma'an, Jordan ' Department of Radiography, College of Nursing and Health, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan ' Radiochemistry Laboratory, Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission, Amman, Jordan ' Radiochemistry Laboratory, Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission, Amman, Jordan
Abstract: The aim of this study was the determination of Po-210 in cigarettes consumed in different parts of Jordan and determination of Po-210 in the four most frequently smoked brands (mixed brand cigarettes, cigarette brand - Gold Star, tobacco wrapped paper - Hishi and tobacco moassel). Po-210 in tobacco displays concentrations ranging from 4 to 29 mBq/g, depending upon the cigarette brand. The average percentages of Po-210 content in mixed brand cigarettes, cigarette brand (Gold Star), tobacco Hishi and tobacco moassel that were recovered by post-smoking filters, ash and smoke were 8.70%, 8.32%, 22.51% and 28.92%, respectively. Smokers, who are smoking cigarettes (mixed and gold coast) and tobacco (Hishi and moassel) per day, are inhaling on average ranged from 127 to 157 mBq/d and from 108 to 156 mBq/d, respectively, of Po-210 and Pb-210 each. The average annual effective doses due to Po-210 and Pb-210 intake by smoking one pack of cigarettes per day, during one year were 317 (0.37 mSv) and 480 (0.48 mSv), 257 (0.26 mSv) and 389 (0.39 mSv), 315 (0.32 mSv) and 469 (0.47 mSv), and 220 (0.22 mSv) and 332 (0.33 mSv), respectively.
Keywords: polonium-210; cigarette smoking; tobacco smoking; dose assessment; distribution; Jordan.
International Journal of Low Radiation, 2018 Vol.11 No.1, pp.66 - 77
Received: 20 Feb 2018
Accepted: 29 Oct 2018
Published online: 07 Mar 2019 *