Title: Methodological proposal for the supply chain risk management within the aeronautical sector
Authors: Miguel Suffo; Roberto C. Brome
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, High Engineering School, Universidad de Cádiz, Campus de Puerto Real, Polígono Río San Pedro s/n 11519, Puerto Real (Cádiz), Spain ' Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, High Engineering School, Universidad de Cádiz, Campus de Puerto Real, Polígono Río San Pedro s/n 11519, Puerto Real (Cádiz), Spain
Abstract: This works describes the agents involved in the supply chain of the aeronautical sector. These agents are in charge of receiving and processing truthful information that is subject to a series of risks. Within the paradigm of globalisation of markets, the aeronautics industries must face the risks derived from the decentralisation of their value processes. Even though this decentralisation is mainly aimed at reducing costs, it also generates uncertainty due to the introduction of suppliers in developing markets. We propose a methodology that helps identify and classify these risks and allows selecting and sizing the most appropriate strategy to deal with them. The most frequent reactions developed by the companies to manage the risks are explained through a real case study of the aeronautical sector. Finally, in only six months, the application of the methodology to the real aeronautical case has allowed the risk management department to reduce them by 35%.
Keywords: supply chain; risk management; aerospace.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2018 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.290 - 302
Received: 14 Jun 2018
Accepted: 10 Dec 2018
Published online: 22 Mar 2019 *