Title: What can enterprise architecture do for healthcare? A framework of antecedents and benefits

Authors: Mikael Gebre-Mariam; Bendik Bygstad

Addresses: Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway ' Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway

Abstract: The aim of this study is to provide a consolidated knowledge of the organisational impact of enterprise architecture (EA) healthcare and the factors affecting its adoption and maturity. In this paper, we provide a synthesis based on a systematic review of the EA literature which has implication for both research and practice. First, we provide an overview framework of the antecedents and benefits of EA in healthcare. Second, we present a conceptualisation of four EA activity streams: 1) negotiation; 2) coordination; 3) descriptive; 4) prescriptive activity streams. For researchers, the healthcare EA framework, benefits, factors and lessons described in this review provide the necessary components to make sense of EA adoption and maturity in healthcare. For practitioners, we highlight the need to concurrently build EA capabilities of the four activity streams in order to adequately engage with the techno-organisational change in healthcare.

Keywords: healthcare enterprise architecture; eHealth architecture; healthcare IT governance.

DOI: 10.1504/EG.2019.098672

Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2019 Vol.15 No.2, pp.213 - 239

Received: 19 Apr 2017
Accepted: 24 Jul 2018

Published online: 29 Mar 2019 *

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