Title: A technique to validate automatic generation of Büchi automata from UML 2 sequence diagrams based on multi layer transformations
Authors: Nabil Messaoudi; Allaoua Chaoui; Mohamed Bettaz
Addresses: Misc Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constanitne 2, Algeria; Abbes Laghrour University, Khenchela, Algeria ' Misc Laboratory, Abdelhamid Mehri University, Constanitne 2, Algeria ' Philadelphia University, Amman, 19392, Jordan
Abstract: Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to transform UML models to formal methods for verification reason. However, few of these approaches take into account the validation of such transformations. This paper is a proposal in this context. It has two parts; first, we propose a technique to control the output of a transformational tool, in order to obtain safe transformational rules, and second, we propose a way to generate the formal model Büchi automata. More particularly, we show how to use multi layer transformations to obtain Büchi automata From UML2SD. The validation technique is based on the algebraic graph transformations and on the use of AGG tool. A scenario of telephone system is taken as a case study to illustrate our validation technique.
Keywords: UML 2 sequence diagrams; semantics; model transformations validation; Büchi automata; AGG.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCVR.2019.098799
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics, 2019 Vol.9 No.2, pp.172 - 191
Received: 02 May 2017
Accepted: 11 Jul 2018
Published online: 02 Apr 2019 *