Title: Acceptance of learning management system in university students: an integrating framework of modified UTAUT2 and TTF theories
Authors: Arshian Sharif; Sahar Afshan; Muhammad Asif Qureshi
Addresses: School of Economics, Finance & Banking, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM Sintok 06010 Kedah, Malaysia ' Eman Institute of Management Sciences, EIMS Karachi 75300, Sindh, Pakistan ' School of Business Management, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, UUM Sintok 06010 Kedah, Malaysia
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the unused (behavioural and technological) scopes of learning management system acceptance by succeeding an extra inclusive method to address learning management intention adoption. CFA and SEM analyses have been used to examine the data gathered from university students. The study attempts to investigate the part of technological variables in explaining behavioural intention of individuals to adopt learning management by integrating two pre-established frameworks of UTAUT2 (modified) and TTF. The empirical outcomes proven the significant impact of task (TAC) and technology characteristics (TEC) in simplifying task technology fit (TTF). The outcomes of this study also support the significant relationship of task technology fit (TTF) and facilitating condition (FC) with intention to adopt learning management system. The current study offers an all-inclusive method to explain the acceptance of learning management system by joining two recognised theories of technology acceptance. The strength of current study is based on combining behavioural and technological features of learning management system. The explanatory power of our research model suggests the very best explanatory power that described 60.1% of the behavioural intention to adopt learning management.
Keywords: UTAUT2; learning value; learning management system; e-learning; TTF.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2019.098810
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2019 Vol.11 No.2, pp.201 - 229
Accepted: 06 Feb 2018
Published online: 02 Apr 2019 *