Title: Innovation, technologies, participation: new paradigms towards a 2.0 citizenship

Authors: Beniamino Murgante; Giorgia Botonico; Antonio Graziadei; Gerardo Sassano; Federico Amato; Francesco Scorza

Addresses: School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, 10, Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano, 85100, Potenza, Italy ' Volumezero Architecture and Landscape, Piazzale Sofia, 37C, 85100, Potenza, Italy ' Paesaggi Meridiani, Via Pienza, 24, 85100, Potenza, Italy ' Volumezero Architecture and Landscape, Piazzale Sofia, 37C, 85100, Potenza, Italy ' Faculty of Geosciences and Environment – Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, University of Lausanne, Quartier UNIL-Mouline, Bâtiment Géopolis, CH – 1015 Lausanne ' School of Engineering, University of Basilicata, 10, Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano, 85100, Potenza, Italy

Abstract: The spread of information and communications technologies (ICT) and mobile devices is changing the relationship among citizenship and urban spaces. The use of the internet allows communities - either real or virtual ones - to produce an increasing amount of data about cities and their life. These assumptions were the basement for the "Urban Laboratory in Innovation", a workshop held in Potenza (Southern Italy), in which experts and researchers asked a group of volunteers to analyse life in public spaces of a neighbourhood and point out insights for its regeneration. This experience shows how social network and VGI are useful tools for the development of innovative policies, e-democracy and participation to decision-making processes. Nevertheless, even when specific tools are implemented to favour the inclusion of citizens into the policy-making processes, traditional participatory and design approaches are still a valuable instrument to synthesise their requirements and effectively support the development of site-specific urban planning tools.

Keywords: tactical urbanism; e-participation; community engagement; urban planning; urban acupuncture.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEG.2019.098814

International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2019 Vol.11 No.1, pp.62 - 88

Received: 17 Jan 2018
Accepted: 03 Jul 2018

Published online: 02 Apr 2019 *

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