Title: The current status of customer relationship management: experience of small businesses in the Jordanian food industry
Authors: Ghazi A. Al-Weshah
Addresses: Faculty of Business, Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan
Abstract: This study aims at exploring customer relationship management (CRM) in Jordanian small food companies. More specifically, the study investigates CRM benefits, tools, and evaluation criteria in Jordanian food companies. The study is based on qualitative design; face-to-face and semi-structured interviews are conducted to collect data. The study employs thematic and textual analysis of each interview. Accordingly, the study adopts cross-interview analysis to highlight holistic view of the study themes. The study concludes that CRM is limited to some practices and the concept is relatively new in the sector. Profit maximisation, market share, brand equity, and positive word of mouth are expected benefits of CRM. Phone calls and social media are the common CRM tools in food industry. The study provides executives with insights into CRM practices by creating awareness among customers and managers of food companies to enhance the effectiveness of CRM and confirm benefits and advantages for interested parties.
Keywords: customer relationship management; CRM; CRM tools; qualitative approach; interviews; food companies; food processing industry; Jordan.
DOI: 10.1504/IJECRM.2019.098975
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 2019 Vol.12 No.1, pp.1 - 20
Accepted: 22 Sep 2018
Published online: 10 Apr 2019 *