Title: Triggers for customer dissatisfaction and the impact on online reviews and rating - an exploratory study on Indian fine dining restaurant
Authors: D.P. Sudhagar
Addresses: School of Professional Studies, Garden City University, Bangalore, 49, India
Abstract: The present study aims to understand the triggers for customer dissatisfaction with a fine dining restaurant setting based on the online review analysis. The study identified a restaurant ranked in no. 1 position from an online review website and the data collected. The data include overall customer rating score, frequently used review terminologies and reviews featured on an average and poor rating. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Based on the results of the study, lack of service quality is one of the essential triggers which caused customer dissatisfaction, followed by the food quality. Interestingly, ambiance played a decisive role even there was a lapse of the service and food quality. The present study findings are correlating with the previous studies. The results of the survey will help the restaurateur to handle customer dissatisfaction effectively. Any customer complaint needs to be treated promptly by following required service recovery strategies based on the nature of the complaint. This study will have significant implications for industry practitioners and researchers in this field of study.
Keywords: dissatisfaction; customers; fine dining restaurant; customer rating; online reviews; websites; triggers.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMTH.2018.099259
International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality, 2018 Vol.2 No.1, pp.104 - 116
Received: 21 Feb 2018
Accepted: 02 Dec 2018
Published online: 23 Apr 2019 *