Title: A method for estimating liner shipping time under uncertainty
Authors: Min Lin; Miao Li; Hao Hao; Lu Zhen
Addresses: School of Management, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, 200444, China ' School of Management, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, 200444, China ' School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, 2360 Jinhai Road, Shanghai, 201209, China ' School of Management, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, 200444, China
Abstract: With the rapid development of container transportation and the fierce competition among ports, container terminal operators pay more attention to meet the individual needs of customers. This study develops a system to estimate container liner shipping arrival time and the probability distribution for each time set by considering transit process and the periodicity of liner shipping. This system can give the most possible arrival time of cargoes to customers in advance, and then improve the level of port services. Also, a recursive algorithm based solution method and a parallel computing based solution method are proposed for solving the problem. Computational test is conducted on different scales and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed solution approach.
Keywords: liner shipping time; probability statistics; estimating; recursive algorithm; parallel computing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2019.099271
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2019 Vol.11 No.2/3, pp.145 - 160
Received: 14 Aug 2017
Accepted: 09 Nov 2017
Published online: 24 Apr 2019 *