Title: Philosophical prospective of organisational learning
Authors: Jamshid Ali Turi; Shahryar Sorooshian; Fatimah Binti Mahmud; Gusman Nawanir; A.S.M. Touhidul Islam
Addresses: Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia ' Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia ' Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia ' Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia ' Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia
Abstract: This article reviews and evaluates the concepts of the philosophical foundation of the organisational learning. Drawing on established literature in the field of organisational learning, the authors analyse learning from three perspectives - epistemological, ontological and sociological. They argue that how different internal and external phenomenon gives birth to the learning in organisation and how the organisation can benefit utilising them for the better management and productive engagement. The study concludes with some practical suggestions about how organisations can increase their ability to learn.
Keywords: organisational learning; sociological prospective; epistemological prospective; ontological prospective; organisational learning.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2019 Vol.13 No.1, pp.1 - 9
Received: 02 Apr 2018
Accepted: 25 Sep 2018
Published online: 29 Apr 2019 *