Title: Maintenance, repair, and operations inventory reduction and operational development
Authors: Matias Siponen; Harri Haapasalo; Janne Harkonen
Addresses: Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4610, Finland; University of Oulu, FI-90014, Finland ' Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4610, Finland; University of Oulu, FI-90014, Finland ' Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 4610, Finland; University of Oulu, FI-90014, Finland
Abstract: Emphasis on maintenance, repair, and operations inventory (MRO inventory) can lead to improvements in inventory control and productivity while reducing operational costs. This study focuses on different approaches to optimising and reducing spare part inventories by addressing the development of MRO inventory operations and by analysing the development efforts of an urban energy company. The results indicate that typical challenges faced in inventory control are due to inadequate control and management policies and procedures. Three main viewpoints are emphasised to developing spare part inventory operations, with a broad focus, including: material management, supplier management, and information system management. The need to adopt business process management methods to enable successful continuous development of the spare part inventory processes is also highlighted. A potential framework for the MRO inventory management development process is developed as a result of the findings, and the role of correct roles and responsibilities within the organisation is highlighted.
Keywords: inventory; spare part; maintenance, repair and operation; MRO; inventory reduction; industrial and systems engineering; process development; process management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2019.099780
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2019 Vol.32 No.1, pp.1 - 31
Received: 13 Dec 2016
Accepted: 10 Sep 2017
Published online: 22 May 2019 *