Title: On the relationship between passion, word-of-mouth behaviour and eudaimonic wellbeing

Authors: Christopher James White; Ting Yu

Addresses: School of Finance, Economics and Marketing, RMIT University, Building 80 Level 11, 455 Swanston St., Melbourne 3000, Australia ' School of Marketing, University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus, Sydney 2033, Australia

Abstract: This study proposes a dualistic model of passion, with impacts on positive word-of-mouth (WOM) behaviour and eudaimonic wellbeing. Neither passion nor eudaimonic wellbeing attracts sufficient attention in sport consumer literature, despite their promise in related fields. The parsimonious model, with its strong theoretical justification, reveals that harmonious passion (HP) and obsessive passion (OP) explain substantial variance in both outcome variables. Specifically, higher levels of OP are associated with lower levels of positive WOM, and consumers exhibiting HP tend to be strong, positive WOM ambassadors. In addition, higher levels of eudaimonic wellbeing mitigate adverse effects of OP. Considering the prominent role of passion for people's identity, it offers an attractive segmentation variable.

Keywords: passion; eudaimonia; word-of-mouth behaviour; well-being.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2019.099786

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2019 Vol.19 No.3/4, pp.253 - 267

Received: 20 Feb 2017
Accepted: 31 May 2018

Published online: 22 May 2019 *

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