Calls for papers

International Journal of Operational Research
Special Issue on: "Game Theory Applications in Operations Research and Management Science"
Guest Editor: Dr. Soheil Sibdari, University of Massachusetts, USA
Traditional research in operations research, especially in retail and service management, assumes that the agents behave according to an isolated system structure. In reality, especially with emerging new technologies such as the internet, the markets are more dynamic, with an environment managed by multiple agents whose behavior influences each others' payoff.
Recently, the operations research literature has experienced a growing interest in using game theory tools to tackle incentive-related problems with multiple agents. Competitors, consumers, retailers, and suppliers are self-interest agents whose actions affect each other benefits and optimal decisions. In such an environment, the decision of the agents affects each agent’s payoff. Therefore, game-theoretic tools can interact with other optimisation models to address the problems with multiple agents.
Although game theory has been very well studied in economic literature, there are not many studies practicing supply chains using practical research in game theory. The goal of this special issue is to collect recent studies in service and supply chain management using game theoretic models to address this gap.
Subject CoverageTopics to be covered include, but not limited to :
- Game theoretic application in multi-echelon supply chains.
- Auction design and bidding policies.
- Retail management with strategic customers.
- Competitive production scheduling.
- Bargaining in manufacturer-retailer systems.
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Submission due to Guest Editor : 4 May 2007
Papers reviewed : 20 August 2007
Decisions to the authors : 1 October 2007
Final revised version of accepted papers : 15 February 2008