Calls for papers
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics
NES2022: Special Issue on: "Human Factors and Ergonomics in an Unpredictable World"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Liyun Yang, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Assoc. Prof. Jessica Lindblom and Dr. Kristina Eliasson, Uppsala University, Sweden
Assoc. Prof. Denis A. Coelho, Jönköping University, Sweden
For this special issue, submissions are invited that related to the theme of "ergonomics in an unpredictable world". Preference will be given to thought-provoking papers that explore significant challenges and future opportunities related to the practical application of human factors and ergonomics within a broad range of contexts.
The Guest Editors will be inviting substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 51st Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference – Ergonomics in an unpredictable world (NES2022), for review and potential publication, but are also inviting other experts to submit articles for this call.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Activity theories for work analysis and design
- Affective design
- Aging
- Anthropometry
- Auditory ergonomics
- Crisis information design with a HF/E perspective
- Design and implementation of activity-based work environments
- Digital human modelling and simulation
- Ergonomics for children and educational environments
- Ergonomics in design for All
- Ergonomics in manufacturing
- Gender and work
- Health and safety
- HF/E and sustainable development
- Human factors in robotics
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Organisational design and management
- User-centred product development and evaluation of equipment
- Visual ergonomics
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
Authors who wish to publish their papers for this Special Issue as open access, an article processing fee of US $1500 will be charged. More details regarding publishing open access papers is available at:
Click here to download Open Access online order form (PDF format)
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 15 April, 2023