Calls for papers
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services
Special Issue on: "Product Service Solutions in Life Cycle Activities"
Guest Editors:
Professor Guobiao Wang, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), China
Professor Tim McAloone, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Professor Xinjian Gu, Zhejiang University, China
Currently the business mode of manufacturing enterprises is undergoing great changes, aimed at winning greatly increased benefits and realizing new product value enhancements. In this situation, selling efficient working capabilities through intangible services attached to products, as opposed to merely selling tangible products, is becoming a new trend.
In order to enable the above business mode, we not only need to construct a kind of new product service system and design the corresponding service network so as to maintain the efficient working capabilities, but also to consider the service accessibility of products through modularisation, embedded systems, environmental consideration, etc., in design stage. In addition, applying the service-oriented manufacturing philosophy under JIT, zero inventory is another way to cut down the cost of tangible products. It is obvious that service activities cover the whole product life-cycle, so it is important to attain a broad understanding of the way in which service-orientation affects product, manufacturing and customer use. Within the viewpoint of theory and methodologies, there is a dependency on a combination of manufacturing/design science with service science.
On the basis of these considerations of a service-oreinted development, this special issue will focus on reporting current research progresses and industrial case studies related to product service solution in the whole product life-cycle activities. We hope this issue will be a platform for world-wide researchers from both academic and industrial fields to exchange useful ideas. In addition, we also hope it will be an excellent attachment for the coming workshop on “Product Service Solutions in Life-cycle Activities” to be held in Xi’an on 15th-16th March, 2008 under the support of Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).
Subject CoverageThe topics of potential contributions may include, but not limited to:
- Frameworks, models and methodologies for product service systems
- Frameworks, models and methodologies for service-oriented manufacturing
- Frameworks, models and methodologies for customer-oriented service systems
- Design for easy service, including design for embedded systems, design for environment, design for modularization, design for maintenance, etc
- Organisational modes for product service systems
- Service design
- Product life-cycle data modelling and management
- Transitional strategies and experiences from product to product service system
- Outsourcing of manufacturing via services
- Performance analysis for service networks
- Product service workflow management
- Online dynamic product manual integrated with service computing
- Remote product monitoring and fault diagnosis
- E-maintenance
- IP sensor networks for products
- Measurement of product value enhancements through services
- Planning and scheduling for product service flow
- Interface design for collaboration in service activities
- Environmental issue in PSS
- Recycling in PSS
- Industrial case studies
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Full Paper submissions due: 15 January, 2008
Notification of acceptance: 15 March, 2008