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International Journal of Business and Systems Research

International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR)

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International Journal of Business and Systems Research (10 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • AI-enabled HR analytics: effective HR practices and organisational sustainability using predictive decision making   Order a copy of this article
    by Om Prakash Yadav, Dharm Bir Singh, Richa Srivastava, Priyadarshani Singh , Ruchi Rayat, Shubhash Kumar Verma, Akash Kumar Srivastava 
    Abstract: This research investigates the influence of AI-driven HR analytics on predictive decision-making and its consequential implications for organisational sustainability and the efficacy of HR practices within the service industry. The methodology employed is both descriptive and cross-sectional, leveraging a survey instrument to gather data from 476 HR managers and executives affiliated with service sector organisations in India. The survey comprised 39 scaled items designed to evaluate nine variables pertinent to AI-enabled HR analytics and anticipatory HRM decision-making. The results indicate that virtual interviews, onboarding automation, goal setting and tracking, adaptive learning, and retention prediction positively and statistically significantly impact AI-enabled HR analytics in the service sector. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that AI-enabled HR analytics possesses a considerable positive effect on anticipatory HRM decision-making. In addition, anticipatory HRM decision-making is shown to significantly bolster organisational sustainability and the efficiency of HR practices in the service sector.
    Keywords: AI-enabled HR analytics; organisational sustainability; predictive decision making; effective HR practices; virtual interviews.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069364
  • The impact of retaining human competencies on the economics of digital transformation in the Ministry of HR and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   Order a copy of this article
    by Sanaa Mostafa Mohammed, Mohammed Thani Alhumaid, Badreldin Mohamed Ahmed Abdulrahman 
    Abstract: This study aims to know the impact of retaining human competencies on the economics of digital transformation in the Ministry of HR and Social Development in the KSA. 350 individuals working in the Ministry of HR and Social Development in the KSA participated in the survey. SPSS was used to evaluate the data and test the research variables. According to the results of this study, human resource retention has a positive impact on the economics of digital transformation in the Ministry of HR and Social Development. The generalizability of the research findings may be limited depending on the chosen research approach. As a result, scholars are encouraged to further test the proposed theories. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to investigate the impact of human resource retention on the economics of digital transformation in the Ministry of HR and Social Development in the KSA.
    Keywords: retaining human competencies; economics of digital transformation; HR and social development; KSA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069531
  • Does presence matter? Impact of telepresence and social presence on purchase intention from VR shopping sites: empirical examination   Order a copy of this article
    by Lalit Kumar, Saurabh Verma, Ruchi Srivastava, Bhoopendra Bharti 
    Abstract: This research examines the impact of telepresence and social presence on the intention to purchase from Virtual Reality (VR) shopping platforms, presenting empirical evidence derived from descriptive and cross-sectional methodologies. Data was gathered through a survey utilising adapted scales from previous investigations, consisting of 43 scale items that evaluate 10 variables associated with social presence, telepresence, and purchase intention. A purposive sampling strategy was employed to collect responses from 525 participants. The results indicate that involvement and spatial presence significantly and positively influence social presence. Moreover, spatial presence, physical immersion, and experiential realism have a substantial and affirmative effect on telepresence. In addition, social presence exhibits a positive and significant relationship with purchase intention. Conversely, telepresence reflects a positive yet statistically insignificant relationship with purchase intention. These findings enhance the comprehension of consumer behaviour dynamics within VR shopping settings, providing valuable implications for VR commercial platforms.
    Keywords: virtual reality; social presence; telepresence; purchase intention; spatial presence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069533
  • Access to credit and business growth: the impact of business location and sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Selma Dzifa Addo, Joseph Osei Asantey, Emmanuel Mensah, Kingsley Tornyeva 
    Abstract: The study examined business location and sector as moderators in the interplay between credit access and the progress of a business. Respondents were made up of owners/managers of medium-sized businesses within five regional capitals in Ghana. Structured questionnaires were distributed to the owners/managers of businesses to complete. The findings from the regression analysis revealed that the relationship between access to credit and business growth is not only significant but also positive. Furthermore, the relationship is further amplified by the specific location and sector in which the business operates. These insights highlight the importance for entrepreneurs to thoroughly evaluate the challenges and opportunities inherent in different business sectors and locations before deciding where to establish or expand their operations. By strategically choosing a favorable business location and sector, entrepreneurs can maximize the positive impact of credit access on their business growth.
    Keywords: location; sector; medium-sized enterprises; access to credit; knowledge spillover theory; KST; growth; resource-based view theory; RBV; developing economy; regression analysis; moderation relationship.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10070315
  • Mediating effect of emotionality on the intention to use the Nigerian central bank digital currency (e-Naira)   Order a copy of this article
    by Mahfooz Ahmed, Abulfathi Ibrahim Saleh Al-Hussaini, Adamu Abubakar Ibrahim, Raihanat Ahmad Abubakar 
    Abstract: This study investigates the mediating effect of emotionality with other related technology acceptance factors influencing Nigerian retailers' decisions to adopt or reject the central bank digital currency (CBDC). Guided by the technology acceptance model (TAM), the research examines the technology adoption factors that could influence the intentions to adopt e-Naira among Nigerian retailers. A survey was conducted among retailers in Abuja, Nigeria's capital, resulting in 326 valid responses. The findings reveal that perceived ease of use, usefulness, and trustworthiness positively influence retailers' intentions to adopt e-Naira, while financial concerns have a negligible direct effect. Notably, emotionality significantly mediates the relationship between trustworthiness and financial concerns with adoption intentions, highlighting the importance of emotional factors in technology acceptance, especially when related to financial activities. These insights are valuable for policymakers, central banks, and stakeholders in promoting e-Naira adoption. By addressing the identified factors and leveraging emotional influences, stakeholders can enhance the adoption of digital currencies. This study contributes to the growing literature on CBDCs and provides actionable insights into the challenges and opportunities of integrating e-Naira into Nigeria's retail sector.
    Keywords: central bank digital currency; CBDC; e-Naira; emotionality; technology acceptance model; TAM; Nigeria.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069418
  • Quantum computing and risk prediction accuracy: an analysis of IT companies' risk appetite   Order a copy of this article
    by A. Sivan, K. Priya 
    Abstract: This study analyses how quantum computing QAE improves IT risk appetite prediction. The study contains quantitative surveys of 256 IT specialists and qualitative interviews with ten industry professionals. The paper explores how QAE influences market volatility, infrastructure compatibility, data privacy and security, historical data availability, and risk appetite forecast accuracy. SEM and CFA testing show construct validity and model fitness, showing habit theory can predict outcomes (CFI = 0.97, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.03). The R-square value for this regression study is slightly above 72.7%, with accuracy, accessibility, and data privacy/security being the primary factors influencing risk appetite forecasts (β = 0.235, p < 0.001). All components are positively correlated at 0.7210.765, while QAE moderates risk appetite by 0.38. Discriminant validity evaluates construct differences and assures reasonable links. The study found that quantum computing can alter IT risk management and uncover application and data handling issues. This study shows how to create quantum-enhanced risk models and assess IT industry quantum computing preparedness. Cross-sectional data, simulation-based analysis, future research, a longitudinal study, and quantum-resistant encryption risk management are briefly explored as study flaws. We improve quantum finance literature and help IT firms manage quantum risk.
    Keywords: quantum computing; market volatility; data-driven decision making; infrastructure compatibility; IT risk appetite prediction; artificial intelligence; machine learning in IT systems.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069366
  • Ascertaining barriers and challenges of Indian floriculture exporting firms: scale development and validation using factor analysis approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Diksha Sinha, Roopali Sharma 
    Abstract: The study explores and evaluates the contemporary barriers and challenges of Indian floriculture exporting firms by developing a valid measurement scale. Primary data is collected from 408 active exporters of floriculture products across the nation registered under Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) through a structured questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale. The scale is confirmed and validated using the two-stage methodology of exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The result of EFA revealed 16 measured variables extracted within three key factors indicating production, infrastructure, and marketing barriers. The factor structure is confirmed by applying CFA. The model fitness is confirmed by several model fit indices having convergent and discriminant validity. The study can assist the policymakers in framing the best suitable strategy specifically designed to combat the growth-resistant barriers and overcome the challenges that prevail in the floriculture industry.
    Keywords: floriculture; exporting firms; barriers; challenges; scale development; exploratory factor analysis; confirmatory factor analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069365
  • The current landscape of Malaysian Islamic crowdfunding and future forward   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdul Muneem, Abdul Karim Ali, Nor Fahimah Mohd Razif, Faizah Hanim Zainuddin, Meshari Al-Daihani 
    Abstract: This research aims to study the current development and progress of Islamic crowdfunding in Malaysia and to recommend viable solutions to the issues and challenges from the Sharīʿah perspective. The study finds that crowdfunding is an alternative financing method enabling ventures to secure funds from the public. While its benefits outweigh potential risks, Islamic equity crowdfunding and peer-to-peer financing must align with Sharīʿah principles, avoiding ribā (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and maisir (gambling). The study highlights the significant potential of Sharīʿah-compliant crowdfunding in Malaysia, supported by its growing presence in the market. However, challenges remain, such as establishing proper Sharīʿah standards, adopting appropriate contracts, enhancing Sharīʿah governance, and raising awareness. Addressing these issues through structured guidelines, promotion, and technological advancements is crucial for sustainable growth and compliance with Islamic principles.
    Keywords: Islamic crowdfunding; equity crowdfunding; ECF; peer-to-peer; P2P; Shariah; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069532
  • The retail service quality scale study: examining, generalisability and applicability: evidence from India   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohd Yaseen Khan, Gyanesh Kumar Sinha, Jitendra Kaushik 
    Abstract: The present study aims to assess the generalisability and applicability of the retail service quality scale (RSQS) in multiple specialty stores in a tier II city in Northern India. In recent years, numerous RSQS replication studies have been conducted in various cultures and settings, highlighting the need to expand the existing literature on retail service quality. The study seeks to identify components of retail service quality in different retail outlets and evaluate the RSQS model's applicability in the national retail landscape of a country like India. The study's findings demonstrate the relative importance of service quality attributes and indicate that all dimensions equally contribute to customers' perceptions of service quality in the retail environment of a tier II city in Northern India.
    Keywords: retail service; tier II city; culture; retail outlets; shopping experience; customer perception; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069241
  • Motivational factors driving franchise entrepreneurship: an empirical investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Nirosha Vijayakumaran, Bijay Prasad Kushwaha, Shivam Sakshi 
    Abstract: This paper investigates the determinants that lead entrepreneurs to choose franchise businesses over independent businesses in India. This study focused exclusively on intrinsic motivation and innovation to determine how these variables influence the entrepreneur's choice. Employing a descriptive research design, the paper collected data through structured questionnaires administered to franchisees and independent business owners. The results revealed that personal, social, and economic factors significantly influence Indians to choose franchising over independent businesses and that innovation does not significantly impact the decision, although intrinsic motivation does. Our findings lead to the conclusion that while franchising structured approach, support, and reduced risk for failure may restrict the extent of desired innovation relative to independent ventures, potential franchisees who cannot be evaluated by a franchisor based on their intrinsic motivation may consciously seek to convey this motivation to the franchisor by excelling in relatively more intrinsically motivating signals.
    Keywords: franchising; independent business; personal; social; economic factors; role of innovation; intrinsic motivation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2025.10069240