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International Journal of Business and Globalisation

International Journal of Business and Globalisation (IJBG)

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International Journal of Business and Globalisation (50 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Exploring E-commerce potential in Rural India: Opportunities in Northern India   Order a copy of this article
    by Hemanti Richa, Alpana Srivastava, Madhu Pandey 
    Abstract: E-commerce facilitated online shopping is well established and populated in urban areas facilitating the buyers with lower price and delivery at their convenience. However, the type and nature of demand in rural areas is different. The supply chain is less developed along with product portfolio. Using primary data from rural areas, the study aims to gauze the penetration of online shopping in rural areas and their specific considerations and barriers to it. Applying basic descriptive statistics, the findings reveal that there is serious problem in logistics and rural people desire more agricultural products than fashion and entertainment. It has been recommended, if seeds, fertilisers and equipment are sold to the rural people, there would be a huge market to tap which is untapped till now.
    Keywords: e-commerce; electronic commerce; rural e-commerce; agriculture; online shopping; rural supply chain; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2021.10044591
  • Cognitive biases in innovation ecosystems: global luxury fashion on the eve of post COVID-19 recovery   Order a copy of this article
    by Manel Arribas-Ibar, Nuria Arimany-Serrat, Petra A. Nylund 
    Abstract: Luxury fashion is an innovation ecosystem experiencing great change, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated some of these dynamics. With roots in a traditional industry, certain cognitive barriers impede interaction within the luxury fashion ecosystem. We therefore analyse the factors that drive innovation and technological change through an inductive case study of this specific ecosystem. We identify and analyse six biases within the luxury fashion ecosystem that are affecting the cognitive barriers of the ecosystem. Consequentially, we propose that consumer bias impedes a transition from the traditional luxury customer to a more differentiated consumer. Market-segmentation bias can hinder necessary micro-segmentation to reflect new needs. Product bias obscures possible product innovation due to excessive brand focus. Sourcing bias toward traditional partners slows the move towards sustainability. Second-hand market bias stops fashion brands from fully exploiting circular business models. Finally, ambidexterity bias may block the exploration of new markets necessary following a crisis. Implications for research and practice are discussed, including the need to develop more adaptive and flexible strategies through open innovation that adapts to the phases of recovery from the pandemic.
    Keywords: innovation; innovation ecosystem; product development; cognitive bias; luxury fashion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2021.10045435
  • Ethical Leadership and Organisational Commitment: Some Insights from Kuwait   Order a copy of this article
    by Dina Youssef, Halil Zaim, Shqipe Gerguri-Rashiti, Mohaned Hassanin 
    Abstract: Leadership is one of the essential indicators that determine the organisational commitment of employees. This paper aims at examining the impact of ethical leadership on organisational commitment in the Kuwaiti organisations. A conceptual model of ethical leadership and its impact on organisational commitment is proposed. It is hypothesised that wisdom, justice, and temperance as indicators of ethical leadership are positively associated with organisational commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to employees and managers working in different organisations in the service sector in Kuwait. 255 useful questionnaires were analysed. Results show that there is a significant positive relationship between the three dimensions of ethical leadership (i.e., wisdom, justice, and temperance) and organisational commitment. Hence, ethical leadership should be applied and practiced by leaders in Kuwaiti organisations to foster the organisational commitment, thus improving its performance. Based on the paper findings, the implications of the study are presented.
    Keywords: Ethical leadership; Organisational commitment; Wisdom; Justice; Temperance; Service sector; Kuwait.

  • Business Naming Practice in the Provincial Town of Jengka: The Foreign Language Influence   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: This study examined the foreign language elements in business naming practice in the provincial town of Jengka in Malaysia. It looked into the foreign languages found in the shop names and the factors that influenced the inclusion of the languages. Data were collected by capturing still images of the shop signs from the research area and interviews with owners who were willing to disclose the motivation behind their choice in the business naming. The analysis shows that foreign languages had exerted their influence in the business naming practice in this Malay-dominated, remote town. English language elements were pervasively found in the shop signs. Other elements included those of French, Arabic, Chinese, and Spanish. The findings exhibit the language trends and the language situation in this town and indicate how the owners dealt with the commercial drive to attract customers by prioritising certain languages and the increasing multilingualism in the society.
    Keywords: business naming; shop names; foreign languages; Jengka.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10049991
  • A machine learning decision tree model to predict consumer purchase behaviour: A microeconomics view from online social platforms in Iran   Order a copy of this article
    by Pejman Ebrahimi, Mohammad Naeim Hassani, Aidin Salamzadeh, Seyed Mohammad Khansari, Maria Fekete-Farkas 
    Abstract: This study proposes a map to predict consumer purchase behaviour using a decision tree algorithm using machine learning. Python programming language (Jupyter and visual studio code IDEs) is used accordingly. The study's statistical population involved Iranian online social platform users who made at least one online purchasing. Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, YouTube, and WhatsApp platforms were used for data gathering. According to the map results presented based on data of demographic variables of 376 respondents, Instagram is the most popular platform in Iran with a high difference in terms of advertising and online shopping. It has more popularity in almost all age and education groups; however, other platforms also have their users according to their demographic attributes. The proposed model is also practically capable of prediction with an accuracy of > 96%. This research contributes to the extant literature by using machine learning and its practical libraries to predict consumer behaviour.
    Keywords: Media brand; Co-creation; Value proposition; Customer loyalty; Social media.

  • A Genetic Programming Based Credit Risk Assessment Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Ashutosh Vashishtha, Shivankit Andotra, Amit Kant Pandit, Shubham Mahajan 
    Abstract: The acute necessity for evolving an effective and accurate credit default prediction model was felt post Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Financial institutions significantly revised and reformulated their risk management practices and gradually shifted towards machine learning-based credit risk management approach. Numerous machine learning-based models like logistic regression, artificial neural networks, decision trees, etc. are being employed by financial institutions for predicting the probability of default by the borrowers. In this paper, we introduce a genetic program (GP)-based model for predicting the probability of default and compare this model with other existing models in the domain of credit default and risk assessment. We used two different evaluation metrics for performance analysis: accuracy and negative log predictive density (NLPD) loss. Our results indicate that the proposed GP-based model has higher accuracy of prediction of credit default as compared to other risk assessment models.
    Keywords: credit risk management; machine learning; artificial neural network; decision tree; credit risk GP-based model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2025.10055248
  • The impact of the human capital of women on the economic development of Malaysia   Order a copy of this article
    by Verena Habrich, Vito Bobek, Gorazd Justinek, Tatjana Horvat 
    Abstract: Women have long been a new source of talent. They are an untapped resource with an enormous labor market and economic potential. In most emerging markets, female labor force participation (FLFP) is lower than in developed countries. The act of fostering female human capital is one of the highest-return investments a developing economy can generate. Thus, the paper aims to determine the main obstacles for women in the job market and identify the impact of female participation on national development. This was executed by conducting a case study analysis for Malaysias emerging market. The authors applied a data triangulation approach and chose a mixture of three data sources: documents, archival records, and interviews. Malaysia holds an unfavorable rank in the Global Gender Gap Index. The findings demonstrate that the rate of women in the workforce is increasing but still severely lower than the men's rate. In Malaysia, the high number of women in tertiary education does not translate into higher female workforce participation. The main issues are cultural stereotypes, limited access to the job market, and difficulties with combining work and childcare. The main implications are that increasing female human capital and raising women's participation in the workforce leads to a rise in economic growth and overall development in Malaysia. To achieve that, the country must overcome gender inequalities, properly enforce female-related regulations, and invest in human development. This points out the relevance of a country's level of development, culture, education, female-related laws, and their influence on women's decisions or ability to work.
    Keywords: female labor force participation; women's workforce participation; impact on economic growth; economic development; human development; human capital; gender gap; gender equality.

  • Variables affecting the internationalisation of small and medium-size companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramon Ortiz 
    Abstract: Within the context of global integration and intense increase in international transactions, more small and medium-sized companies are trying to enter foreign markets. In this scenario, the aim of this study is to identify variables that affect the internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies through a literature review and meta-analysis with content analysis. Results of the study propose two dimensions of variables affecting the internationalisation of small and medium-sized companies, namely: the Intra dimension and the Extra dimension, each of which comprise two sub-dimensions: Capabilities and Performance for the former, and Environment out and Environment in for the latter.
    Keywords: business internationalisation; small and medium-size companies; variables affecting internationalisation.

  • The effect of COVID-19 induced work stressors on life satisfaction of university teachers in India: an empirical study   Order a copy of this article
    by Pardeep Bawa Sharma, Gagandeep Kaur, Rasna Pathak 
    Abstract: This paper explores the effect of COVID19-induced work stressors on life satisfaction. Structural equation modelling was used to analyze the results. The results show that a) Covid19-induced stressors, namely role overload and psychological distress, negatively relate to life satisfaction, whereas family distractions do not. b) The indirect effect of all Covid-19 induced stressors on life satisfaction is significant, and gender moderates the relationship between job performance and life satisfaction. Human resource practitioners must not see work-from-home as another tool to manage a situation. There is a need to relook at work-from-home from the perspective of facilitating employees to manage work without affecting their homes to improve their life satisfaction. The issue should be openly discussed with employees on board to explore how the adverse effect of stressors on employees' life satisfaction in work-from-home situations can be minimized.
    Keywords: Role overload; psychological distress; family distractions; job performance; life satisfaction; work-life balance; occupational stress; work-life domains.

  • The role of triangulated narratives of sport, music and film festival in building Kosovos Nation Branding   Order a copy of this article
    by Emira Limani, Blerim Limani 
    Abstract: The aim of the present study is to illustrate the role of music, sports and film festival in building countrys nation branding. Sunny Hill festival founded and supported by Dua Lipa and Dukagjin Lipa together with Doku Fest a 20 plus years annual film festival, and tremendous successes in the sport of Judo started with golden medallist Marlinda Kelmendi are considered to be main sources of promoting Kosovo to the foreign public. Interviews are conducted and content analyses is applied to identify main themes deriving from the stakeholder narratives. A Nation Branding model is offered for practitioners and public institutions in order to design nation branding strategies and measure their results.
    Keywords: nation branding; Kosovo; music; film; sport.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10051060
  • Factors affecting Green Purchase Intention, Case of Lebanon   Order a copy of this article
    by Yahya Skaf, Sam El Nemar, Demetris Vrontis, Hassan Dennaoui 
    Abstract: Building effective strategies to promote green purchase intention GPI as required by the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN for 2030 depends on understanding the factors influencing this behaviour. The objective of this research work is to identify how nine factors as concluded from literature influence the green purchase intention through a structural equation model. To do this, a survey is constructed to measure the GPI and the nine factors and distributed to 400 respondents in Lebanon. The data analysis was executed using the PLS-PM method from SmartPLS3 software. The results revealed that the environmental awareness, environmental concern, knowledge about green consumption, perceived effectiveness, altruism, selfimage, and the level of religious commitment have significant positive impact on the green purchase intention. In contrast, the results showed that increased believes in government role have significant negative impact on green purchase intention. On the other hand, the social references have no significant influence on green purchase intention. This study is important as it add evidences to this topics literature in developing countries such as Lebanon and is beneficial for firms marketing themselves as socially responsible to develop their marketing strategies
    Keywords: personal factors; consumer; green purchase intention; GPI; green products; corporate social responsibility; CSR; Lebanon.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2024.10053007
  • Analysis of factors affecting job satisfaction of manual workers: a case study from a garment factory in Northern Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Hanh Vu Thi, Huong Pham Thu, Lan Anh Nguyen Thi, Tra Ly Thu 
    Abstract: Numerical studies have been performed to investigate determinants of employees’ job satisfaction in recent years. However, little is known about how blue-collar workers are satisfied with their job. Because manual workers are primary stakeholders who contribute to the success of a company, comprehending employee interest may help answer the question about the high or low levels of employee engagement in the workplace. Using the explanatory factor analysis framework, this study addresses the determinants of the job satisfaction of manual workers at a garment manufacturing company in northern Vietnam. The research result shows that superior-subordinate work relationships, benefits, and occupational safety encourage the job satisfaction of manual workers. The insignificance of compensation in this research could be explained by the low educational levels. More importantly, the study indicates that superiors should use their power constructively when interacting with workers and offer a benefits package to drive employee loyalty.
    Keywords: job satisfaction; garment factory; exploratory factor analysis; EFA; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2024.10068470
  • Impact of Business Incubation Support on Startups Performance in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Anjali Dubey, Archana Shrivastava 
    Abstract: Startups, like other businesses, had a greater failure rate owing to a reputation, networks, lack of resources, credibility, inventiveness, or marketing expertise needed to produce and sell goods. As a result, the study focuses on quantifying the influence of business incubation on startup performance and determining if business incubation is advantageous to startup performance. We made use of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), and a conceptual model had been proposed that focus on the impact of the incubation support on startup performance. The findings revealed that the significance and success of business incubation programmes influence a startup's motivation to participate in them. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the quality of the business incubator's services and facilities to promote startup participation in business incubator programmes. This study, similar to other research on company incubation, can be utilised to confirm the beneficial effects of incubation programmes on startup performance.
    Keywords: Business Incubation Support; Startup Performance; Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).

  • Determinants of online consumer buying behaviour: an empirical study on apparel retail   Order a copy of this article
    by Neha Katiyar, Abhinav Priyadarshi Tripathi 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study the customer attitude towards apparel segment available online. A questionnaire is framed on the basis of extensive literature review and through which 654 valid responses were received from the online survey. The objective of the study has been fulfilled with the help of internal consistency reliability analysis, validity analysis (Cronbach’s alpha and CFA) of the factors identified. Based on the data collected through the primary survey, it has been identified that overall convenience, price attribute, website quality, product brand image and perceived risk are the major determinants of customer online purchase intention. The study has many implications for online retailers, strategists, internet marketers and online shoppers in India. The majority of the shoppers in India seek offers and discounts instead of brand or high quality. The study reveals that online retailers may target the appropriate socio-economic background for the success.
    Keywords: online purchase intention; buying behaviour; SEM modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10063335
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Organisational Performance in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Ngoc Khuong Mai, Khoa Truong An Nguyen 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate how corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices can affect employee commitment and the financial performance of firms in Vietnam-a developing country, and to build a conceptual framework for these factors to achieve theoretical and practical contributions. The framework is tested by conducting data analysis of 869 firms in different sectors in Vietnam. The empirical results show that CSR practices have positive and direct effects on employee commitment and financial performance. In addition, employee commitment directly affects financial performance, confirming the mediating role of employee commitment on the relationship between CSR practices and financial performance. It is suggested that for the sustainable development of firms, managers should deploy more CSR practices, especially in developing countries where corporate social responsibility practices are not sufficiently or widely fulfilled
    Keywords: CSR; employee commitment; financial performance; CSR practices in Vietnam; developing countries; public sector; private sector; foreign direct investment.

  • The Role of Incubators and Business Accelerators in India: An Entrepreneurial Viewpoint   Order a copy of this article
    by Anjali Dubey, Archana Srivastava 
    Abstract: This paper aims to put forward the Indian entrepreneurs perspective on business incubators and accelerators. The paper attempts to understand how respondents perceive both incubators and accelerators. A closed-ended survey method was deployed to reach 83 entrepreneurs and Indian students who are studying entrepreneurial courses. The findings of the survey revealed that many Indian entrepreneurs are not satisfied with the governments provision of not aiding the entrepreneurs and only focusing on low socio-economic backgrounds. The analysis revealed that the development of an entrepreneurial ecosystem is of primal importance to fostering BIA (Business Incubation and Accelerators) schemes. Further, it was found that Indian entrepreneurs are in favour of using BIAs for fostering entrepreneurial growth and development. The entrepreneurs value this program because it not only provides with necessary knowledge but also fosters the idea of networking opportunities, capital support, and a varied range of training programs.
    Keywords: Incubator; Accelerator; Entrepreneurial ecosystem; capital support; networking.

  • Is Ostracism Impeding Spiritual Leaders' Efforts to Innovate and Engage?   Order a copy of this article
    by Swati Chaudhary, Patiraj Kumari 
    Abstract: This study looks into both the direct and indirect links between spiritual leadership (SL) and innovative work behaviour (IWB), as well as the mediating role of work engagement (WE). Furthermore, the role of work engagement and workplace ostracism (WO) as mediating moderators is being studied. Hypotheses are tested using data from 214 hotel employees. SL was found to be positively connected with IWB via WE. Furthermore, when WO was high, the positive relationship between SL and IWB weakened. In addition, the indirect impact of WE were reduced. Two theoretical approaches are presented in this study. The conservation of resources theory investigates how WO jeopardises a positive relationship between two critical organisational resources (SL and IWB). Using social exchange theory, the reciprocal relationship between SL and WE are also investigated. The conclusions of this study suggest that leaders take steps to eliminate WO, improve SL, and promote ties with employees.
    Keywords: Spiritual leadership (SL); Innovative work behaviour (IWB); Work engagement (WE); Workplace ostracism (WO); Conservation of resource theory (COR); Social exchange theory (SET).

  • Antecedents and Consequences of Millennial Engagement: Evidence from IT Business Professionals   Order a copy of this article
    by Muskan Khan, Rajni , Pragati Hemrajani, Neha Naagar 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the antecedents, viz., meaningful work, prosocial motivation and work-life balance and the consequences, viz., organisational commitment and career commitment while keeping the millennial engagement as the intervening variable. The study intends to test the hypotheses using data from 202 employees working in the IT companies located in Delhi/NCR through a structured questionnaire using PLS-SEM. The findings from the survey of members of the IT Millennial Generation indicated that millennial engagement intervenes the relationship between meaningful work and organisational commitment and between meaningful work and career commitment. This exploratory research also highlights the significance of undertaking an enquiry on millennials in information technology organisations and, more broadly, on all the components that led them to inevitably take a job. Since the findings are based on limited millennial employees responses, there is no universal claim for generalisation.
    Keywords: millennial-gen Y; meaningful work; pro-social motivation; PSM; work-life balance; WLB; organisational commitment; career commitment; millennial engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2023.10053315
  • Is there a relation between Corruption and Ease of Doing Business?   Order a copy of this article
    by Ramroop Sharma 
    Abstract: Corruption is a global phenomenon. It is worth investigating whether corruption (Corruption Perception Index: CPI) and ease of doing business (EODB) are correlated and their causality. Results show a high degree of correlation between CPI and EODB ranks and scores considering the database of CPI (Transparency International) and the EODB (World Bank) for 180 countries for the year 2019. Findings imply that a decrease in corruption improves the EODB and there is unidirectional causality between CPI and EODB ranks. The paper contributes to corruption and EODB literature by examining the correlation and causality between CPI and the EODB, a subject not recently examined. The economies must devise suitable policies to abate corruption and promote EODB for business competitiveness and sustainability, to promote investments for skills, start-ups, and innovations, and to support the extant business environment as well as to protect the interests of stakeholders, particularly in emerging nations.
    Keywords: Corruption Perception Index; CPI; ease of doing business; EODB; investments; emerging nations; Granger causality.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2024.10056220
  • COVID-19 and Human Resource Management Research: Current Status and Future Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Nasser Easa, Micheal Wang, Rayan Abdul-Al 
    Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly created a complex and difficult environment for leaders and human resource management (HRM) professionals in coping with these unprecedented challenges. In this context, there are very few studies on the impact of COVID-19 on HRM. Therefore, this paper aims to review the existing literature on this topic to expand the current knowledge, detect research gaps and offer a foundation for future research in this area. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) technique was followed for this review. Different academic databases were searched, e.g. Wiley, Emerald Insight, Taylor & Francis, SpringerLink, Cambridge Core, and ScienceDirect. A total of 43 articles published in 2020 and 2021 were reviewed. Findings show that Research on COVID-19 and HRM was linked to five major themes: leadership, employee performance, employee mental health, employee well-being, and job insecurity. Scholars gave high concern to leadership, a moderate concern to employee performance and mental health, and a low concern to employee well-being and Job insecurity. The paper provides directions for future research.
    Keywords: COVID-19; human resource management; leadership; systematic review & meta-analysis.

  • Internal Migration in Haryana during the Age of COVID-19 Pandemic: Understanding the Root Causes, Impacts, and Policy Consequences   Order a copy of this article
    by Gurwinder Singh Badal, Rudhita Goel 
    Abstract: While the process of migration is one of the paramount factors which determine the socio-economic and demographic structure of every nation, at the same time internal movement of migrants, interestingly, is responsible for changing the internal pattern of the population within the country. This paper attempts to comprehend the general statistics of internal migration in the Indian state of Haryana during the phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and to find out how the outbreak has affected the states socio-economic and demographic structure. Apart from this, various reasons/factors responsible for this migration flow during this particular phase have been identified through a primary survey conducted post-lock-down period (JanuaryJuly 2022). Additionally, disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak have been identified using a Hennery Garrett ranking technique. At last, a different public policy has been proposed to address the socio-economic issue brought on by COVID-19 medical exigency.
    Keywords: internal migration; COVID-19 pandemic; impacts; reasons; determinants; economic development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2024.10055252
  • How far are Board Characteristics Liable for Enforcement of Corporate Governance? A Study of Indian Companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Amita Rani, Monita Mago, Sandeep Singh 
    Abstract: The present study is an attempt to examine the effect of each as well as overall board characteristics on corporate governance of the companies under study. The sample of the study comprised of 1001 observations made over the year about 91 companies listed at Bombay Stock Exchange and covered a period of eleven years ranging from 2010-20. The data was analysed by using panel regression and structural equation modeling through the application of E- Views (11.0) and Smart PLS version 3.3.3.It was found that the board characteristics such as institutional investors, non-institutional investors, non-executive chairperson, promoter chairperson, board size, woman CEO, proportion of women in the board, woman chairperson, board meetings, multiple directorships of outside director had a significant effect on two or more corporate governance measures. Further, there was a significant positive effect of overall board characteristics on corporate governance of the firms under study.
    Keywords: Profitability; Ownership Structure; Board Structure; Board Busyness; Agency Theory; Resource Allocation Theory; Financial Performance.

  • Determinants of FDI and Competitive Federalism in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Prashant Vadikar, HARDIK BHADESHIYA 
    Abstract: The state's attempts to draw FDI are critical if India is to see rapid economic growth. States are working to improve governance as a result of the competitive and collaborative federalism strategy that New India has taken to attain its goals. Panel data regression has been employed in the study to objectively evaluate the influence of socio-economic and political variables on FDI. The results demonstrate that, in the short term, the economy's digitalisation is the most critical element in luring FDI inflow for States and UTs. Only e-readiness or digitalisation has an immediate impact on FDI inflow since other resources are mobile between states and are manageable. Business ease is immediately impacted by digitalisation. The states should work to improve the digital infrastructure, digital literacy and e-governance.
    Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI); Competitive Federalism; India; States.

  • Leaders’ spiritual identity and refugee integration in German family firms: an empirical study   Order a copy of this article
    by Eleftheria Egel 
    Abstract: In 26 qualitative interviews with family-owned SME leaders in the region of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, I explore how the leaders’ spiritual identity builds the employed refugees’ sense of belonging. Towards that end, I first draw from the fields of sociology and psychology to construct an interdisciplinary theoretical framework that combines a model of social integration with a psychological approach to spiritual identity. The study’s findings suggest that there is a direct link between the leaders’ spiritual identity and the employed refugees’ sense of belonging. This study informs the literature of family business and provides a better comprehension regarding the impact of religious or spiritual beliefs to prosocial, ethical goals, citizenship and community social responsibility. It also brings into light the impact that refugee trauma may have on their successful integration in the host country. More broadly the study has implications for the design of successful social integration programs for refugees and other minorities.
    Keywords: refugees; integration; family firms; spiritual identity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2023.10055897
  • Exploring the Mediating Effect of Person-Organisation Fit between Workplace Spirituality and Organisational Commitment   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajni Khari, Alka Swami 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of workplace spirituality on organisational commitment by investigating the mediating effect of person-organisation fit (P-O fit). The results of the study were obtained by analysing the data collected through a questionnaire from 215 employees working in the automobile service industry using structural equation modelling. The results of the bootstrapping procedure showed no direct relationship between spirituality in the workplace and organisational commitment; however, a significant relationship between workplace spirituality and person-organisation fit was reported. Furthermore, P-O fits serve as a complete mediator between workplace spirituality and organisational commitment. Also, we are the first to examine the mediating role of perceived fit between workplace spirituality and organisational commitment, thereby shedding light on the mechanism by which workplace spirituality impacts employees commitment levels, which is unique. It is fair to conclude that spirituality may be a critical element in enhancing the commitment.
    Keywords: workplace spirituality; WPS; person-organisation fit; P-O fit; organisational commitment; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2024.10055005
  • Riding Harley Davidson through brand communities: A vehicle to deidentification and self-actualization of South Korean female riders   Order a copy of this article
    by Kyuho Lee, Byung-Jin (Robert) Park, Melih Madanoglu, Dohee Kim 
    Abstract: This study explores the gender norm implications of brand community in the Asian context. Specifically, based on the tenets of social identity theory, this study examines the underlying motivations, symbolic meanings of riding Harley Davidson and its impact among Korean females. A qualitative method consisting of in-depth interviews was employed to understand the underlying motivations of riding Harley Davidsons, the relationships among brand community members, and the nature of the brand community. Findings reveal that the Harley Davidson female brand community plays a pivotal role in the respondents choice to ride Harley Davidson. The relationships among members are much stickier and more personal compared to members of identical Western brand communities.
    Keywords: Harley Davidson; brand community; brand value; female rider; social identity.

  • Is the export-led growth model good for an emerging economy? Evidence from Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Le Thanh Tung 
    Abstract: Economic model and economic growth are always recognized such as the most important topic in economics. This paper aims to examine the export-led growth hypothesis in Vietnam, an emerging economy in Asia. The Error correction model and Johansen cointegration test are employed for checking this hypothesis. The database is collected by a quarterly form in the period of 2000-2020 and divided into two sub-periods. The cointegration test confirms that there is an existence of long-term cointegration relationships between variables. The long-term and short-term coefficients of the export variable are significantly positive and confirm the export-led growth hypothesis in Vietnam. The coefficients of the export variable have robustly raised over the study periods, which suggest that international integration has improved the impact of exports on economic growth. Finally, some policy implications are provided for enhancing trade development and support exports as the key development strategy in Vietnam in the future.
    Keywords: export-led growth; economic growth; emerging economy; cointegration test; dynamic model; international integration.

  • Is the gender gap in entrepreneurship closing? An investigation with a technologically empowered systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Rohail Hassan, Meghna Chhabra, Ridhi Bhatia, Monika Agarwal, Sahil Malik 
    Abstract: The objective of this study is to seek an answer to the question of whether the gender gap in entrepreneurship (GGIE) still persists. For this objective, the study explores the thematic landscape of the research field of ‘GGIE‘ and contributes toward exploring relationships among specific constructs in the area of GGIE like leading contributors in the field regarding countries, research organisations, authors, and source titles. Keyword’s co-occurrence analysis technique categorises and explores prominent and emerging topics. The findings of the study reveal that there still exists a wide disparity in the men’s and women’s entrepreneurship rates with the former still predominant in entrepreneurship. Besides women’s entrepreneurial propensity is negatively affected by gender stenotypes. A lack of theoretical support also marks the field. The research field of GGIE has gained significant attention in advanced economies. However, key didactical issues related to the opportunities and challenges of women entrepreneurs remain debatable worldwide.
    Keywords: gender gap in entrepreneurship; GGIE; bibliometric analysis; review.

  • Talent Management Practices: A growing buzz among Millennials and Gen X   Order a copy of this article
    by Pratiksha Mishra, Sushma Rani, Sanjeev Kumar 
    Abstract: The present research aims to study the response of millennials and Gen X towards talent management practices followed by the organization. The study follows an exploratory research design while the sample has been collected through a random sampling technique. From the analysis, it has been found that among the millennials, strong talent management practices have shown a great impact as compared to Gen X. The study gives a new insight into the impact of talent management practices among the millennials and Gen X. The study reveals that there is a positive impact of talent management practices on males as compared to females in case of millennials.
    Keywords: Talent management; Millennial; Digitalization; Gen X.

  • An ARDL approach: case study of COVID-19 death and insurance stock returns   Order a copy of this article
    by Himani Gupta, Shalini Singh, Renu Bala, Bhavna Sharma 
    Abstract: The movement of investment vehicles helps investors communicate as a stock market shield via a diverse portfolio. The COVID-19 outbreak had impacted the India along with other countries across the globe. The diseases progression and economic impact are highly uncertain. The current study is a novel effort to untangle the dynamic relationship between COVID-19 death and returns of NSE-listed life insurance stocks. We look at COVID-19 death data as well as returns from SBI Life, HDFC Life, and ICICI PRU from April 2020 to July 2021, when pandemic was the leading cause of death. Using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model technique, we discover that COVID-19 death has no dynamic relationship with the returns of selected life insurance stocks. In conclusion, our findings will provide stockholders, investment advisors, and policy experts with significant foresight into guaranteeing returns on life insurance stocks free from uncertain calamities such as COVID-19.
    Keywords: insurance; economic development; financial markets.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2023.10058418
  • Impact of covid-19 on low-income financial consumers in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane, Bhama Venkataramani 
    Abstract: The Pandemic has enormously impacted human beings in general and people with low incomes in particular. It has eliminated the livelihood opportunities for those working in unorganized and small-scale industries. The consumption of products and services could have been higher and more specific. We used the secondary data to analyze the impact of the Pandemic on low-income consumers. We found that the effect was felt more in the service sector; within it, financial services were a severely impacted sector. Low-income consumers needed more income to save, and at the same time, loan facilities to smoothen consumption were also unavailable. They facedlimitations from the demand and supply sides. The Pandemic also created fear and anxiety among consumers. Banks had to respond to it by taking measures like social distancing, protective equipment, etc., to eliminate those fears and uncertainties that have affected the consumption of financial services. This paper has analyzed various factors affecting the consumption of financial services among low-income consumers.
    Keywords: Low-income consumers; COVID-19; Impact; Financial services; Microfinance.

  • Augmenting the Taguchi loss function with AHP to perform economic evaluation of reducing variations in processes and products   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Zainal 
    Abstract: This study combines the Taguchi loss function (TLF) and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to develop an asymmetric function to measure the loss associated with deviations from a target level for a particular quality characteristic (QC). To this end, initially, the domain of the permissible values for a QC is divided into two significant intervals - namely, the customer and manufacturer tolerances. AHP is then applied for obtaining weights for: 1) the quality characteristics; 2) various intervals within the two tolerance domains. An analysis of the cost savings accrued from the process improvement, using the proposed AHP-based asymmetric loss function, is presented to help decision-makers evaluate the viability and economic feasibility of improving a process. An illustrative example demonstrates the application of the suggested methodology and its ease of use and extent of applicability.
    Keywords: Taguchi loss function; TLF; asymmetric loss function; quality characteristics; weighted loss function; economic analysis.

  • Social media influencers’ credibility swayed on brand credibility, e-WOM and consumer behavioural intention: a study of food and fashion blogging   Order a copy of this article
    by Megha Sharma, Prachi Sahai, Vinod Kumar Singh, Naman Sharma 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of social media food and fashion influencers on brand credibility and consumer behavioural intention while analysing the moderation effect of e-WOM on social media influencers’ credibility (SMIC) and brand credibility (BC). To accomplish this objective, the authors collected data from 208 respondents residing in India and data was analysed using EFA, CFA and SEM. Further, this study exemplified a favourable impact on brand credibility of social media food and fashion influencers and further on consumer behavioural intention. Moreover, e-WOM failed to have a moderating relationship between SMIC and BC. Further, conclusions and implications have been discussed.
    Keywords: social media influencers; SMIs; credibility; brand credibility; electronic word-of-mouth; e-WOM; consumer behavioural intention; CBI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2021.10063475
  • Perceived gender discrimination and work engagement: an insight from IT sector in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Hung Pham Manh, Vy Nguyen Khanh 
    Abstract: The presence of discrimination has become more pressing than ever along with the civilisation of the work, especially in work context. This study is designed to study the relationship between perceived gender discrimination in the workplace (in three dimensions: workload and participation, resource access and personal communication) and work engagement in technology companies in Vietnam. Besides, the study also examined the moderating role of gender in the above relationships. Results indicate that there exist negative relationships between perceived gender discrimination behaviours and work engagement in two aspects: workload and participation and resource access, and no meaningful relationship between gender discrimination behaviours in personal communication and the employees’ work engagement. Second, data also shows that these relationships can be moderated by gender, where the relationship becomes weaker for men than for women.
    Keywords: gender discrimination; perceived discrimination; technology companies; work engagement; Vietnam.

  • A study of consumer buying behaviour of healthy confectionary gums: Indian perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Naveen Arora 
    Abstract: Confectionary gums that are helpful in improving tooth health and oral hygiene are categorised as healthy chewing gums. This product category is in its nascent stage in India. This paper aims to identify the dimensions and factors that influence buying decision for healthy chewing gums. This paper also intends to understand consumers’ buying behaviour of healthy chewing gums. Exploratory as well as confirmatory factor analysis has been used to reduce and summarise different correlated variables to a manageable level and examine the whole set of interdependent relationships among variables. It is found that product experience and appearance are considered important by the respondents. A large number of respondents might consider consumption of healthy gums if it is recommended by dentists and/or clinically approved. The results and recommendations of the study can be helpful for entrepreneurs and decision-makers in confectionary and gums industry to understand consumers’ behaviour and formulate strategies accordingly.
    Keywords: healthy chewing gums; consumer behaviour; factor analysis; confectionary; Indian confectionary market; buying preference; product attributes; impulse buying; buying behaviour; consumers’ perception.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10061963
  • Is psychological capital the silver bullet of business firms in a globalised world? Examining the impact of meaningful work on affective commitment: mediating role of psychological capital   Order a copy of this article
    by Richa Dhir, Vandna Sharma 
    Abstract: The objective of this paper is to understand the mediating role of psychological capital in the association between meaningful work and affective commitment. The purpose is achieved by collecting the data from 400 employees from information technology sector. The sample employees are from five IT organisations in Delhi-NCR. The results support our hypotheses and it was found that structural analysis presented a full mediation, with psychological capital as a mediator between meaningful work (independent variable) and affective commitment (outcome variable). Moreover, the findings also suggest that organisations should understand the role of meaningful work in creating affective commitment and must encourage positive psychology practices that facilitate the same. The uniqueness of this paper lies in the fact that meaningful work was found as an antecedent to psychological capital, a much- emphasised domain in psychological capital research.
    Keywords: psychological capital; meaningful work; affective commitment; structural equation modelling; SEM; mediation; IT employees.

Special Issue on: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2019 Spirituality and Religion's Role in Creating Collaborative Advantage and a Relationship with Management

  • A work/life teeter totter: using demand-based principles for spiritual operations management   Order a copy of this article
    by Daniel P. Bumblauskas, Paul D. Bumblauskas 
    Abstract: Business owners and management teams are often tasked with making difficult prioritisation decisions. One difficult decision is how to balance the goals, objectives, and purpose of the organisation. This article details how spirituality is a critical component to work/life balance and how individual and organisational spirituality impact operations management. Balancing key areas of work and professional life become an important part of creating happy and mutually satisfying relationships. We have identified six critical elements of life balance that lead towards optimised productivity (in no order of significance): career, family, community, spiritual, health (includes sleep), and pleasure. Spirituality is one of the six components that must be defined, with a corresponding work and personal development plan, at an individual and organisational and operations management level.
    Keywords: work-life balance; workplace spirituality; religion/faith; competitive advantage; demand-based approach; family/private businesses.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10067145

Special Issue on: Development Bridging the Gaps in Emerging Economies

  • Impact of Social Media on Marketing and Operational Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Jordan: Applying the Delphi Method in Social Media Studies   Order a copy of this article
    by Marzouq Al-Qeed 
    Abstract: Social media channels have achieved a worldwide reach and growing reputation over the last decade. Companies throughout the world now use them as part of their marketing and other business activities. This study explores the effect of social media and particularly in Jordan, how the concept of engagement impacts on Jordanian SMEs and what is the influence of word-of-mouth for those SMEs. The study also investigates the social media marketing efficacy of Jordanian SMEs. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews using the Delphi method and five social media experts based in Jordan were interviewed. Result shows that social media is mostly used for promotion and brand creation in Jordan. However, the companies in Jordan have yet to apply both online and offline strategies when using social media. This study will create important insights for managers and policymakers about how they can capitalize on social media platforms in framing their marketing and operational strategies.
    Keywords: Social media; Social media marketing; Delphi method; Bidirectional communication; Operations; Jordan.

    by Nurazilah Zainal, Law Siong Hook, Mohammed Hariri Bakri, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi, Soheil Kazemian 
    Abstract: This study attempts to examine existence of Fisher Effect theory in Malaysias conventional and Islamic money markets. Time series data has been included for the years 2011 to 2018 and consists of two stages of data analysis. First stage analysis examines the existence of a Fisher Effect relationship by applying the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach as an estimation method. Second stage analysis determines the strength of the Fisher Effect relationship. The findings suggest that the Fisher Effect theory exists in Malaysias Islamic money market but there is evidence for this in the conventional one. This outcome suggests that the Islamic money market can accurately predict inflation in the future. However, it appears in a weak form of relationship. Overall, outcomes of this study provide benefits for policy-makers since the existence of the Fisher relationship reflects an effective monetary policy for economic growth and sustainable development.
    Keywords: Islamic Money Market rates; Fisher effect; Inflation rates; Monetary Policy; ARDL cointegration test.

  • Effect of Indonesian certification system and environmental sustainability practices on palm oil firm performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Ria Nelly Sari, Dinda Intan Suri, Rita Anugerah, Vince Ratnawati, Erlane K Ghani 
    Abstract: This paper aims to examine the effect of ISPO certificates on environmental sustainability practices and the effect of environmental sustainability practices on firm performance. This study also examines the role of environmental sustainability practices as a mediating variable that influences the relationship between ISPO certificates and firm performance. Data for this study were collected through a questionnaire submitted directly to managers of 158 SMEs in the palm oil industry in Riau Province, Indonesia. 134 responses were returned and analyzed by WarpPLS. The results showed that the ISPO certificate has a positive influence on firm performance and environmental sustainability practices. The findings suggest that palm oil companies have to obtain palm oil certificates to maintain their environmental sustainability practices and subsequently improve performance.
    Keywords: ISPO certification; environmental sustainability practices; firm performance; WarpPLS; Indonesia.

  • Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Does Board Composition Matters?   Order a copy of this article
    by Aziatul Waznah Ghazali, D. Agus Harjito, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi, Jamaliah Said 
    Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between Board of directors composition and the practice of real earnings management of Malaysian listed firms. Malaysian corporate landscape offers an interesting platform for a study on relationship-based capitalism. The sample of this study comprise of 651 Malaysian listed firms from the period of 2010 2014. This study offers a contemporary study focusing on the relationship between the composition and diversity in the boardroom of directors and real earnings management. The findings of the study shows that boardroom with women on board, foreign directors and having directors with international experience are more inclined to engaged in real earnings management. In the wake of recent corporate failures and corporate governance reforms, this study should provide a greater contribution in understanding the relationship between board of directors attributes and financial reporting quality from the perspective of a multi-racial developing country.
    Keywords: Financial Misreporting; Corporate Governance; Real Earnings Management; Board of Directors; Earnings Quality.

  • Capital Structure, Liquidity and Firms Value: Evidence from Emerging Market in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Sholihun, Grahita Chandrarin, Prihat Assih, Diyah Sukanti Cahyaningsih 
    Abstract: This study examines the influence of liquidity on capital structure and firm value, and corporate governance is used as a variable to moderate the relationship between capital structure and firm value. This study uses a sample of companies in the manufacturing industry whose shares are actively traded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used is data pooling, the cross-section data and time-series data, the period 2010 to 2014. Sampling by purposive sampling, while the analysis technique using phat analysis. First result, liquidity has a negative and significant effect on a company's capital structure. Second, liquidity has no significant effect on firm value. Third, capital structure analysis has a significant effect on firm value. Fourth, liquidity negatively affects firm value through capital structure. Fifth: analysis of the influence of corporate governance on the relationship between capital structure and firm value shows a positive and significant relationship
    Keywords: Capital Structure; Corporate Governance; Firm Value; Liquidity.

  • Asymmetric Exchange Rate Exposure: A Case Study of ASEAN-4 Large Non-Financial Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaratin Lily, Imbarine Bujang, Mori Kogid, Debbra Toria Anak Nipo, Normah Haji Omar 
    Abstract: Most research on exchange rate exposure concentrates on the symmetric framework, but little research has considered the asymmetric framework. For this reason the present study applies the asymmetric framework to investigate how exchange rate movements affect large non-financial firms share return in ASEAN-4 (Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand) using the Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model. The study results provided support for asymmetric exchange rate exposure mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. Further analysis of asymmetries indicated some firms experienced multiple asymmetric exchange rate exposure and especially in Thailand. The findings provide an alternative explanation for the exchange rate exposure puzzle. As well, stakeholders such as financial managers and policymakers should not ignore the multiple asymmetric exchange rate exposure when they are formulating an appropriate hedging strategy.
    Keywords: Asymmetric Exchange Rate Exposure; Orthogonal Market Return; ASEAN-4; NARDL; Non-Financial Firm.

  • The Political Economy of Saudi Arabias Vision 2030 in the era of Globalisation: The Role of Islam   Order a copy of this article
    Abstract: The world's current and pervasive global religious upheavals have been strongly identified with Islamic fundamentalism in several African and Middle East countries. This form of religious belief has generated much interest in its implications for the Saudi Arabian government's Vision 2030 strategy and how the Islamic religion is practised. This paper investigates the reasons why religious extremism in Saudi Arabia is very minimal, and how this state of affairs can be harnessed to achieve Vision 2030. A qualitative research method is employed here and the paper surmises that while religious extremists subject individuals and communities to distorted forms of religious beliefs and dogma, fundamentalist beliefs should be harnessed to moderate practices of religious principles. Such beliefs can serve as essential resources that could be mobilised and deployed to achieve economic development throughout an increasingly globalised world.
    Keywords: Africa; development agenda; extremists; fundamentalism; Saudi Arabia; Vision 2030.

  • Impact of human and Islamic social capital on Inclusive Economic Growth: Evidence from Malaysia and Nigeria.   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruhaini Muda, Ibrahim Abiodun Oladapo, Roshayani Arshad, Rahayu Abdul Rahman 
    Abstract: This study analyses the extent to which human capital and social capital contribute to economic growth. This study makes use of panel data for 14 states from 2005 to 2014 for Malaysia and eight states between 2009 and 2013 for Nigeria. These are two emerging economies of Muslim-dominated countries. This study uses zakat collections as social capital and enrolment rate while the poverty index serves as a proxy for human capital. Findings show that there is a positive and significant effect of social and human capital on the economic growth of both countries. Moreover, results indicate that Islamic social capital increases the potential for stimulating positive economic growth that creates opportunities for society. This study will assist policymakers to formulate a suitable policy response based on Islamic social and human capital for inclusive growth. Such a policy could form part of the solutions to many contemporary societal issues, including poverty and income inequality.
    Keywords: Islamic social capital; inclusive economic growth; Malaysia; Nigeria.

    by Rintan Nuzul Ainy, Jamaliah Said 
    Abstract: The information of corporate social responsibility is considered as a signal that the companies have been able to meet the interests of all stakeholders. Whereas, corporate governance function is to control the management behaviours to act in accordance to companys interest. The study investigates the direct relationship between the corporate governance quality and the company performance. Subsequently, this study examines the mediating effect of corporate social responsibility and the relationship between corporate governance and company performance. Corporate governance quality ensures companys ability to fulfil the interests of the stakeholders. The data were obtained from annual report of 100 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results show that the companies that disclose more CSR information and having stronger corporate governance tend to perform better. This indicates that CSR information is considered as a signal that the companies have been able to meet the interests of stakeholders.
    Keywords: corporate governance; corporate social responsibility; CSR; company performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10037094
  • Impact of Government Size and Regulatory Efficiency to Microfinance Institutions Efficiency   Order a copy of this article
    by Nazratul Aina Mohamad Anwar, Fakarudin Kamarudin, Hafezali Iqbal Hussain, Zuraidah Mohd Sanusi, Wong Hor Yaan 
    Abstract: The development of microfinance institutions (MFIs) contributes to providing financial services for the poor and small businesses. This research aims to examine the impact of economic freedom dimensions which are the government size and regulatory efficiency, MFIs specific characteristics, macroeconomics determinants to the social efficiency (SE) and financial efficiency (FE) of MFIs in the Philippines and Malaysia. The chosen study period is 2011 to 2017. The non-parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) approach is applied in the first stage of analysis to identify the efficiency level of MFIs while the multiple panel regression model is employed in the second stage of analysis. Apart from this the Generalised Least Squares (GLS) regression is used to identify and explain the determinants of social efficiency and financial efficiency. The robustness test results show that financial efficiency is more significant and efficient than MFIs social efficiency. This indicates MFIs in the Philippines and Malaysia focus more on sustainability rather than their primary social objective of providing financial services to low-income households. The MFIs, government, policy-makers, investors, and future researchers will obtain important insights into MIFs efficiency from this research.
    Keywords: Microfinance Institutions; economic freedom; government size and regulatory efficiency; financial efficiency; social efficiency.

  • The Moderating Effect of Good Governance on the Relationship between Family Ownership Structure and Aggressive Transfer Pricing   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohammad Khoiru Rusydi, Lindawati Gani, Setio Anggoro Dewo, Jusuf Halim, Sharifah Norzehan Syed Yusuf 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is twofold. Firstly, is to examine the relationship between family ownership structure and aggressive transfer pricing. Then this study examines the moderating effect of good governance implementation on the relationship between family ownership structure and ATP. A sample of 840 ASEAN public listed companies from year 20132016. This study shows that family ownership structure has a negative relationship with ATP. Additionally, this study also provides new evidence that the quality of good governance strengthened the negative relationship between family ownership and ATP. This indicates the importance of the synergy between family ownership and good governance in further minimising the ATP practices. This study offers a new measurement perspective on the aggressiveness of transfer pricing in ASEAN by using profit level indicator (PLI) method. This study has important implications for developing a more specific policy to reduce state losses due to abusive transfer pricing practices.
    Keywords: family ownership; aggressive transfer pricing; ATP; corporate governance; government governance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBG.2022.10036893
  • Enhancing Financial Reporting Quality: Does the Mandatory Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Matter in Developing Economies?   Order a copy of this article
    by Adam Kyari 
    Abstract: This study explores the relationship between compulsory implementation of international Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and financial reporting quality (FRQ) using accrual and value relevance models. Guided by the agency and signaling theories, data were collected from the published accounts of commercial listed companies on the Nigerian stock exchange. The study revealed that the information disclosed in financial statements of Nigerian banks are value relevant. Equally, the study disclosed that earnings under IFRS are more persistent and have higher accrual value. The study concludes that the adoption of IFRS has improved the quality of information disclosed in financial reports of Nigerian banks. It also concludes that the monitoring and enforcement functions of relevant Nigerian authorities are satisfactory but not enough. While these conclusions have met the objectives of this study, further analyses are recommended particularly on banks that are not listed on the Nigerian stock exchange.
    Keywords: Financial; reporting; quality; standard; earnings; value; adoption; agency; signaling; mandatory.

    by Silvia Indrarini, Grahita Chandrarin, Edi Subiyantoro, Diyah Sukanti Cahyaningsih 
    Abstract: Firm value is the investors perception of a companys success rate that is often associated with stock prices. Increased stock prices indicate an increase in the shareholders wealth. This study aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of good corporate governance on earnings quality and firm value. The population is all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2011-2016 period. The data is analyzed using SEM-PLS model. The results show that good corporate governance has a significant effect on earnings predictability as a measure of earnings quality; earnings predictability has a significant effect on firm value, and good corporate governance has a significant effect on firm value both directly and indirectly through earnings predictability.
    Keywords: good corporate governance; earnings predictability; firm value.