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International Journal of Education Economics and Development

International Journal of Education Economics and Development (IJEED)

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International Journal of Education Economics and Development (30 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Entrepreneurial Attitude: A Gender Study Among Management Students in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Mona Chaudhary, Ruchika Jeswal 
    Abstract: India has made progress on various social indicators as an emerging economy, with a growing workforce and education rate. However, gender equality is an area that still requires development for economic and social advancement. Entrepreneurship is considered essential for this development, and research has identified factors that affect entrepreneurial attitudes. This study aims to explore the impact of business and entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial attitude of management students in Delhi and the NCR region, as well as the influence of gender on this attitude. The study used a quantitative research design and a questionnaire to collect data from 117 undergraduate and postgraduate management students. The results show that education significantly affects entrepreneurial attitude, with a notable difference between levels of business education and specialisation. Gender had no significant effect on entrepreneurial attitude, and no moderating effect was observed.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; business education; entrepreneurial education; gender equality; entrepreneurial attitude,.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10056341
  • Factors affecting student motivation to study and their retention in online business programs   Order a copy of this article
    by Lucie Depoo, Jirí Bohácek, Markéta Snýdrová, Gabriela Jezková Petru, Ivana Snýdrová, Roman Zuzák 
    Abstract: This paper provides reflection on preferences in online education by students in business higher education. This case study is based on survey of 1,184 students of a business university. The aim is to identify students’ preferences in online education that impact their motivation to study. Analyses were to test the theoretical construct of factors that impact student preferences to continue their studies. Students’ reflection on their experiences brings factors crucial to retain students. Results show preferences and motivation of students. Majority is oriented on new technologies, using modern features and education applications; women are oriented on flexibility of online delivery, but otherwise prefer standard contact with the school. All students need to stay in contact with the university as it brings numerous positive effects.
    Keywords: distance teaching-learning; attitudes; motivation; online; business.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10057176
  • Digitalization, Education and Economic growth in the Mediterranean countries   Order a copy of this article
    by Benjilali Mohamed, Azhari Mourad, El Chikhi El Mokhtar 
    Abstract: Technology and education are significant factors in the economic growth of countries. This study examines whether digitalisation and education contribute to economic growth in the Mediterranean region. We use a panel data sample of 14 countries from 2003 to 2020 and apply the generalised method of moments (GMM) dynamic panel data model. The choice of this approach is not arbitrary and not trivial. It outperforms other models in terms of endogeneity, autocorrelation, heterogeneity issues, and mitigating potential estimation biases. The results show that education, internet and broadband access contribute positively to economic growth. We note also the significant relationship between the internet and cell phones.
    Keywords: economic growth; education; digitalisation; Mediterranean countries; dynamic panel.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10057421
  • Education and Opportunity in Spain and the United States: Evidence from Youth Labor Market Entry   Order a copy of this article
    by Jennifer L. Steele  
    Abstract: Using large random samples of young adults ages 24 to 30 in Spain and the United States, I examine socioeconomic mobility in each country and how vocational education options may enhance or detract from such mobility. In Spain, the socioeconomic status of young adults is less dependent on that of their parents than in the U.S., but educational attainment is strongly related to family background in both countries. What differ are educational returns. In Spain, educational attainment strongly predicts job satisfaction, but in the U.S., it predicts employment and earnings. Yet, if the distribution of average adult skills by education level in the U.S. matched that of Spain, inequality by education level in the U.S. would be roughly halved, all else remaining equal. Regarding the role of vocational education, young adults in Spain with non-tertiary vocational credentials show an employment advantage that does not translate to higher earnings.
    Keywords: social mobility; comparative economics; labor force entry; returns to education; vocational education; propensity score stratification; instrumental variables.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10057537
  • Stakeholders’ Satisfaction Level of Service Quality of Certificate Equivalency in Higher Education: a UAE Case   Order a copy of this article
    by Sameera Almulla, M.S. Bawaaneh 
    Abstract: The quality of services provided by the Certificate Equivalency Department of the Ministry of Education in the UAE is investigated by addressing the customer satisfaction level of the departments services. The body of the study is divided into three categories according to the type of provided service, employment status of the customer, and time required to accomplish the requested service, and descriptive and inferential statistics are used to analyse data. The satisfaction level showed statistically significant difference in the mean between the Student group and the Employee group in favour of employees being more satisfied with the service. Results also show that the time of accomplishment of the requested service was the decisive factor in the overall feeling of satisfaction from the customers’ perspective. Our findings represent the first study of its kind conducted on the quality of services offered by the Ministry of Education in the UAE.
    Keywords: customer satisfaction; performance evaluation; service quality; higher education; certificate equivalency; certificate attestation; human resource management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10057946
  • Understanding e-book continuance intention among students in a developing country: the role of relative advantage, satisfaction and e-reading habits
    by Duong Luu Thi Thuy, Van Nguyen Thi, Binh Do Thi 
    Abstract: Regarding as a cutting-edge, digital reading method and as a teaching tool for students, e-books are increasingly invested by several of Vietnam’s higher educational institutions in the effort to encourage students to switch to and continue reading e-books in light of the 4.0 revolution. This study proposes a research model that integrates. The hierarchy of effects model (HEM) and diffusion of innovation theory (DIT) to examine e-book continuance intention among students in a developing country. The partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method validates the causal model. This study confirms the mediating role of satisfaction and reading habits in the relative advantage and continuance intention relationship and a significant direct impact of relative advantage on e-reading habits. The study’s findings substantially impact students’ behaviour with reference to future book utilisation and highlight several implications for Vietnam’s publishers.
    Keywords: e-book; continuance intention; satisfaction; relative advantage; e-reading habits.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10059243
  • The application of the technology acceptance model (TAM) to determine students’ intention to adopt online teaching and learning in South Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Khathutshelo Makhitha, Thanyani Mbedzi 
    Abstract: Most open distance learning (ODL) institutions are embracing technology to deliver their teaching and learning (T&L) activities. The rapid growth of internet-based technological innovations and the COVID-19 pandemic have further influenced the T&L adopted by ODL institutions. This study aimed to apply the technology acceptance model (TAM) to determine students’ attitudes towards online T&L and to establish whether attitude towards online T&L influences intention to adopt online T&L in an ODL environment. A survey research method was considered appropriate to achieve the research objectives of the study and to test the hypotheses developed. The study targeted marketing students registered for undergraduate and honours marketing qualifications at an open distance electronic learning (ODeL) university. Perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived usefulness (PU) were found to influence students’ attitudes towards online T&L platforms, while their attitude towards online T&L was found to influence their intention to adopt online T&L. The findings present several reasons why academic leaders should consider PEU and PU when designing online T&L curricula and learning management systems.
    Keywords: online T&L; students’ attitudes; perceived ease of use; PEU; perceived usefulness; intention to adopt online T&L; South Africa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10059548
  • Human Capital and Job Seekers: Which is faster to work, Vocational Colleges or University? Indonesian Experience
    by Padang Wicaksono, Debrina Ferezagia, Ida Ayu Wayan Regita Iswari Puri 
    Abstract: Students can continue their studies at vocational colleges or universities after graduating high school. Which is faster to work, an associate’s or bachelor’s degree? It is ironic when vocational education aims to produce a skilled and competent workforce, but the unemployment rate in Indonesia is dominated by vocational education. The non-absorption of human resources from vocational education graduates can trigger employment problems. This study compares the duration of time getting a job among vocational and university graduates. The analytical method used is multilevel survival analysis and two-step Heckman. The reason is the demand for high wages and specific types of work. Based on the results of the multilevel survival analysis and Heakman’s two-step, it can be concluded that fresh graduates with associate degrees have a longer duration of looking for work than fresh graduates with bachelor’s. The reason is the demand for high wages and specific types of work.
    Keywords: human capital; job seeker; vocational colleges; universities; bachelor’s degree; associate’s degree; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061204
  • Financial Literacy in a Buddhist Monastic Setting - Evidence From a Field Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Andreas Hecht 
    Abstract: Financial education can contribute to more sustainable societies and the United Nation’s sustainable development goals, with international organisations striving not to exclude any group from measures to enhance financial literacy. But is financial knowledge even relevant in a monastic context? This paper explores this question and provides unprecedented insights into the financial literacy of monks in two Tibetan Buddhist monasteries with remarkable differences in their curricula. It becomes evident that monks are not completely isolated from the realities around them but are increasingly engaging in (digital) financial transactions. The unique evidence shows that financial issues play a role in the lives of monks, with the results regarding the level of financial literacy comparing favourably to the underlying reference study of the Standard & Poor’s Global Financial Literacy Survey.
    Keywords: financial literacy; financial education; sustainability; sustainable development goal; SDG; monastery; monks; mathematics; social finance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061301
  • Government financial assistance in higher education: An empirical analysis of efficiency in Australian universities   Order a copy of this article
    by Thi Thanh Dung Tran, Jerrie Ngoc Nhu Binh Tran 
    Abstract: Government financial assistance (GFA) plays an important role in higher education to facilitate the process of teaching, learning and research of staff and students. However, very little has known about efficiency of using GFA in higher education. This paper aims to investigate efficiency of using GFA in Australian universities in the context of substantial variation in public funding distribution. The stochastic frontier input requirement model was developed to measure efficiency of using GFA for 2009-2016. The findings reveal that the overall efficiency of using GFA on average at 0.956, implying a high level of efficiency in using public funding. However, bigger is not better in the performance of universities through using GFA. In addition, contextual factors potentially influence temporary transient efficiency (0.974), other than long-term managerial efficiency (0.982) decomposed from the overall efficiency index of GFA. Some suggestions are made for more appropriate solutions to funding distribution in Australian universities.
    Keywords: Australia; higher education institution; long-term efficiency; transient efficiency; government financial assistance; GFA; stochastic frontier analysis; SFA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061451
  • Assessing the students’ digitalization at country level by building a composite index based on PISA 2018   Order a copy of this article
    by Maria Veronica Alderete 
    Abstract: This paper contributes to measuring ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) adoption by students and compares it among different countries. A composite index named students digitalisation index (SDI) is built based on the 2018 PISA database and by applying multivariate statistical techniques. The index assesses ICT adoption beyond equipment acquisition (ICT access) and activities performed by using ICT (ICT use) and includes students’ perception of their digital skills and competencies (ICT engagement). A digital gap between countries was detected. Statistically significant mean differences are observed in terms of type of country, household income, gender, grade repetition, and parents’ highest education. There are no other composite indexes to compare students’ digitalisation among countries. The SDI index is useful to explain the consequences of mass quarantine due to COVID-19 in the educational field. Countries with a low SDI are expected to suffer more as they are less prepared for virtual education.
    Keywords: digital gap; students’ digitalisation; education; ICT adoption; PISA; composite index.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061452
  • The current state and long-term development forecasts of doctoral education: a case study of Armenia   Order a copy of this article
    by Ruzanna Shushanyan, Maria Ohanyan, Anush Sargsyan, Shushanik Sargsyan 
    Abstract: Across a wide variety of global contexts, the role of higher education is exceptionally important for sustainable economic development Therefore, the implementation of educational reforms to support integrative and internationally-oriented doctoral studies is one of the most important challenges for policymakers. This study aims to investigate the current state of doctoral education in Armenia and trends found within, touching upon the socioeconomic disparities, gender inequalities, and policy issues of doctoral education in Armenia for the last decade following the collapse of the Soviet Union mainly focusing on 2012-2021 period. The results of this study indicate the need for the implementation of long-awaited reforms regarding R&D growth, flexible management of doctoral research, student assessment, licensing, and international accreditation in doctoral education. This study may be useful for scholars, policymakers, and experts who investigate the issues of scientific and educational systems across the state and global contexts.
    Keywords: education policy; Europeanization; doctoral education; PhD; R&D; thesis; Armenia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061514
  • Employer Perception on Graduate Employability: Evidence from Uttar Pradesh   Order a copy of this article
    by MOHD MALIK, Kulsoom Raza, Irsad ., Ranjana Singh 
    Abstract: The current paper is an attempt to understand the skill gap and foreseen job market skills needed. Thus, following the set of objectives and review of the literature, 13 types of skills relevant to employment were identified and classified into three categories: technical skills, non-technical skills, and behavioural skills. Out of the 13 talents chosen by businesses, technical skills in graduates were deemed the most significant, followed by skill flexibility. Students and HR executives were asked to rate all talents on a Likert scale of 1 (least essential) to 5 (most important) using structured questionnaires (most important). There is a gap between the required and apparent abilities of graduates, resulting in poor performance of employees in new workplaces. Graduate foreign language skills have a 0.45 gap, while conceptualising skills have a 0.44 difference. Academic excellence and numeric skills have the smallest difference, with a 0.11 index value. This highlights the importance of identifying the most crucial talents for employers.
    Keywords: behavioural skills education; employability; non-technical skills; skills gap; technical skills graduate employability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061882
  • Job discrimination or false wage gap in the current century? An analysis of graduates of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics.   Order a copy of this article
    by Rina Bucaram, Victor Quinde, FRANCISCO ANTONIO QUINDE ROSALES, Pamela Vera Pianda 
    Abstract: Wage equality continues to be a problem to be solved in the world and an utopia in most Latin American countries, including Ecuador, which considers and establishes gender as a conditioning factor in labour market insertion. In this regard, the present study aims to analyse the salary differences among graduates of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics based on the observable characteristics of individuals. Using the Mincerian equation, together with the Heckman bias correction and the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, we intend to demonstrate the existence of wage disparities. The results indicate the existence of a salary difference between graduates of around 52% in favour of the male gender, of which only 44% of the disparity is explained by factors attributable to human capital endowment.
    Keywords: discrimination; wage disparity; labour market.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10061921
  • Sustainable development and blended learning in accounting education   Order a copy of this article
    by Chara Kottara, Dimitra Kavalieraki-Foka, Fragiskos Gonidakis, Sofia Asonitou, Apostolos Zaridis, Vasiliki Brinia 
    Abstract: In recent decades, the scientific community has focused on sustainable development, as there are concerns about economic, social, and environmental resources. One of the key sustainability goals is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4) focusing on the quality of education both lifelong and university education where it is oriented towards free access, non-discriminatory, increasing the prospects for enhancing employment, entrepreneurship, and the acquisition of skills through new educational teaching methods that promote sustainable principles. The exploration of sustainable teaching approaches is inextricably linked to blended learning practices, which promote sustainability through the management of educational resources and the reduction of educational costs. Even today there is a limited number of published studies, where this academic study attempts to elucidate and reduce this gap by investigating blended learning in accounting courses through a literature review in order to identify any potential for sustainable development in academic environment.
    Keywords: sustainable development; blended learning; accounting education; university; sustainability perspective.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10062903
  • Impact of ethical social financing on the development of socio-economic status of a developing country like Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Akhmad Affandi Mahfudz, Toseef Azid, Rusyda Afifah Ahmad 
    Abstract: COVID-19 outbreak, has many negative impacts on economy, especially for rural communities The objective rules explains that if each region has adopted social institutions by establishing social institutions in the form of baitul maal (treasury), mosques (worship place for Muslims), waqf (trust endowment) institutions and so on, then the area can improve the economy of its people So, in this research to analyse the influence of philanthropic institution program on ethical social funds disbursement as part of developing rural society through its financing as intervening variable This paper employs SEM using structured questionnaire circulated to 165 baitul maal in East Java Indonesia. This study unveiled the fact that model of ethical social funds disbursement from baitul maal has significantly influenced the development of marginalised areas through philanthropy using qardh hasan (benevolent loan).
    Keywords: philanthropy; social funds; poverty alleviation; destitute; socio-economic status; Indonesia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10063057
  • Analysis of the use of e-commerce in Baja California, Mexico: higher education students 2023.   Order a copy of this article
    by Juan Antonio Meza Fregoso, Nora Del Carmen Osuna Millan, Rigoberto Negrete Urbano, Ricardo Fernando Rosales Cisneros, Hector Luis Gonzalez Diaz 
    Abstract: In order to analyse the use of Electronic Commerce by students of the Autonomous University of Baja California, a questionnaire was implemented to identify the personal characteristics of the respondents and whether they have made online purchases. From a sample of 1,741 students, it is concluded that 85% of students have made purchases, with females being the ones who buy the most, in addition to the pandemic being an important part for students to make purchases online, generally students who do not work They are the ones who buy clothes online, in addition to using their cell phone to make the online purchase since it allows them to review complete and detailed information about the product. Finally, students who have purchased in virtual stores recommend this service. Students who have not completed this procedure are students who distrust the service.
    Keywords: e-commerce; information and communication technologies; innovation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10063820
  • Characterisation of the training of the auditor accountant in Ecuador. A look through university public statements.   Order a copy of this article
    by Juan Carlos Armijos, Ariel La Paz, Ängel Higuerey 
    Abstract: The purpose of the study is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the accountant auditor career in Ecuador, analysing the characteristics of the curricular construction in terms of the design and construction of the graduation profiles. It seeks to answer: what are the main characteristics of the training of the auditor accountant declared by the Ecuadorian universities? For this, descriptive qualitative research is proposed to understand the complexity of the discipline, through an ontological framework. For the present study, information was collected regarding the graduation profiles and study plans of all current universities in Ecuador. The results show the accentuated practical profile of the graduates; and in skills, the power to audit, make decisions and advice, highlighting a solid command of accounting and auditing, although concerns remain about quality and a heterogeneity in the curricula that are potentially confusing for the milieu of applicants and employers.
    Keywords: auditor accountant; graduate profiles; curriculum design; higher education; Ecuador.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10063821
  • The price of progress: how much are households spending on shadow education in India?   Order a copy of this article
    by Pushpendra Singh, Archana Singh 
    Abstract: This study examines the factors driving the growth of private coaching institutes in India and their impact on educational equity and accessibility. Using data from the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), specifically the 75th round of 20172018. The result indicates that private coaching is more prevalent among students from urban areas, affluent households, and upper-caste families. However, coaching expenses, comprising 15.2% of total educational expenses, pose a significant financial burden on students in rural areas. The study underscores the importance for policymakers, educators, and families to address the challenge of accessing educational coaching and managing the financial strain on students and their households. Furthermore, it suggests that the proliferation of private coaching centres may worsen existing disparities in educational opportunities and perpetuate cycles of inequality.
    Keywords: private coaching institutes; educational equity; shadows education; education expenditure; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10064376
  • Education financing: a bibliometric survey of educational spending   Order a copy of this article
    by P.D. Singh, Abhinav Chandel, Deepti Semwal, Abhishek Kumar Singh 
    Abstract: Education financing is a new concept to improve education quality. Until now, however, no study has provided a comprehensive review of this field. To overcome this gap, we postulate a comprehensive overview of educational expenditure using bibliometric analysis technology. Using Co-citation analysis, we have concluded the knowledge and thematic structure of educational funding for 2001-2020. The results help researchers identify appropriate levels of emphasis on education financing. The scope of the present study is restricted to the bibliographical examination of biographical information obtained exclusively from the Scopus database. Furthermore, since only one of these quality papers is listed, future research may be conducted using merged bibliography data from Scopus and Web of Science. To better understand the research paradigm from high-quality publications, future research can use only bibliographic analyses of articles listed on the SCI, SSCI, and ABDC lists.
    Keywords: education; public spending; education spending; education policy; higher education; bibliometric analysis; financing on education.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10064814
  • Remittance and financial development: a comparison between highly- and less-educated migrants   Order a copy of this article
    by Md Abdur Rahman Forhad, Gazi Mahabubul Alam, Vesna Skrbinjek 
    Abstract: While many studies explored the impact of remittances on recipient countries’ economic development, this study uniquely investigates a comparative analysis between highly-educated and less-educated migrants on financial development. This study uses macro-level data from the World Development Indicators and employs an instrumental variable approach. Findings indicate that remittance generally boosts the financial development of recipient countries, with remittances from low-educated migrants promoting better financial inclusion. To ensure a sustainable positive impact of remittance from both groups of migrants on financial development, easing domestic and international policies related to foreign employment and investment opportunities is important.
    Keywords: remittances; highly-educated migrants; low-educated migrants; financial development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10065155
  • Unveiling the impact of abusive supervision on life satisfaction in Indian higher education: a trust-breaking phenomenon   Order a copy of this article
    by Manisha Singh 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the linkages between abusive supervision, emotional exhaustion, and life satisfaction. In addition, we aim to investigate whether external social support moderates the effects of abusive supervision on life satisfaction. The sample of the study comprised 255 academic staff from the higher education institution of Jaipur Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire and collected in three waves. Hypotheses were tested with structural equation modelling to verify the proposed linkage in the study. We found that abusive supervision leads to emotional exhaustion that, in turn, negatively predicts life satisfaction. Furthermore, external social support attenuates the impacts of abusive supervision on life satisfaction. We contribute to the literature by demonstrating that sustained exposure to abusive supervision affects subordinates’ life satisfaction indirectly through emotional exhaustion, and that the positive impacts of abusive supervision and emotional exhaustion on life satisfaction are weaker among individuals who are.
    Keywords: abusive supervision; emotional exhaustion; life satisfaction; external social support; higher education; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10065620

Special Issue on: Digital Transformation in Education A Paradigm Shift in Teaching Learning Methods

  • Enhancing Innovation Performance in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region: Evidence, Proposals, and Improvement Strategies from the Case of Brazil.   Order a copy of this article
    by PAULO VINICIUS PETRIZ MONTEIRO, Fabio Paula, David Resende, Branca Terra, Carlos Eduardo Da Rocha, Jorge Da Silva, Murilo Oliveira 
    Abstract: The Global Innovation Index (GII) serves as a benchmark for assessing an economy’s innovation performance and systems, as well as informing policies. Despite recent post-pandemic progress, the literature highlights Brazil’s unsatisfactory innovation performance that needs improvement. This research investigates the factors that significantly impacted Brazil’s innovation performance from 2011 to 2020 (pre-pandemic period), examining GII ranking data. The study highlights significant weak and strategic points for growth, outlined across four pillars, ten sub-pillars, and 34 indicators, emphasising the need to invest in enhancement across ‘institutions’, ‘market sophistication’, ‘creative outputs’, and ‘human capital and research’. These insights guide stakeholders and policymakers, not only within Brazil’s innovation system but also for others seeking to replicate this approach. Ultimately, the study recommends and suggests strategies and improvement actions aimed at fortifying and fostering a more conducive environment for innovation in the economy, as well as addressing relevant topics for future research.
    Keywords: Brazil; Global Innovation Index; GII; innovation performance; innovation systems; Latin America and Caribbean; policymakers; public policies; pandemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10061053
  • Credible and non-credible sources of information: students' perception of their skills   Order a copy of this article
    by Olinda Gil, Cesar Freitas, Joao Pascoinho, Estrela Paulo, Rosa Martins, Sofia Gonçalves, Joana Cavalcanti, Teresa Macedo 
    Abstract: The study aimed to: 1) get to know the students’ perception of their abilities to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 2) understand if there are differences between 3rd cycle and secondary school students regarding their ability to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 3) to understand if there are differences between students of regular education and professional education regarding their ability to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 4) to identify the students’ perception of the role of the school library in the development of skills to distinguish between credible and non-credible sources of information. The results allow us to conclude that students reveal essential knowledge to distinguish and select, in part, in-formation for their research work, although they still need training to develop these skills.
    Keywords: information literacy; media literacy; digital literacy; reading; information sources.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10061656
  • Necessary skills for teachers towards digital information and communication technologies in the current era   Order a copy of this article
    by Victor Borges Canella, Maria Batista, Áurea Sousa, Maria Rocha, Luisa Borges Canella 
    Abstract: The study aimed to: 1) get to know the students’ perception of their abilities to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 2) understand if there are differences between 3rd cycle and secondary school students regarding their ability to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 3) to understand if there are differences between students of regular education and professional education regarding their ability to identify and distinguish credible information from non-credible information; 4) to identify the students’ perception of the role of the school library in the development of skills to distinguish between credible and non-credible sources of information. The results allow us to conclude that students reveal essential knowledge to distinguish and select, in part, in-formation for their research work, although they still need training to develop these skills.
    Keywords: information literacy; media literacy; digital literacy; reading; information sources.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10062378
  • Actors involved in the acquisition processes of higher education institutions in South America   Order a copy of this article
    by Juan Carlos Armijos, María De Miguel Molina, Carlos Ripoll Soler 
    Abstract: University acquisitions usually have two main reasons or characteristics. Firstly, they may be related to the absorption of universities (large versus small) and, secondly, to the growth, expansion or positioning of these institutions. To determine its main characteristics and describe these processes in detail, the research proposes - as an analysis tool - the implementation of mixed research methods, whose main objective is to analyse in detail what are the causes that led higher education institutions to the implementation of these processes, their characteristics and importance, what has been the role of the state, international private groups and accreditation and quality assurance systems? Based on information from primary and secondary sources, articles from scientific and written press, reports and information from institutional websites are analysed, the result of which reflects that these processes are carried out for various reasons (commercial, financing, quality, political), being, in most cases, problems related to quality and institutional management.
    Keywords: acquisitions; mergers; higher education institutions; interest groups; university management; students; academics; universities; accreditation systems; South America.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10063261
  • Determinants of relational marketing in customer satisfaction and loyalty: a study applied to products of mass consumption in Portugal   Order a copy of this article
    by Adriano Costa, Joaquim Antunes 
    Abstract: This research aims to identify the factors that precede consumer satisfaction and how this influences brand loyalty in the Portuguese consumer products and services market. The methodology used was based on a literature review on relationship marketing, brands, satisfaction and loyalty. Subsequently, an online survey was carried out, distributed via social networks. A total of 513 valid responses were obtained. The data was processed using SPSS, version 27.0. The results show that there are three factors that precede satisfaction and that two of them influence it positively, while one factor influences satisfaction negatively. It was also found that there is a very strong and positive relationship between satisfaction and loyalty, as in other studies. The results of this research could be useful for the academic community, particularly in marketing education, as well as for marketing professionals interested in studying loyalty factors.
    Keywords: relationship marketing; customer relationship management; CRM; brands; satisfaction; loyalty; Portugal.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10063578
  • A critical analysis of the "neoclassical tradition" and economics education in Turkey.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sema Yilmaz , Rahmi Deniz Özbay, Rui Alexandre Castanho 
    Abstract: In the field of economics education, neoclassical economics serves as the foundation for Orthodox thought, drawing upon a theoretical and methodological framework that centres around the concept of a 'sovereign power' relationship. This framework informs the traditions and frequently held practices within the field. The term 'dismal science', originally used by Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle in 1849, can be employed as a critique of the intricate, paradoxical, inscrutable, and detached nature of neoclassical economics. Several criticisms have been raised regarding the utilisation of mathematical techniques primarily as an objective rather than a means of elucidating economic phenomena. This study highlights the significant issue arising from an economics education that lacks methodology and disregards interdisciplinary engagement with other social sciences, particularly under the dominance of neoclassical economics. It demonstrates that the detachment from reality is not only prevalent in Turkey but also observed in many other parts of the world.
    Keywords: neoclassical economics; economics education; orthodox thought; sovereign power relationship; dismal science; criticisms; mathematical techniques; social and historical dimensions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10063822
  • The practice of special education teachers in remote teaching during and after the Covid-19 pandemic   Order a copy of this article
    by Isabel De Castro Chaves, Ana Isabel Carvalho, Rosa Martins, Estrela Paulo, Joao Pascoinho, Ana Isabel Rodrigues, Ana Camões, Cindy Vaz 
    Abstract: The study was carried out with special education teachers, in a total of 43 participants, from a school in the north of Portugal. The study is of a quantitative nature and the general objective was: to identify the attitudes and practices of special education teachers during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM/SPSS program, version 26.0 with exploratory factor analysis. Ethical issues were taken into account, safeguarding the anonymity of participants throughout the process. The main results were the frequency of use of digital technologies did not change significantly between during and after the remote teaching period and the type of digital technologies tools and their use by Special Education teachers during the pandemic determined their practices after the pandemic. This study makes evident the importance of training special education teachers in the use of digital technologies tools.
    Keywords: digital technologies; remote learning; teachers; students; specific needs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10065005
  • Research management in higher education institutions in Bolivia and Paraguay: a SWOT analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Makhabbat Ramazanova, Maria De Fátima Matos Da Silva, Helena Albuquerque, Jorge Fuentes Ávila, Beatriz Margarita Barrera Zuleta, Silvia Marín Guzmán 
    Abstract: The primary purpose of this article is to present the results of a SWOT analysis of research management in higher education institutions in Bolivia and Paraguay. When managing research, it is crucial to comprehensively understand the internal and external factors that might influence the efficacy of the research management process within higher education institutions (HEIs). This involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of HEIs and assessing the potential opportunities and threats in the broad external environment. It is essential to involve all stakeholders in the governance process, from researchers to senior managers. In this context, this study applied the SWOT methodology to gather insights from key stakeholders in higher education institutions management and ministries participating in the INNOVA project in Bolivia and Paraguay and presents their perspectives and the results obtained. The findings indicate that despite research being incorporated into Bolivias and Paraguays national policies, it still needs to be developed, and there are no concrete indicators regarding the fulfilment of political objectives. The main actors in this study recognise the importance of the government
    Keywords: higher education institutions; HEIs; research; research management; SWOT analysis; Bolivia; Paraguay.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2025.10065279