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International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development

International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (IJISD)

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International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (24 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Can financial success drive sustainability? Exploring the role of eco-innovation in enhancing ESG outcomes in Chinese companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Chen Anqi, Ong Tze San, Ridzwana Mohd Said, Soh Weini 
    Abstract: This study examines how financial performance influences environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes among Chinese firms, focusing on the moderating effect of Eco-innovation. Using panel data from 2011 to 2021, fixed effects and generalised method of moments (GMM) methods address potential endogeneity. The results show that higher financial performance, measured by return on assets (ROA), is associated with better ESG scores, and this relationship is strengthened by Eco-innovation. A robustness check using earnings before interest and taxes to total assets ratio (EBIT) supports these findings. Unlike prior research (Sun, 2024; Liu et al., 2024), which examines ESG disclosures and green innovation, this study highlights how Eco-innovation enhances the link between financial performance and ESG. The findings have important implications for regulators in China, where policies such as the Green Finance Guidelines and the Environmental Protection Tax Law encourage sustainable practices. Policymakers could increase green innovation incentives through tax relief and subsidies, further aligning financial success with sustainability.
    Keywords: ESG; environmental; social; and governance; eco-innovation; financial performance; sustainable development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2025.10070122

Special Issue on: ARTEM OCC The Interplay Between Creativity and Sustainability Moving from Presence to Future

  • The art of eco-nudging: interactive digital art as didactic agents of change in the built environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Carmela Cucuzzella, Sherif Goubran, Firdous Nizar 
    Abstract: It is impossible to ignore the damage humankind has caused to the environment. Most of the destruction, however, remains beyond individuals direct control and is caused by the prevailing modes of consumption and production. Imagery has been instrumental in communicating the environmental degradation caused by human activity, many of which have mostly relied on techno-scientific visualisations. In this paper, we are exploring eco-art as a promising public enlightenment strategy for enabling specific actions. This paper describes the outcome of an experiment focused on eco-nudging (i.e., bridging the gap between environmental awareness and action). Can interactive experiences with digital art shift participants behavioural choices toward the optimisation of their interior spaces environmental settings? If so, how? With this experiment, we highlight the significance of daily technological companionship through digital eco-art as a research field for exploring how to better inform and activate human eco-behaviour.
    Keywords: environmental art; eco-art; eco-art and design; eco-didacticism; eco-awareness; eco-action; companionship; human-building interaction; human-building interfaces; energy-actions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10055401
  • Social innovation for soils   Order a copy of this article
    by Marie-Pierre Dussine 
    Abstract: Depending on their use, soils can provide many ecosystem services, such as food supply, water purification, climate regulation or biodiversity protection. Healthy soils are therefore a prerequisite for the achievement of many sustainable development goals (SDGs). Conversely, soil sealing is a real threat to living organisms as it prevents soils from producing these crucial services. While many policies seem to have failed so far to curb land take, this paper examines how they could be today complemented by the mobilisation of different stakeholders in a polycentric equilibrium able to preserve soils. This equilibrium is based on a social innovation that requires sufficient creativity to involve stakeholders who do not necessarily share the same vision of soils. This paper draws on Behavioural Economics to outline the conditions.
    Keywords: behavioural economics; creativity; polycentric equilibrium; social innovation; soil sealing; sustainable development.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057776
  • A matrix to grasp the sustainable development goals   Order a copy of this article
    by Anja Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anne Lange 
    Abstract: This paper presents a matrix to organise the content of the sustainable development goals in a structured and less complex manner. Especially for individuals and businesses, such as small and medium enterprises, which often need more substantial knowledge about sustainability, easy access to the topic is created. Besides the numerous SDG-based tools for mapping, reporting, and monitoring, for instance, business development regarding the requirements of global sustainable development, the matrix offers aid to start dealing with the topic and to create awareness. Based on a qualitative content analysis of the Agenda 2030 the SDG-Matrix was created.
    Keywords: SDGs; sustainable development goals; sustainability; qualitative content analysis; awareness; SMEs; small and medium-sized enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057872
  • Antecedents and consequences of anxiety: the relevance of perceived legitimacy   Order a copy of this article
    by Alicia Blanco-González, Gabriel Cachón-Rodríguez, Francisco Díez-Martín, Giorgia Miotto 
    Abstract: Mental health is considered as a relevant issue worldwide. It has been included in the UN Sustainable Agenda and is a political priority for policy makers. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that hygiene and safety are antecedents of anxiety, and that legitimacy and purchase intention are their consequences. We surveyed 1,200 regular supermarket shoppers. Results show that hygiene has no significance, since it is a retailing attribute that is given for grant by consumers. Safety actions reduce consumers’ anxiety and anxiety negatively influences legitimacy and purchase intention. In addition, legitimacy has a positive influence on purchase intention. This study has important academic implications since it introduces anxiety as a new variable into the agenda of business management scholars. The research highlights managerial implications such as the need to invest on safety in the retail shops and communication to reduce customers’ anxiety perception.
    Keywords: anxiety; organisational legitimacy; purchase intention; consumer behaviour; hygiene; safety; retail; change management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058367
  • Sustainability performance and employee turnover. Does industry’s technological intensity matter? A quantile regression analysis of European listed manufacturing companies   Order a copy of this article
    by Aziza Garsaa, Elisabeth Paulet 
    Abstract: The present paper aims to explore the link between the three dimensions of sustainability performance (ESG: social, environmental and governance), approximated by Standard and Poor's (S&P) ratings, and employee turnover. Furthermore, it examines the impact of the technological intensity of industries in which companies operate on this relationship. Panel data quantile regression models are estimated using a sample of 105 manufacturing firms listed in the European capital market during the period 2017-2019. With the exception of the economic dimension, the estimation results show that sustainability performance scores are negatively associated with employee turnover rate in high and medium-high technology industries. However, the opposite is found for companies operating in medium-low and low technology industries. Nevertheless, the determinants of employee turnover and the extent to which it is affected by sustainability performance scores are strongly dependent on the conditional distribution of turnover rate as well as the industry’s technological intensity.
    Keywords: sustainability performance; employee turnover; industry’s technological intensity; panel data fixed effect quantile regression.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10059196

Special Issue on: Social Innovation for Enterprise Sustainable Development

  • Disclosure behaviour of sovereign wealth funds in relation to environmental, social and governance and sustainable development goals   Order a copy of this article
    by Marty-Jörn Klein 
    Abstract: This paper deals with the current state of environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainable development goals (SDG) disclosure by 97 sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) worldwide, which together account for 99% of global total SWF assets. The aim of the paper is to give an overview of current disclosure behaviour for different types of SWFs and on a regional basis in view of the macro-economic environment. Pursuing an econometric approach, we test a series of hypotheses using various measures of the sustainable behaviour of SWFs on both the institutional and country levels. Our findings suggest that self-reported ESG and SDG data are still mostly opaque. Variations in the scope, measurement, and weight of parameters make comparisons difficult. Forty-nine percent of all SWFs do not disclose on ESG, and 73% do not disclose SDG data. Furthermore, 56% of SWFs from developed countries do not report on ESG.
    Keywords: SWFs; sovereign wealth funds; ESG; environmental; social and governance; SDG; sustainability reporting; economic development; origin of assets; One Planet SWF initiative; International Forum of SWF; Linaburg-Maduell Transparency Index; reputational risk.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10056363
  • Design of enterprise human resource allocation model based on radial basis function neural network   Order a copy of this article
    by Yi Wang, Lei Li 
    Abstract: In order to allocate enterprise human resources effectively and correctly, an enterprise human resources allocation model based on radial basis function (RBF) neural network is constructed. The input vector of clustering is divided by RBF neural network algorithm, the membership value of data is processed by fuzzy rules, the data category is output, and the directional connection between departments is monitored by association matrix to realise the allocation of human resources in enterprises. The experimental results show that the contribution rates of this model resource allocation planning factors is less than 85%, the mean square error results is less than 0.00914, the missed alarm rate is less than 2%, the false alarm rate is less than 1.5%. The above data prove that the model has correct and effective enterprise human resource allocation results, with good performance, high accuracy, strong anti-noise performance, high diagnostic accuracy and good practicability.
    Keywords: RBF neural network; human resources; membership function; resource allocation; fuzzy rules; incidence matrix.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10056642
  • Construction of the informatisation management platform for enterprise audit based on cloud computing   Order a copy of this article
    by Zhen Tian 
    Abstract: Based on the research of enterprise audit informatisation planning and construction, this paper designs an accurate classification system of enterprise audit information in the cloud computing center environment according to the operation process of enterprise audit. The Hadoop and MapReduce technologies of the cloud computing center are used to collect, store, and process information about neutral items in the audit preparation, implementation, and termination stages to implement information-based management of the entire enterprise audit process. The results show that the platform can clearly and accurately present the information of different audit stages of enterprise projects to be audited, which is convenient for enterprises to effectively analyse their own audit status and ensure the smooth implementation of enterprise audit.
    Keywords: cloud computing; enterprise audit; informatisation management; audit implementation stage; Hadoop technology; MapReduce technology.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10056667
  • Data analysis method of university bidding and purchasing based on improved Apriori algorithm   Order a copy of this article
    by Tianyu Feng 
    Abstract: With the increasing scale of university bidding projects and funds year by year and the development trend of Internet + bidding and procurement, the establishment of high-quality data analysis methods has become the focus of building an Internet-based University bidding and procurement management system. In view of the shortcomings of traditional data analysis methods, based on the analysis of the construction strategy of university bidding and procurement, this study designs a data analysis method of University bidding and procurement based on improved Apriori algorithm. According to the experimental results, the method has high analysis timeliness, accuracy and stability, indicating that the method effectively achieves the design expectation.
    Keywords: higher education; bidding procurement; data analysis; feature recognition; improved Apriori algorithm; the characteristics of clustering.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10056668
  • Innovative management model of human resources for entrepreneurial enterprises under the concept of sustainable development   Order a copy of this article
    by Guangchao Yan 
    Abstract: In 2014, the country put forward the concept of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and introduced corresponding policies to encourage entrepreneurship. However, the development of most entrepreneurial enterprises is difficult, with an average survival time of less than 2 years. In addition to the lack of capital and technology, the management of entrepreneurial enterprises is full of loopholes, especially the lack of attention to human resource management (HRM). The research proposes a human capital evaluation system based on an improved squeeze network model to improve the efficiency and accuracy of entrepreneurial enterprises in evaluating candidates or entrepreneurs. The evaluation indicators are derived from a questionnaire survey of outstanding entrepreneurs in Dalian and related literature. The experimental results show that compared with the benchmark model, the accuracy of the evaluation of human capital by this model is increased by 20%, and the error between the evaluation of experts and experts is between 3% and 6%, which can meet the needs of use.
    Keywords: HRM; human resource management; human capital; sustainable development; improved SN model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10056669
  • A colourful solution to floral waste: An approach for sustainable environment and its relation to a small business model   Order a copy of this article
    by Geeta Saini, Swati Sharma, Shraddha R. Bhat 
    Abstract: India is a place of great devotion; without flowers, devotion is never completed. Temples spend a significant amount of money daily on flowers which are eventually discarded into landfills or water bodies, severely contaminating them. The proposed paper aims to bring awareness to the issue created by temple floral waste and to offer a better solution for their usage and recycling. Composting flower debris is one of the greatest solutions to the problem caused by the dumping of flower waste. In addition to composting, numerous other things including bookmarks, colourful papers, and containers, other items have also been produced by floral waste. Through this, a significant issue of land pollution and water pollution (mostly in the rivers found in holy places like the Holy Ganges River, Uttarakhand, India) can be reduced, and it also offers employment opportunities for the disadvantaged society. It can be viewed as a typical illustration of wealth from waste, that has been recycled and used again. These goods are valuable commercially, and with the right management, they might even become a source of revenue. So, the present paper focuses on gathering, using, and transforming flower waste produced by the temple into various non-conventional items.
    Keywords: floral waste; water pollution; solid waste management; temple waste; revenue generation; employment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057509
  • Research on the sustainable development of automobile manufacturing industry and logistics industry in Anhui province based on the linkage of the two industries   Order a copy of this article
    by Yun He, Huiping Yang, Banglei Wu 
    Abstract: The positive interaction between manufacturing industry and logistics industry plays an important role in promoting sustainable economic development. In view of the lack of research on the linkage between specific manufacturing sub-industries and logistics industry, this paper chooses the automobile manufacturing as the sub-industry, and uses the grey correlation analysis method based on entropy weight to deeply analyse the level of the linkage development between the automobile manufacturing industry and the logistics industry in Anhui Province, as well as the main influencing factors. And further put forward specific countermeasures to promote the linkage development of the two industries respectively from the government level, the automobile manufacturing industry level and the logistics industry level, so as to provide ideas for the sustainable development.
    Keywords: automobile manufacturing industry; logistics industry; linkage development; entropy weight method; grey correlation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058684
  • Research on the influence of innovation activities on low-carbon economy growth based on Chinese provincial panel data   Order a copy of this article
    by Yubo Cui, Guofa Zhang 
    Abstract: In the present period of economic development of China, the important questions concerning economic development that must be explored are whether innovative activities have an influence on regional low carbon economic growth and in what way this influence is achieved. From a macro perspective, this paper selected the panel data of 30 provincial-level administrative regions in China from 2003 to 2017, investigating the influence of innovation activities on the growth of regional low-carbon economy and its mechanism. The empirical results showed that innovation activities had significantly promoted the growth of regional low-carbon economy, and the intermediary effect test proved that this promotion could be achieved by promoting the progress of green technology and reducing the intensity of environmental regulation. After changing the core explanatory variables, the above conclusions are still valid, indicating that the results of this paper are robust and credible.
    Keywords: innovation activities; growth of low-carbon economy; progress of green technology; environmental regulation; economic development; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10059664

Special Issue on: Social Innovation, Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Digital Transformation

  • The hybrid online diversified teaching mode based on MOOC and SPOC   Order a copy of this article
    by Min Jiang, Boda Li 
    Abstract: In order to improve the teaching effect of the traditional teaching mode, improve the students academic performance and improve the students progress rate, the paper designs a hybrid online diversified teaching mode based on massive open online courses (MOOC) and small private online course (SPOC). Firstly, carry out the reasonable distribution of teaching content and teaching activities, and realise the principle design of mixed online diversified teaching mode. Secondly, the design of mixed online diversified teaching mode is completed from the four parts of course teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching environment and teaching resources. Finally, Markov chain algorithm is used to evaluate the teaching effect under the diversified teaching mode. The results show that the teaching mode designed in this paper can effectively improve the students progress rate. The total score of students can be improved by 58 points, and the maximum utilisation rate of teaching resources can be 100%.
    Keywords: diversified teaching; distribution principle; course teaching objectives; content of courses; Markov chain algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057779
  • Research on adaptive recommendation of network learning resources for personalised mobile learning platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiujing Ju 
    Abstract: In order to overcome the problems of long recommendation time and low recommendation accuracy in traditional learning resource recommendation methods, this paper proposes a new adaptive recommendation method for online learning resources of personalised mobile learning platform. Firstly, analyse the structure of personalised mobile learning platform and the process of mobile learning. Secondly, calculate the value of learners preference attribute for online learning resources, and conduct classification mining of personalised data. Finally, according to the prediction score, the similarity between learners cognitive ability and the difficulty of learning resources, and the similarity between learners scenarios and the types of online learning resources, the adaptive recommendation degree is calculated, and Top-N is selected from the recommendation results to recommend to learners. The experimental results show that the proposed method can shorten the adaptive recommendation accuracy and reduce the recommendation time, and the recommendation accuracy is always about 96%.
    Keywords: personalised mobile learning platform; E-learning resources; adaptive recommendation; personalised data; learners cognitive ability; long recommendation time.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057780
  • An evaluation method of teaching reform effect based on grey relational degree   Order a copy of this article
    by Jianlei Zhang 
    Abstract: Aiming at the effect of teaching reform, the traditional evaluation method has some problems, such as low recall rate of index data, high proportion of noise data, and low accuracy of evaluation. The evaluation method based on grey correlation degree is proposed. First, set up the evaluation index system to obtain the evaluation indexes, and then preprocess the obtained indexes. Then, use the fuzzy IOSDATA clustering algorithm to cluster the pretreated indexes. Finally, according to the clustering results, determine the index weight based on the entropy weight method. According to the index weight, calculate the grey correlation degree, and sort the grey correlation degree according to the size, and combine it with the evaluation model to obtain the final evaluation value. The experimental results show that the index data recall rate of this method is high, the proportion of noise data is low, and the evaluation effect is good.
    Keywords: grey correlation degree; reform in education; effect evaluation; fuzzy IOSDATA clustering algorithm; rejection of abnormal points; grey correlation coefficient.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10057781
  • Study on evaluation method of innovative practical education quality in colleges and universities based on entropy weight method and grey correlation degree method   Order a copy of this article
    by Xiaoping Feng 
    Abstract: Aiming at the quality of innovative practice education, the current evaluation method has the problems of poor evaluation effect and low evaluation efficiency. This paper proposes a new evaluation method by combining entropy weight method and grey correlation method. First, build an evaluation index system to obtain indicators, and then calculate the weight of each indicator through entropy weight method. Finally, use the grey correlation method to obtain the correlation degree of each indicator, sort the indicators according to the size of the correlation degree, build an evaluation model, input the evaluation index data into the evaluation model, and get the score. The simulation results show that the proposed method has high evaluation accuracy and short evaluation time.
    Keywords: entropy weight method; grey correlation degree method; college innovation practice; education quality evaluation; index weight.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058005
  • Analysis of market digital transformation direction under modern information technology   Order a copy of this article
    by Min Li, Liyang Sun 
    Abstract: In order to improve the digital level of the market and the success rate of digital transformation, this paper proposes a new analysis method of market digital transformation direction under modern information technology. Firstly, analyse the characteristics of market digital transformation, and build a market data center with the support of modern information technology. Secondly, the minimum spanning tree method in modern information technology is used to mine market operation data. Finally, based on the five market digital transformation directions, the market digital transformation directions are ranked by using the prospect theory. The direction that ranks first is the direction of market digital transformation. The experimental results show that the proposed digital turn direction analysis method can improve the digital level of the market and the success rate of market digital transformation, with the highest transformation success rate of 98.7%.
    Keywords: modern information technology; digital transformation of the market; transformation direction; minimum spanning tree; prospect theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058006
  • Evaluation method of economic benefits of intercity railway based on Choquet integral method   Order a copy of this article
    by Yanan Liu, Chenyou Li, Zhinan Li 
    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low fitting and poor sensitivity of traditional methods, an evaluation method based on Choquet integral method is proposed for the economic benefits of intercity railway. Firstly, based on the frequency analysis results and expert scoring results, reliable indicators are selected from the pre-selection set of indicators, and then the advantages and disadvantages of each object to be evaluated are ranked according to the close value of the indicators. Then, the quadratic programming method is used to construct the objective function, the heuristic least squares method is used to determine the fuzzy measure of Choquet integral, and the final evaluation result is obtained after summarising the measure values of different nodes. Experiment shows that the evaluation sensitivity of this method can reach 0.98, and the maximum fitting degree of the evaluation results can reach 0.982, which indicates that this method achieves the design expectation.
    Keywords: Choquet integration method; fuzzy measure; heuristic least square method; closeness value; quadratic programming method.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058007
  • The mixed teaching reform and empirical analysis of MOOC localisation curriculum   Order a copy of this article
    by Yu Cao, Hui-sheng Zhu, Chao Li 
    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of low interest in learning and unsatisfactory improvement of learning results in traditional methods, the mixed teaching reform and empirical analysis of MOOC localisation curriculum is proposed. Firstly, SPSS statistical software is used to conduct exploratory factor analysis on the data, and alpha coefficient is used to analyse the credibility of each dimension of teaching reform. Then, take the three dimensions of peer relationship, teacher-student relationship and classroom involvement as independent variables, and the total score of learning gains as dependent variables to establish a regression model. Finally, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to evaluate the effect of teaching reform, and a targeted teaching reform strategy is given. The experimental results show that after using this method, students interest in learning can be improved by 0.57, and the score can be improved by about 142 points, the practical application effect is good.
    Keywords: SPSS statistical software; MOOC localisation; factor load value; alpha coefficient; multiple linear regression analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058008
  • Evaluation method of online and offline interaction effect of university education in the perspective of MOOC   Order a copy of this article
    by Song Bai 
    Abstract: : The conventional evaluation process of online and offline interaction effects is not ideal in terms of evaluation accuracy. Aiming at this problem, a new evaluation method of interaction effects is designed from the perspective of MOOC. Firstly, an initial indicator system is established with the constraints of systematicness, standardisation, rationality and quantifiability of indicators. Then, standardise the indicators, and introduce the principal component analysis method to optimise the indicator system, to improve the evaluation accuracy by improving the rationality of the indicator system. Finally, based on the perfect indicators, an evaluation model including four points is constructed to achieve efficient evaluation. Through experiments, it is found that this method can improve the accuracy of the obtained results to more than 0.97, which can improve the students scores to more than 92 points, indicating that this method is feasible and effective.
    Keywords: higher education; online and offline interaction; interaction effect; principal component analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058009
  • Evaluation method of college students innovation and entrepreneurship ability based on priority level entropy   Order a copy of this article
    by Shu Zhang 
    Abstract: In order to overcome the problems of low accuracy, poor accuracy, and high time consumption in traditional entrepreneurial ability evaluation methods, a priority hierarchical entropy based evaluation method for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship ability was proposed. Firstly, construct an evaluation index system. Secondly, calculate the weight of the entrepreneurial ability level indicator. Then, the priority hierarchical entropy method is used to process the data and prioritise the evaluation indicators. Finally, the hierarchical entropy method is used to calculate the posterior probability of entrepreneurial success difficulty, so as to realise the evaluation of innovation and entrepreneurship ability. The results show that the accuracy of this method can reach 0.96, the accuracy can reach 98%, and the time consumption is only 13.5 s, indicating that this method can improve the evaluation effect of entrepreneurial ability.
    Keywords: priority level entropy; square root method; prioritisation; expert evaluation method; posterior probability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10058078
  • Risk assessment method of e-commerce transaction based on fuzzy support vector machine   Order a copy of this article
    by Zheng Xu, Hengzhi Nie 
    Abstract: To improve the recall and accuracy of the evaluation index data and reduce the calculation error rate of the evaluation index, a fuzzy support vector machine based e-commerce transaction risk evaluation method is proposed. Build the evaluation index system, and cluster the evaluation index data using the nearest neighbour propagation clustering algorithm. The CRITIC algorithm is improved by using discrimination vector and conflict vector, and the index weight calculation result is obtained by using the improved CRITIC algorithm. The risk assessment model is built by combining the index weight calculation results and fuzzy support vector machine to obtain the assessment results. The experimental results show that the average recall rate of the index data of this method is 96.8%, the calculation error rate of the evaluation index is small, and the maximum accuracy rate is 99%, which shows that the practical application effect of this method is good.
    Keywords: fuzzy support vector machine; electronic commerce; transaction risk assessment; nearest neighbour propagation clustering algorithm; CRITIC algorithm.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2023.10059197