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International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management

International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)

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International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (89 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  •   Free full-text access Open AccessEvaluating public policy interventions in mitigating financial default risk among SMEs
    ( Free Full-text Access ) CC-BY-NC-ND
    by Rashed Alhaimer, Abdullah Alshami, Afnan Alkhaldi, Ahamed Alsadeeqi, Dalal Aloumi, Sawsan Malik 
    Abstract: This study explores the challenges and causes of financial default among SMEs in Kuwait, particularly in light of COVID-19’s economic impacts. From interviews with 15 managers across service, industrial and commercial sectors, it identifies key themes such as COVID-related operational disruptions, shifts in customer behaviour, increased financial obligations, and potential funding sources like crowdfunding and angel investment. As the first research of its kind in Kuwait, it spotlights the reasons and potential solutions to SMEs’ financial default. However, the limited sample size makes generalisation difficult. The practical implications suggest the need for enhanced financial management, effective supply chain strategies, and exploration of alternative funding sources. The study emphasises the importance of government support and regulatory simplification to ensure SMEs’ financial stability and long-term growth.
    Keywords: Kuwait; SMEs; service; industrial; commercial; finance; default; COVID-19; crisis; public authorities; national fund.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2025.10070183
  • Inter-agency implementation relations, trust and reforms in public administration in Kenya   Order a copy of this article
    by Gedion Onyango 
    Abstract: Governments often respond to accruing implementation blind-spots by further re-structuration of public bureaucracies. This mostly come with increased agencification and coordination primarily to enhance organizational efficacies and to produce trust for legitimation purposes. Accountability reforms, in particular, rarely address the related but intricate non-formal implementation processes, which also come with these efforts, mainly, organizational trust (or inter-institutional trust). This is despite mounting evidences on centrality of organizational trust in collaborative implementation processes of policy-reforms. Basing on qualitative data from Kenya, this paper explores production of organizational trust and its influence on the implementation environments for accountability reforms between oversight and governmental institutions. Data indicate that common difficulties in collaborative-implementation framework like fragile horizontal accountability-relations, misinterpretations of authority, obsession with control and autonomy, poor organizational-communication mechanisms, public trust deficits, poor internationalization and institutionalization, etc. also correspond to problematic of organizational trust. So, it is suggested that besides building public and inter-personnel trust, a policy-design should device steps that strengthen internal-accountability systems, enhance inter-organizational communication and justice systems. This should improve inter-agency trust and ease cultural-instrumental tensions typical in collaborative implementation relations.
    Keywords: organizational culture; organizational communication; anti-corruption reforms; collaborative public management; organizational trust.

  • Entrepreneurship Education in India: Practices, Challenges and Opportunities   Order a copy of this article
    by Yogesh Brahmankar, Vinod Shastri 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study best practices in entrepreneurship education, challenges of entrepreneurship educators, educators viewpoint on entrepreneurship ecosystem and opportunities ahead. The study uses appreciative inquiry, a quasi-ethnographic approach to identify best practices, challenges and avenues for improvement in entrepreneurship education in India.The study highlights the best practices by some of the entrepreneurship educators on how they are nurturing ideas and motivating students to pursue the less preferred path of entrepreneurship. It also highlights the gaps in present academic pattern and entrepreneurship ecosystem in India with some recommendations on micro and macro aspects of entrepreneurship education. This study is useful for entrepreneurship educators and policy makers to improve the current scenario and contribute more effectively to the cause. The study would also be helpful for budding entrepreneurs, investors, institutes and entrepreneurship cells for further envisioning and executing their plans. rn
    Keywords: Entrepreneurship education; Entrepreneurship educators; start-up ecosystem; appreciative inquiry; entrepreneurial intention.

  • Bureaucrats views of the Benefits of a Performance Management System in a South African Provincial Department   Order a copy of this article
    by LANGELIHLE MKHIZE, THOKOZANI I.A.N. NZIMAKWE, Syanda Alpheous Mthuli, Nikita Singh 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore what Bureaucrats view as the benefits of the implementation of a Performance Management System (PMS) in their provincial department in South Africa. A qualitative research design informs the study, with the intention of obtaining the views of respondents, whilst adopting a phenomenological research strategy. Using a purposive sampling technique, the data was collected through interviews and thematically analysed. This study found that respondents viewed their PMS as beneficial in enhancing individual, team and departmental performance, ergo contributing to meeting its communitys needs. Its PMS also ensures Performance management legislative compliance, while enabling the Department to reach its goals. However, the style of leadership and the commitment of managers to performance management were seen as vital in ensuring the effectiveness of its PMS. The study fills a gap by pointing out that street-level and low-level bureaucrats viewed, or perceived benefits, of a PMS might be positive, but this does not always translate to better outcomes or the effective implementation of a PMS in a department. This indicates that the link between perceptions and practices are complex and can often be divorced from one another, especially in the formulation and implementation of PMSs in the country.
    Keywords: Street-Level Bureaucrats; Performance Management; Performance Management System; Performance Measurement System; Service Delivery.

  • Vision and mission statements: What do governors of Indonesian provinces say?   Order a copy of this article
    by M.H. Thamrin, Nurhadi Susanto, Annada Nasyaya, Anang Dwi Santoso 
    Abstract: The statement of vision and mission becomes magic and sophisticated sentence. It contains general directions transformed into some strategic steps and policies for public organizations. There has been a collection of literature discussing the vision and mission statements and their implications for the direction of the higher education movement and the performance of business organizations. Meanwhile, for public organizations, such research is rarely found. This paper aims to fill this gap by analyzing the vision and mission statements of governors in Indonesia. A dataset of 33 vision and 34 mission statements was analyzed using a corpus-assisted discourse study (CADS). The results of the research showed that the vision and mission statements contain not only the direction of regional development but also populist words that aim to attract public attention. This has implications for confusion from development planning agencies to synchronize vision and mission statements into the direction of regional development contained in development planning documents both long and medium term. Therefore, we suggest that agencies that run the elections to set standards, thus, the vision and mission statements remain in line with the direction of regional development.
    Keywords: Vision and Mission Statement; Governor; Local Government; Indonesia; Vision; Mission.

  • Open Innovation and Digital Government - Dynamic Capabilities and Digital Ideation Methods to Create Public Value   Order a copy of this article
    by Bernd W. Wirtz, Paul F. Langer 
    Abstract: While the open innovation concept has a significant impact on the innovation success of the private sector, public sector institutions still frequently miss the opportunity to benefit from outside experience, knowledge and creativity and become part of an innovation milieu. Especially against the background of the current development around increased reforms in the public sector after the corona pandemic, much hope is placed on innovative and digital public services. Based on a literature review of related concepts, this study offers a conceptual framework that presents an account of open innovation in public administration. It looks at the conditions that need to be in place in public organisations in order to benefit from the concept of open innovation, putting the concept of dynamic capabilities in particular into context. Furthermore, idea generation methods for public institutions are presented and it is shown how public value creation can be achieved through the use of digital tools.
    Keywords: open innovation; public administration; open government; citizen engagement; dynamic capabilities; organisational readiness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10041808
  • Determinants of Effective Corporate Governance in Publicly-Owned Enterprises (POEs): An empirical study among Central POEs in Kosovo   Order a copy of this article
    by Hajdin Berisha, Fatma Asli EKMEKÇ 
    Abstract: Publicly-owned enterprises (POEs) are owned by the state but governed by a board of directors who oversee top management to protect owners interests. The concept of corporate governance provides the relationship among these parties to ensure successful direction and performance of enterprises. The objective of this study is to analyse the development of corporate governance framework among central POEs in Kosovo and examine factors that influence corporate governance practices among these enterprises. The study uses a structured questionnaire survey to collect data. To sample respondents, nonprobability-purposive and judgment sampling methods are employed. In total, 137 questionnaires are analysed, and institutional theory is adopted to interpret results. The study finds that corporate governance framework among POEs in the country is at an underdeveloped stage, influenced by frequent political interferences and existence of unprofessional boards. The findings suggest that to improve corporate governance practices, besides cautiously implementing the legal provisions, socio-cultural factors should also be considered.
    Keywords: corporate governance; publicly-owned enterprise; POE; transparency; institutional theory; Kosovo.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.10048250
  • Empirical Analysis of Determinant Factors in Building the Innovation Capability of Public Officers in Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Yumhi Yumhi, Mohamad Gunawan, Emanuel Michael Bayu Dirgantara, Elkana Timotius 
    Abstract: Government employees, as public officers, play an essential role in the development of a country through their services to society. However, monotonous and administrative routine work needs to be balanced with public officers' innovation capability to provide benefits and solutions to every problem in society. Therefore, this quantitative study was conducted with empirical analysis to determine the factors responsible for the development of public officers' innovation capability. The sample data consists of one hundred local public officers serving in Lebak Regency, Indonesia, with the descriptive analysis and inferential statistics used to examine the relationship between organisational, social, and human capital. Out of the 5 tested hypotheses, only 2 were accepted. The results showed that government institutions are promoted to consider human and organisational capitals as the main basis for increasing employees' innovation capability. Conversely, social capital harms human capital and innovation capability.
    Keywords: Organisational Capital; Social Capital; Human Capital; Innovation Capability; Public Officers.

  • Tax avoidance and firm growth: The moderating role of governance. Results from Amman Stock Exchange   Order a copy of this article
    by Jafer Sawalhah 
    Abstract: This study is concerned with whether tax avoidance (TA) is associated with higher firm growth (FG), and the Jordan market was targeted to determine whether consumption is supported or rebutted. Using a sample of 56 large non-financial firms trading in the Amman Stock Exchange, cross-sectional data for the year 2019 was collected and models were estimated. The results report that TA has a positive insignificant effect on market capitalisation and Tobins Q. They also indicate that the interaction term, TA
    Keywords: Tax avoidance; Firm growth; Tobin’ Q; Market capitalization; Governance; ASE.

  • Management Accounting in Portuguese Local Governments: A New Paradigm   Order a copy of this article
    by Rita Silva, Maria Da Conceicao Da Marques 
    Abstract: The present essay seeks, from epistemological reflections and empirical results of several studies, to contribute to the discussion around the implementation of Management Accounting in Local Authorities. Based on this principle, we sought to find a proposal for standardising administrative procedures associated with the implementation of the Public Accounting Standard Management Accounting. Therefore, the objective of this essay is to develop a proposal to standardise administrative procedures associated with the implementation of Public Accounting Standard 27 - Management Accounting, in local authorities in order to contribute to the transition from management accounting to the System Accounting Standardization for Public Administration, is successful. The theoretical contribution of this essay is the introduction of modelling and optimisation of procedures, in the implementation of the Public Accounting Standard Management accounting, which will have direct effects on organisational practice, namely, in the production of useful information for decision making.
    Keywords: new public management; local government; management accounting; process modelling and optimisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10046868
  • Public Servants Attitudes Toward Sustainable Citizen Participation: A Case Study from the Water Resources Agency in Taiwan   Order a copy of this article
    by Yinglee Tseng, Soyoung Park, Sungchan Kim 
    Abstract: The study aims to profoundly examine how the public administrators attitudes towards citizen participation (CP) could affect their decision on the implementation of a meaningful CP that would reciprocally impact on the public trust level, policy outcomes, and government performance. In order to do so, it presented a case study exercising long-term CP projects operated by a water resource agency in Taiwan to provide evidence that the officials attitudes toward CP could steer the CP quality to outcomes that could help improve public trust then accordingly achieve the policy goals. The major practical contribution of the research is that it provided much empirical narrative data showing the causal relationship between public servants attitude and an actual CP project through qualitative research that has not been examined from the past studies.
    Keywords: citizen participation; public servants’ attitude; water resource agency; environmental conflicts\r\n.

  • Mandatory quarantine and self-protection attitudes in the COVID-19 pandemic: Experimental evidence from Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Toan Luu Duc Huynh, Lam Hoang Viet Le 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on not only the economy but also public sector management. While the Vietnamese Government has applied stringent policies such as national lockdown, mandatory quarantine, etc. the understanding of their effectiveness is not answered yet. This paper studies the role of mandatory quarantine in the military area in Vietnam on predicting the protective attitudes of 165 Vietnamese people towards self-protection behaviours about the COVID-19 pandemic by using both methodologies, including survey and quasi-experiment, designed at the quarantine site. Our results show that people under mandatory quarantine are less likely to justify self-protection behaviours than those under self-quarantine. It means that people seem to be overconfident when perceiving the risk exposure in the mandatory quarantine area. The findings are helpful to the policymakers to propose sensible health to reduce the heuristics in human decision-making for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics from the public sector management.
    Keywords: quarantine; self-protection; COVID-19; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10041960
  • The Role of Psychological Contract Fulfillment in Public Sector Organizations   Order a copy of this article
    by Phuong Van Nguyen, Chinh Tung Pham, Toan Bao Le, Khoa T. Tran 
    Abstract: This study investigates the role of psychological contract fulfilment in public sector organisations and examines its effect on employees perceptions of organisational justice. The target population was civil servants working in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in Long An Province, Vietnam. We used partial least squares structural equation modelling with the support of SmartPLS to analyse data collected from 488 civil servants. The empirical results reveal that psychological contract fulfilment positively influences organisational justice. Moreover, both procedural justice and interactional justice were found to have positive relationships with employee engagement, while distributive justice had no significant relationship with employee engagement. By focusing on public sector organisations, this paper contributes to the insufficient literature on the theory of psychological contract fulfilment in Vietnam. Moreover, the results allow us to offer meaningful insights and recommendations for implementing psychological contracts in a public sector context.
    Keywords: psychological contract fulfilment; organisational justice; distributive justice; procedural justice; interactional justice; employee engagement.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10047923
  • Personality traits and Emotional well-being: A study on the employees of educational sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Simran Kaur, Richa Sharma, Imran Ali 
    Abstract: In the fast paced age of digitalisation and automation, humans need to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle in order to remain competitive. The emotional capacity of a person definitely has an impact on his health and well-being. This study aims to establish a relationship between the emotional well-being and personality traits of the employees working in educational institutions. It is a quantitative study where in results from previous researches are studied and primary data is collected from the respondents through a structured questionnaire. After careful study of the previous researches and theory, it was hypothesised that a positive correlation exists between the Big 5 personality traits and well-being. This study was carried out on approximately 180 employees of educational institutions in Delhi and the National Capital Region. Correlation and regression was used for the analysis of the responses. This paper mainly focuses on the personality characteristics and emotional well-being of employees.
    Keywords: emotional well-being; personality traits; conscientiousness; agreeableness; extroversion; openness to experience; neuroticism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10046390
  • Analysing Five Components of the COSO Framework in Procurement Corruption Risk Prevention for Sustainable Public Organisational Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Erlane K. Ghani, AZLEEN ILIAS, Nor Azrani Ahmad 
    Abstract: This study examined the effect of COSO framework on public procurement corruption risk prevention in a public organisation. Based on the 2013 COSO framework, this study examined five components namely, control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and monitoring activities. This study utilised a questionnaire survey on 160 respondents from one public organisation in Malaysia. The results showed that two components, control environment and monitoring activities significantly impact the level of corruption cases. However, risk assessment, information and communication, and control activities have no significant influence on the level of corruption cases. These findings indicate that poor internal control can impact the level of corruption cases in the organisation. Therefore, the findings imply that the public organisation needs more attention to the importance of internal control and all the principles listed in the COSO framework are implemented effectively. The internal control of the public organisation needs further attention to ensure successful public procurement processes and sustain public organisational performance.
    Keywords: internal control; COSO framework; public procurement; ministry; procurement corruption; Malaysia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10053646
  • Drivers of public service motivation during the crisis of COVID-19 in government-owned hospitality sector of India A Qualitative Study   Order a copy of this article
    by Santoshi Sengupta, Anand Verma, Ajay Saini 
    Abstract: In the crisis of COVID-19, the government-owned hospitality sector of India converted its hotels and guesthouses into quarantine centers, which demanded the employees to extend their services and perform even during the pandemic. This study aims to explore the drivers of motivation among these employees in the specific context of the crisis of COVID-19, Indian culture, and the hospitality sector through a qualitative study. We took semi-structured interviews of sixteen employees who served in government-owned hotels in India. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts led to four main themes personality traits, intrinsic drivers, leadership, and professional identification, which extend the literature on public service motivation and its impact on performance during crisis. The study has both theoretical and practical implications for public sector organizations, especially in the hospitality sector for managing performance during crisis.
    Keywords: Public service motivation; crisis; performance; COVID-19; hotel employees.

  • Study of Factors affecting Customer Switching Behaviour in Telecom Industry.   Order a copy of this article
    by Sandeep Prabhu, Sahithi Priya Dabbiru, Aditya Katta 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to understand predictive nature of consumer switching behaviour of telecom customers with specific reference to the telecom industry in India. Based on literature review and expert interviews; concepts and themes related to consumer switching behaviour and predictive nature of these concepts with churn are identified. A structured questionnaire based on the Likert scale is used to collect data from telecom customers. Confirmatory Factory Analysis (CFA) followed by validity and reliability analysis of constructs is carried out to develop research constructs. Then a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to test predictive nature of various factors with churn behaviour of telecom customers. The study analyses predictive nature of service quality, customer satisfaction, social group impact and switching barriers on switching behaviour of telecom consumers. Understanding of this relationship is useful for the telecom industry in developing action plans for improving customer retention and increasing customer loyalty and reducing consumer churn. The relationship suggest that telecom companies should develop effective internal processes to improve service quality which in turn will improve customer satisfaction, further leading to reduced switching behaviour. The relationship also suggests companies to engage in consumer socialisation to improve social group impact to reduce switching barriers further leadingto arrest customer churn behaviour in the telecom industry. Considering major consumer churn in the Indian telecom industry observed in the past few years, this paper appraises knowledge in switching behaviour of telecom consumers.
    Keywords: customer switching behaviour; confirmatory factor analysis; structural equation modelling; customer switching costs; social group impact; customer satisfaction.

  • The impacts of government projects on the state owned enterprises capital structure and performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Andriati Fitriningrum, Dessy Nuraini 
    Abstract: The study examines the impacts of government provision of public utilities and infrastructures projects on the publicly listed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) capital structure and performance. The study follows a literature analysis regarding the government provision of public utilities and infrastructure for community carried by SOEs; and the capital structure theory emphasises on the internal and external funding resources. An empirical quantitative analysis is selected to examine the impacts of the government provision of public utilities and infrastructure projects on the Indonesia public listed SOEs capital structure and performance during period of 20092018. The study reveals the projects are the government and SOEs welfare creation which also becomes the tools for the government and SOEs to achieved social welfare functions and profit maximising goals, and to avoid potential lost that may occur from investing in these projects. This study contributes to the areas of public sector, corporate governance, and capital structure.
    Keywords: infrastructure; public utilities; state owned enterprises; capital structure; Indonesia; publicly listed SOEs; performance; social welfare; state-owned enterprise; SOE; conflicting objectives; trade-off theory; pecking order theory.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10059064
  • Assessment of an automated performance management system in public sector organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Iveta Ludviga, Agita Kalvina, Katri Vintiša 
    Abstract: Performance management is regarded as one of central elements of public sector reforms which over the last decades are an ongoing phenomenon in OECD member states and worldwide. The purpose of this study is to measure the value of an automated performance management system in public sector organisations and to identify which components of the system create more value. For this, 3,680 employees of public sector organisations in Latvia are surveyed. The results prove that respondents perceive the positive value of the performance management system for both: employees and organisations. Results of hierarchical regression analysis show that the information technology tool, fairness, and constructive feedback are the core value creating elements. This study offers empirical evidence on the value of an automated performance management system in public sector organisations and identifies the role of line managers in the successful implementation of the performance management system.
    Keywords: performance management; automated performance management system; public sector; performance appraisal; human resource management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2025.10069750
  • Co-production in Local Government: Case Studies in Improving Local Livelihoods in Kuching, Sarawak   Order a copy of this article
    by Siew King Ting, Brian Dollery, Tze Wee Lai 
    Abstract: Local government is often constrained by limited financial and human capital resources, especially in developing countries. As a result, co-production in local government has thus become an increasingly important means of economising on the costs of local service provision. Improving local livelihoods represents a significant form of local co-production in many developing countries, including Malaysia, in which various groups, including local governments, local community groups, committees and associations, and local residents work together to improve the local economy and enhance local community development. In local co-production projects of this kind, each group brings its own comparative advantages to work and contributes its expertise to the project. Using three case studies of local co-production undertaken by the Padawan Municipal Council and various community groups, we examine how co-production programs have improved livelihoods in the suburban areas of Kuching, Sarawak. Various policy implications are drawn from the case studies which are applicable elsewhere in Malaysia and in other countries.
    Keywords: Co-production; livelihoods; local communities; local government; Malaysia.

  • Internal Audit Supervision, Legislative Monitoring, and Corruption: Evidence from Indonesian Local Governments   Order a copy of this article
    by Sutaryo Sutaryo, Salawati Sahari, Shaharudin Jakpar, Sophee Sulong Balia 
    Abstract: Following the rise of corruption issues in Indonesian local government, our study aims to examine the determinants of local government corruption from the internal audit and legislative monitoring. We use unbalanced panel data from 508 Indonesian local governments in 2010-2018 with 4530 observations. Our findings conclude that there is no significant improvement in corruption eradication in the Indonesian local government as the average number of cases has not experienced a significant decrease. We find that local government internal audit function capability, expertise and size negatively affects fraud. However, legislative political coalition and size are evidenced to influence local government corruption positively. Our study contributes to the development of literature, especially in Indonesia, by providing one of the earliest comprehensive studies investigating corruption determinants from monitoring factors. We also offer suggestions to Indonesia Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) regarding local government internal auditor development and the public to be wise in selecting their representatives in the legislative board.
    Keywords: local government; corruption; monitoring; internal audit function characteristics; legislative characteristics.

    by Palina Prysmakova, Michele Tantardini 
    Abstract: New public management (NPM) reforms reemphasised the importance of financial performance in the public sector. Debates following the introduction of these reforms have raised the question of compatibility of these business-like reforms and practices with more traditional public service values, including public service ethics. This article presents the results of an ordinary least square analysis that assessed the impact of these reform efforts in five municipalities in Poland on one outcome of interest commitment to public values (CPV) as a proxy measure for public service ethics. The study used data from the 2013 statistical and fiscal yearbook and an online survey administered in 2014 to measure employees level of public service motivation. The findings reveal no association between the proposed measures of financial performance and CPV, questioning the harmfulness of NPM reforms for public ethics previously suggested by the literature.
    Keywords: public service motivation; PSM; ethics; financial performance; local governments; Poland.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10049417
  • How Does Rent-Seeking Processes and Practices in Budget Corruption at the Local Government? Case Study in three Regions of Indonesia   Order a copy of this article
    by Bambang Irawan, Salahudin Salahudin, Paisal Akbar 
    Abstract: This paper aims to explain rent-seeking practices that have resulted in corruption in regional financial management in three regions of Indonesia. The qualitative method of content analysis is used to interpret the text of the Supreme Court decision document. The Nvivo 12 Plus software is used for text analysis and categorization to produce data visualizations to explain the process and practice of rent-seeking and to describe the role of rent-seekers. This research reveals that rent-seeking in Malang City is related to the bribery of parliamentary politicians by the Mayor and Bureaucratic Officials and involving entrepreneurs as a budget source for bribery. The practice of rent-seeking in these three regions takes political lobbying, manipulation, bribery, gratification, and collusion resulting in corruption in financial management and regional development projects.
    Keywords: Rent-seeking; corruption; regional budgets; bureaucratic officials; parliamentary politicians; political lobbying.

  • Understanding Autonomy and Performance in the Public Sector: Lessons from Autonomous Public Hospitals in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Aneeqa Suhail, Trui Steen 
    Abstract: There is an increasing trend worldwide of granting autonomy to public hospitals to improve their performance. This trend is adopted in public hospitals in Pakistan as well. A comparative case study is conducted of three public hospitals in two provinces, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The study systematically compares multiple dimensions of autonomy in the three public hospitals including legal, structural, HR and financial autonomy as well as the perceived departmental and organisational performance. Besides documents, data are collected from top and middle management through semi-structured interviews and a survey questionnaire. The findings of the study highlight that the public hospital in KPK province has a higher level of autonomy on all dimensions studied compared to both hospitals in Punjab province. However, performance is perceived as high across the three hospitals suggesting that the linkage between autonomy and organisational performance is not straightforward. The article relies on perceptual measures that may be subject to the risk of socially desirable responses. Despite this limitation, the study provides implications for future research by raising the critical question if different levels and dimensions of autonomy have an effect on hospital performance. Practical implications are highlighted regarding hospital autonomy reforms.
    Keywords: hospital autonomy; performance; public hospitals; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10047941
  • The Impact of Leadership and Trust on Organisational Reputation in the public Sector of Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Shaker Aladwan, Sajeda Alshami 
    Abstract: This paper aims to identify the impact of leadership and trust on organizational reputation in Jordanian public sector organizations. A quantitative approach was adopted. 600 questionnaires were distributed to public employees who work in some Jordanian public sector organizations, and a total of 556 valid questionnaires were retrieved with a high response rate (92.7 %). The data analysis found a significant impact of leadership on organizational reputation in Jordanian public sector organizations, whereas there is no significant impact of trust on organizational reputation. despite the good level of employee trust in the current organizations, the trust variable has been left out of the statistical model of the study, and this means that there is a case of loss of trust between citizens and government in general, given that the employee is a part of the Jordanian society that affects and is affected by the political and economic events that it contains all of which factors that directly or indirectly affect the level of public trust. There are several managerial and theoretical implications for this paper including enhancement of organizational trust and proper leadership style in the public sector organizations, the current paper motivates the leaders in the public sector organizations to measure their organizational reputations.
    Keywords: organisational reputation; leadership; trust; excellence; public sector; Jordan.

  • Measuring Financial Health of State-Owned Enterprises using Altmans Z Score Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Resham Kaur Bhambra, Sanjay Sawant Dessai 
    Abstract: Maintaining sound financial health is vital for the survival and growth of an enterprise. Unlike private enterprises, the state-owned enterprises being supported by the government do not face the menace of financial distress but their ill financial health causes a burden on the state budget. Thus, assessing their financial health will help in taking timely corrective measures. This study is an attempt to assess the financial health of the select state-owned enterprises in Goa using Altmans Z score model which is commonly applied in the private sector to assess the financial health and to predict financial distress. Ten years financial data of the select enterprises is analysed using descriptive statistics and the single factor ANOVA is used to test the hypotheses. Based on the analysis the units are classified into safe, caution and distress zone. Analysis of variance shows significant difference in the financial health of the select state-owned enterprises.
    Keywords: Altman Z score; bankruptcy prediction; financial distress; financial health; state-owned enterprises.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10054260
  • India-foreign migration for job: An opinion of professional skilled youths of India   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhagwan Singh, Sachin Kumar, Sunita Yadav 
    Abstract: International migration for jobs is a rising phenomenon in India. Although the number of unskilled migrants from India to abroad has decreased, the number of skilled migrants is increasing every year. This increasing migration of skilled persons is leading to a brain drain in India. The policies, performance in governance, and some motivational factors like better job opportunities abroad may be the reasons for this increasing job-related migration. The study aims to test the factors of India-foreign migration by factor analysis. The factors are tested by using 210 responses collected via questionnaire survey from students of the Central University of Himachal Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh University in India using purposive convenient sampling. The study findings validate that India-foreign migration is affected by economic conditions, living conditions, job security & trends, and demographic profile. The secondary data is collected from annual reports of the Ministry of labour and employment, the Government of India, and various government as well as non-government organisations for skilled professionals going abroad. The study will help Indian firms or organisations to retain skilled professionals in India by fulfilling the gaps.
    Keywords: entrepreneurship; migration; professionally skilled youth; job trends; job security; living conditions; economic conditions; demographics.

  • National Cadet Corps and its effect on developing soft skills among cadets of Tamil Nadu, South India   Order a copy of this article
    by Chinnaraj Elavarasan, Murugesan Selvam, Aidin Salamzadeh, Chinnadurai Kathiravan 
    Abstract: Soft skills are personality skills and communication abilities, which a workforce should possess, for successfully managing any type of organisation. Every employer is specifically looking for soft skills while recruiting the staff for any organisation. The National Cadet Corps (NCC), one of the largest uniform forces of India, imparts training to the NCC cadets effectively, to be good and responsible citizen and provides an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills, communication skills, citizenship education and various other required soft skills. This paper examines the level of soft skill, developed through NCC in southern India. The sample for this study was drawn from 11 southern districts of Tamil Nadu, India, which was collected through a questionnaire, administered to a sample of 440 cadets. The study investigated 25 soft skill qualities, among the sample cadets of NCC. It was found that majority of NCC cadets developed soft skills satisfactorily.
    Keywords: soft skills; National Cadet Corps; NCC; motivation; leadership; youth organisation; national integration; human resource.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10060029
  • Implementation of administrative evidence-based decision making in public services: case of healthcare sector in Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Anan Abuhummour 
    Abstract: This study answers what should count as good evidence to be used by public hospitals in the healthcare decision-making process. Furthermore, it answers why the Jordanian healthcare sector struggles with the implementation of A-EBDM. Using a quantitative design, 83 participants were purposely selected. The findings showed that the main source of evidence used by decision-makers in public hospitals is experiential knowledge, which ranks at the top for (2.44 mean, 1.4 standard deviations). The institutional-related barriers ranked at the top for (3.94 M, 0.31 SD), then process/individual and interdisciplinary-related barriers for (3.73 M, 0.8 M) respectively. It is found that the use of A-EBDM has statistically affected the healthcare decision-making process at ( 0.05). Moreover, there is no significant difference in the extent of the use of EBDM, and its barriers refer to years of experience among Jordanian healthcare decision-makers. Finally, it found that the combined barriers negatively impacted the implementation of A-EBDM in the healthcare sector at level ( 0.05).
    Keywords: administrative evidence-based decision-making; A-EBDM; evidence-based policy; implementation; barriers; public services; healthcare sector; public hospitals; public sector; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10055895
  • Tale of Three Americas: A Cluster Analysis on State-to-State Variations in COVID-19 Vaccination Rates in the U.S.   Order a copy of this article
    by Yulong Li, Edward T. Vieira, Jr., Anthony D. Scotina 
    Abstract: Mass vaccination is one of the major response strategies of the US government against the COVID-19 pandemic. The vaccination rates in the USA have however been behind those of other developed countries. This study attempts to examine the factors contributing to the variations in the COVID-19 vaccination rates among different US states. Based on the results from a two-step cluster analysis and a series of ANOVAs, vaccination rates are found to be related to governors political party affiliation, the frequency and sentiment level of governors direct tweets to the public, governments pandemic response policies, and state residents big five personality traits of neuroticism, openness and extraversion. Practical recommendations were then proposed on how individual governmental jurisdictions could customise effective messaging and other tactics to persuade and facilitate their residents to receive COVID-19 vaccines.
    Keywords: vaccination hesitancy; social media; sentiment analysis; big five personality traits; communication strategy; USA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10057758
  • Assessment of sustainable public debt in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Huong Le Thi Mai, Ngoc Nguyen Minh, Hung Tran Van, Long Nguyen Thi Chau, Thanh Le Thi Tuyet 
    Abstract: The research carried out in this article is based on secondary data collected from the Financial Statistics Yearbook issued by the Vietnam Minister of Finance. The authors use descriptive statistical methods to evaluate sustainability of Vietnams public debt in the current period. Research results show that although public debt in Vietnam is still within the allowable threshold, it tends to increase significantly in recent years. In particular, the public debt ratio in Vietnam is also quite high when compared to that of other ASEAN countries. This shows that a high level of public debt is potentially risky for the economy. On that basis, the authors also investigate the causes of high levels of public debt in Vietnam and propose a number of recommendations to contribute to reduce and control public debt in Vietnam.
    Keywords: sustainability; public debt; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10056518
  • The determinants of leadership styles in public sector of Bangladesh   Order a copy of this article
    by Thanh Huynh, Sadiya Jarin 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the determinants of leadership styles in the public sector of Bangladesh, with a particular emphasis on transformational and transactional leadership styles and their contributions to administrative unit performance. This research surveyed public servants from various organisations within the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS). There is a significant positive correlation between job autonomy, challenging work, workload, and employee health and well-being and transformational and transactional leadership practises in the Bangladeshi public sector. It is discovered that when these two leadership styles are used effectively, organisational performance improves. The findings of this study indicate that organisations must alter their current practises and prioritise conscientiousness, appropriate justice, subordinate grooming, innovation, and social communication to foster greater leadership development and performance.
    Keywords: Transformational leadership; transactional leadership; public sectors; work conditions.

  • Framework for performance evaluation of public sector enterprises A multi-criteria decision-making approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Resham Kaur Bhambra, SANJAY SAWANT DESSAI 
    Abstract: The performance evaluation system in an enterprise is essentially needed to ensure improvement in organisational efficiency and achieve better outcomes. Unlike private enterprises, performance evaluation in public sector enterprises is more challenging in pursuance of its contradictory multiple objectives having high stake and affecting multiple stakeholders. Their inefficiencies imply fiscal risks to the economy. Thus, it is imperative to explicitly structure a system to evaluate the performance of these enterprises. The present study contributes in this context with a proposed framework to evaluate overall performance of public sector enterprises based on multi-criteria decision-making approach (MCDM) with application of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) technique. The proposed framework integrates multiple criteria to develop a unified performance evaluation model. The developed model can be used as a tool to evaluate and improve the enterprise in the essential areas of its performance and thus enhance the objectivity of the performance evaluation system in public sector enterprises.
    Keywords: analytical hierarchy process; AHP; performance evaluation system; performance management; public sector enterprises; multi-criteria decision-making.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10054263
  • Smart Bus Management and Tracking System for Public Sectors   Order a copy of this article
    by Hari Narasimhan, Vigneshwari S, Reinhard Kenson 
    Abstract: In this transcending fast-paced world, time is one of the vital aspects of life. Management of the mentioned valuable time rather proves to be challenging nowadays. Out of all the challenges currently faced by our modern society, the embarking of busses, one of the major transportation facilities in the world, exemplifies one of the key challenges faced by people. This paper elucidates our prospective idea of redefining the concept of management and scheduling for boarding buses on a day-to-day basis. We propose an alternative system for managing, scheduling and designating vehicles with their real-time GPS data. We make this proposed concept possible with the help of smart-phones belonging to the Driver which transmits the location of the vehicles through the inbuilt GPS module present in it. This concept helps in substantiating the efficiency in scheduling and management of time for embarking buses in mundanely.
    Keywords: GPS; Smart bus; AVL; Mobile Application; Public Sector; Smart City.

  • Job content plateau and career commitment: double mediation of intervening factors at Indian public sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Biswa Prakash Jena, Archana Choudhary, Manas Kumar Pal 
    Abstract: The job content plateau (JCP) has been connected with both employee turnover intentions and dysfunctional organisational outcomes. Those who perceive their jobs as routine demonstrate this condition. This study looks into the relationship between JCP and career commitment (CC). A conceptual framework has been established and empirically validated, taking into account the intervening elements like job crafting (JCF) and developmental idiosyncratic deals (DID) between JCP and CC. Based on position level, total years of experience, and educational level, survey data from executives across several public sector industries were gathered for this study. To evaluate the performance of the suggested model and test the hypothesis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) have been used. The study’s findings demonstrated that JCF and DID mediate the conflict between JCP and CC and lessen the harmful effects of JCP.
    Keywords: job content plateau; JCP; career commitment; CC; job crafting; JCF; developmental idiosyncratic deals; DID.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10067618
    by Supriya Srivastava, Himanshu Rastogi, Anupama Srivastava, Alpana Srivastava 
    Abstract: Goods and service tax (GST) has been implemented in India to improve the Indian tax systems transparency and consistency for better economic growth. GST Implementation in India has a lot of resentment among various stakeholders as the tax rates are under too-high slabs. This paper focuses on the garment traders in India as the textile and garments industry account for a 5% contribution in GDP. The research design is exploratory and in-depth interviews were conducted to critically examine the state of garment traders in Lucknow city of India in response to impact of GST on them. Primary data has been collected based on structured questionnaires. Findings suggest that there exists lack of awareness towards GST among the garment traders, benefit of the input tax credit is still not very apparent to them, hence government needs to work together more closely to develop legitimate ways to change traders opinions towards GST.
    Keywords: ST India; goods and service tax; GST; garment industry; VAT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2022.10053879
  • A FAIR Measurement of Governments` Social Media   Order a copy of this article
    by Brian Alafwan, Manahan Siallagan, Utomo Putro 
    Abstract: Governments consistently invest in new communication platforms based on citizen-driven principles, including social media. Consequently, their success must be measured to ensure that both the government and the citizens receive the value of the investment. However, measuring the success of governmental social media communication has generated debate among scholars. To address this, we develop a measurement framework by synthesising established metrics from prior studies using the PRISMA approach. From 13 eligible papers, we select four metrics, namely fans, activity, interactions, and responsiveness (FAIR), which respectively determine whether a government social media account can disseminate information to its citizens, how active the account is in communicating with its citizens daily, whether the content can engage citizens by providing information of public interest, and whether government administrators can improve democratic governance by promoting public-government dialogue and encouraging public feedback. Using comprehensive FAIR metrics, the success of the government's digital communication is measured from all aspects. Consequently, each governmental organisation is represented fairly.
    Keywords: social media measurement; digital government; digital communication; new media; public sector; PRISMA approach; systematic literature review.

  • Public opinion mining from mainstream and social media for application in governmental decisions   Order a copy of this article
    by Nijole Maknickiene, Jelena Stankeviciene, Algirdas Maknickas, Viktoriyja Stasytyte, Alina Kvietkauskiene, Margarita Prokopovic 
    Abstract: The purpose of the article is to investigate the opinion mining of the population of country for the needs of government. The methodology for public opinion evaluation was based on a novel public opinion mining scheme. Text data analysis revealed that taxes and employee pay were central topics in social media discussions, while technological development was not. Sentiment analysis revealed that on social media, the most negative assessments were of economic and environmental policies, while the least negative comments concerned the topics of health care and renewable energy sources. Public opinion regarding government performance was assessed in separate categories using sentiment scores and the percentage of positive vs. negative references. The research results allow us to identify problems relevant to society and to see how they are reflected in social media. The results are useful for government and municipalities.
    Keywords: public opinion; social media; governmental decisions; textual analysis; sentiment analysis; govtech; big data; business intelligence.

  • Politics of Public Policy and Challenges of Macro-Policy Formulation and Implementation: The Jordanian Experience   Order a copy of this article
    by Anan Abuhummour 
    Abstract: The primary objectives of the study were to assess the challenges within the Jordanian government and to find out to what extent these challenges have a bearing on the degree of success or failure in improving stakeholders' participation. And also, to evaluate the functioning of democracy and the effectiveness of bureaucracy in the Jordanian experience. A quantitative approach was found to be more befitting. By doing so, this study carried out a questionnaire that would later serve as a guide in data analysis and conclusion. 1,284 respondents were surveyed in three different geographic zones in Jordan. It found that official actors are the most influential in the policy process. The official players ranked first. It also found that public policy formulation and implementation take place with difficulty if not failure and are affected by bureaucratic-related challenges ranked at the top. Low commitment, competency of front-line implementers, and control of their behavior are the major challenges that impede the effectiveness of policy formulation and implementation in Jordan. The study discovered that the target beneficiaries are not participating in policy formulation and implementation; the results found that a significant effect of the challenges related to policy formulation and implementation on the effectiveness of Jordanian bureaucracy in formulating and implementing public policies in favor of both bureaucratic-related challenges and organizational-related challenges and with their null hypotheses as well. Lastly, bureaucratic-related challenges and organizational-related challenges with their null hypotheses have statistically affected the participation of policy stakeholders in the public policy
    Keywords: Politics; Policy; Public Policy; Macro-Policy; Bureaucratic-related Challenges; Organizational-related Challenge Formulation; Implementation; Stakeholders' Participation; Bureaucracy; Jordan.

  • Financial failure prediction in Central Public Sector Enterprises using machine learning techniques   Order a copy of this article
    by Bhushan Pardeshi, Padmalochana Bisoyi, Pranita Burbure 
    Abstract: The paper contributes towards the in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the tools used to develop the prediction models and measure the efficiency of the model in prediction of financial failure. For the purpose of study, 27 Heavy, Medium & Light Engineering Central Public Sector Enterprises in India are selected. The study is evident as the escalating number of failures of the enterprises in India is forcing the decision makers to design the code of practice and new approaches to avoid probable failure. The factor Analysis reveals the degree of firm-specific endogenous factors in determining and/or explicating the failure. These variables were tested by using machine learning methods to predict and to prove the effectiveness of the method. The result of Support Vector Machine is 93.5 % and 96.3% in case of Random Forest. It is concluded that mostly improved performance model can only be established by informed assimilation of tools.
    Keywords: Central public sector enterprises; financial failure prediction; financial failure factor; machine learning; Support Vector Machine; Random Forest; financial failure; financial ratios; Heavy; Medium and Light Engineering Enterprises; factor analysis.

  • The Adoption of Treasury Single Account Policy for Controlling Government Revenues in Ekiti State, Nigeria: A Qualitative Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Zubir Azhar, Dayana Jalaludin, Isaac Taiwo 
    Abstract: The study exploring government financial policy, the Treasury Single Account (TSA) on the revenue generation in Nigerian public sector with perceptive to Ekiti State, at blocking leakages in government revenue and controls corrupt practices affecting government financial performance. Data collection was through qualitative method, semi structured interview was used as the instrument and review on the state financial documents, and data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Ekiti State has contributed positively to revenue drives of government in Nigeria. The unit analysis is the Accountant-General office, other office for broad data collection are the Ministry of Finance, Auditor-General, Board of Internal Revenue, and General Administration. The respondents are experienced public servants in TSA policy, and the study shown that the TSA policy has consolidated government revenues, reduced financial malpractices, enhanced accountability in the financial operations of public sector from year 2015, and thus improved government financial performance in Ekiti State Nigeria.
    Keywords: Public Sector; Revenue; Treasury Single Account; Accountability; Corruption; Ekiti State; and Nigeria.

  • Determinant factors of using E-Payment system for obtaining public services: citizens’ perspective at time of sudden transforming toward social distance restrictions   Order a copy of this article
    by Sahem Nawafleh, Aseel Amawi 
    Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the determinant factors of using e-payment for obtaining governmental services: citizens’ perspective at time of sudden transforming toward social distance restrictions. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a self-administered questionnaire was developed for data collection purposes. Conditional sampling was applied and a valid sample of 477 responses was deemed for analysis. Smart PLS was applied to complete data analysis, the proposed model scored R2 coefficient (44.5%), both perceived trust and perceived ease of use were non-significant predictors, meanwhile, perceived security, perceived interest and social norms and were significant predictors for users’ intentions. Following gathered findings, the study provided many practical and theoretical implications.
    Keywords: e-payment; public service; predictors; determinants; structural equation modelling SEM; Jordan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10054890
  • Indonesian Air Force (IAF) Building Its Management Style: Prioritising the Triangulation of Adaptive Structuration, Organisational Commitment and Readiness   Order a copy of this article
    by Mujianto Mujianto, Sadu Wasistiono, Musa Hubeis, Tjahya Supriatna 
    Abstract: This study investigates how the Indonesian Air Force (IAF) manages its soldiers and civilians (military members) so they are always in an organisationally motivating achievement state, especially for their final objective of being combat-ready. Then, it observes the IAFs top executives and emphasises adaptive structuration, organisational commitment and readiness. Furthermore, this study reveals some distinctive argumentation explaining its novelties. First, this study shows that the IAF can strengthen its organisational integrality by adopting the philosophies of Swa Bhuwana Paksa and Sapta Marga. Second, it considers that the IAF should apply these theoretical concepts comprehensively to gain enhanced organisational beliefs, commitment and readiness. Third, this research demonstrates that the IAFs practices promise adequate certainty to develop the military members constructive morale for combat readiness through organisational commitment and readiness for change. Consequently, this ordered implementation reveals the construction of the army members cognitive behaviour and occupancy, individually and organisationally.
    Keywords: management style; adapative structuration; commitment; readiness; combat.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10055262
  • Effectiveness of Healthcare Providers Performance Improvement Interventions for Childhood Acute Respiratory Infection Management in Sub-Saharan Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Echezona Udokanma, Ikedinachi Ogamba, Gideon Emeahara 
    Abstract: This study evaluated the effectiveness of interventions for healthcare providers performance (HCPP) improvement with a focus on childhood acute respiratory infections (ARIs) management in sub-Saharan Africa. Using a systematic and statistically supported analysis of literature, the eligible study designs were randomized and non-randomized studies with pre-post-test comparison, and outcomes of percentage and continuous measures of HCPP. The effect size was estimated using difference in difference and summarized as median effect size. Strategy implementation and context were evaluated using the Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) model. Twenty-one studies implemented seventeen HCPP improvement strategies. Among the hospital-based healthcare providers (HCPs), training, supervision and mhealth showed the largest effect (68.9%) whereas for community-based HCPs (CHWs), training, supervision, strengthening infrastructure, and HCP-directed financial incentives had the largest effect (60.05%). Strategies incorporating HCP-directed financial incentives were likely to have very large effect (60.0% and 51.2%). Only supervision (17.0%) and mhealth (-5.0%) were tested as standalone strategy and had high quality of evidence. Effectiveness of strategies for HCPP improvement varied in this study, however, it appears that multifaceted strategies could be more effective than standalone strategies.
    Keywords: Healthcare provider; performance improvement; ARI; children; interventions; effectiveness; sub-Saharan Africa.

  • The Making of Superheroes: Factors to Identify and Develop Leaders Within the Fire Service   Order a copy of this article
    by Carina Fischer Decremer, Susan Stewart 
    Abstract: In response to the limited studies that pertain to leadership in the fire service, this literature review seeks to investigate the key factors of effective leadership in this public sector. Among the factors identified were individual traits, ideal behaviours, situational contexts that might shift leadership approaches, and social and emotional intelligence which includes communication and conflict management skills. From the research reviewed, a fire service leader profile was developed and described. In addition, a list of available valid and reliable commercial instruments is provided for consideration when fire organisations are identifying or assessing leaders. It is recommended that fire service organisations select the instrument(s) that best fit their values and their overall approach to performance management.
    Keywords: Fire Service; Leadership Development; Leader Profile; Leader Identification; Leadership Assessments.

  • Project Management within the Greek Public Administration sector: Results of qualitative research in the framework of a Business Process Reengineering project   Order a copy of this article
    by Ioannis Raptis, Evi Tsolakou 
    Abstract: This paper aims provides original qualitative validation work on the current challenges within project management in the Greek Public Administration sector as part of an ongoing business process reengineering project. The qualitative research consisted of semi-structured interviews and a focus group, with material based on the published literature of Public Administration practices across the world. Findings were incorporated into the particular process reengineering project, with key outputs including business culture and understaffing. Further research is warranted to confirm these findings across further frameworks within the Greek Public Administration sector.
    Keywords: Greek Public Administration; project management PM² methodology; business process management; performance management; strategic change; semi-structured interview; focus group.

  • The Role of Leadership in Embedding Risk Management: Lessons from an Irish Public Sector Organisation   Order a copy of this article
    by Rosenary Ryan, Tom Egan, Peter C. Young, Richard Burke 
    Abstract: Efforts to implement risk management in the public sector have principally relied on emulating private sector practices, with a recent focus on implementing enterprise risk management (ERM). However, there is limited of evidence of this largely private enterprise approach being successfully transferred to public sector settings. This paper helps address this deficit by considering the practical matter of how risk management becomes embedded in a public organisation which is viewed as a change initiative. The approach used in a case study of an Irish public sector organisation is outlined and this involved collective leadership and a facilitation tool to drive the successful embedding of risks; firstly, through training and ongoing support, and secondly by directing and empowering the senior management team to prioritise risks requiring action. The paper concludes with observations on the key role of leadership in such an initiative which leads to several hypotheses for future research.
    Keywords: leadership; facilitation; collective leadership; embedding risk management; enterprise risk management; public sector organisation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10056247
  • Linking corporate social responsibility with customer loyalty: examining mediator role of competitive advantage   Order a copy of this article
    by Simmi Dhyani, Meenakshi Sharma 
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR), competitive advantage (CA) and customer loyalty (CL). Based on the literature, a conceptual model has been proposed. Non-probability judgment sampling has been used to collect the data from 323 customers. The information regarding constructs was collected by using the standardised scales. CA has shown a significant relationship with CSR and CL. Further, the mediating role of CA has been also significant with CSR and CL. The main gap is the lack of availability of research literature on the topic in the Indian context. The study has provided an empirically tested model which is useful for the organisations to plan their marketing efforts. The findings have ramifications for academics as well as policymakers who are looking to create strong and long-lasting connections with their customers. Finally, limitations and future scope of the study have been discussed.
    Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR; customer loyalty; mediator role; competitive advantage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.10058416
  • Awareness of bancassurance among public and private sector banks customers in Punjab, India   Order a copy of this article
    by Pooja Kansra, Diksha Verma 
    Abstract: Bancassurance can become an important factor in improving the performance of banks if customers get adequate awareness about it. A significant association has been observed from previous literature between bancassurance and awareness among customers of banks but a need is there to know the level of association among customers of public and private sector banks. A comparative study may help frame substantial plans as well as approaches to advance the scope of bancassurance independently. A structured questionnaire was disseminated among 536 respondents from the banks of Punjab. The questionnaire was pre tested and validated before data collection. The analysis of the level of awareness was made with the help of the chi-square test and exploratory factor analysis.
    Keywords: bancassurance; awareness; comparison; chi-square; factor analysis; socio demographic variables; Punjab; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.10059640
  • Public service delivery, happiness, and loyalty in Bhutan   Order a copy of this article
    by Karma Lhendup 
    Abstract: The public services in Bhutan are all aligned to increasing happiness of her citizens. A government-to-citizen (G2C) service, which is an online service through one-window facility catered across 20 districts of Bhutan, is one such public service portal aimed at enhancing wellbeing of the Bhutanese. This study covered a nationally representative sample of 8,125 households to explore the efficacy of G2C services, which is not studied before. A high public sector net promoter score in this study indicated the high levels of trust in Bhutanese society - public sector being devoid of corruption - and defined the credibility of authorities in the Royal Government of Bhutan. The positive citizen effort score indicated that the citizens could use the public services easily without any efforts. Based on the tenets of factor analysis and structure equation model, the results of this study suggested that the construct, ‘aggregate service satisfaction’ positively and significantly affected both ‘overall citizen satisfaction’ and ‘citizen loyalty’.
    Keywords: satisfaction; happiness; loyalty; Bhutan; service; construct; citizen.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10062963
  • Strengthening popular participation through decentralised governance in Tigray, Ethiopia   Order a copy of this article
    by Adonay Habtu 
    Abstract: The study examines the aspects related to the level of popular involvement, and mechanisms to improve in decentralised governance in Tigray from the point view of citizens, councillors, public officials and civil society organisations. The research is conducted on a representative samples at the local administration level. It was based on 200 questionnaires filled in and 180 returned by the respondents and interview with councillors, public officials and civil society organisations. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it was based on triangulation both on the officials and citizens, perception about popular participation in decentralised governance. The research shows that there is low level of popular participation in the decentralised governance process with inadequate space provide to the actors and in sufficient means for popular participation. The research provides with enough evidences to characterise the popular participation in Tigray as a form of consultation according to the Arnstein’s ladder of popular participation.
    Keywords: popular participation; decentralised governance; decentralisation; local people or community; Mekelle City; Tigray; Ethiopia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10063270
  • Administrative Intensity and operational effectiveness in Australian Public Universities   Order a copy of this article
    by Carolyn-Thi Thanh Dung Tran, Brian Dollery 
    Abstract: Empirical research on the determinants of student satisfaction and their relationship to university performance has been undertaken in the empirical literature on higher education. However, to date scholars have not examined the influence of administrative intensity (AI) on the effectiveness of universities. This study aims to bridge this gap in the empirical literature by examining the impact of AI on university effectiveness proxied by student satisfaction indexes in Australian public universities over the period 2016/17-2018/19. Employing the ordinary least square method, we find that AI significantly affects university effectiveness in a U-shaped form and that student satisfaction indexes improve over time. However, this influence varies across different university types. Given the differential impact of AI on different categories of university in Australia, it is unlikely that a single policy designed to address AI in the university sector would be effective.
    Keywords: Australian universities; administrative intensity; effectiveness; student satisfaction; university performance.

  • Identifying organisational innovativeness and self-sustenance for the Government of Indonesia’s public service agency   Order a copy of this article
    by Heru Pudyo Nugroho, Agus Heruanto Hadna, Sukamdi Sukamdi 
    Abstract: This research analyses and identifies the PSAs’ innovativeness impacting leadership, human resource competencies and organisational learning. Furthermore, it highlights the PSAs’ organisational behaviour in achieving financial and managerial self-sufficiency or autonomy. This study investigates public service agencies (PSAs) and their development of organisational self-sustenance by utilising two-angulation analysis approaches, examining through its model’s development of organisational innovativeness and focus group discussions with the PSAs’ top executives. First, this study found that leadership, human resource competencies and organisational learning determine the PSAs’ innovativeness. Second, it reveals that the established characteristic leadership of the GoI, including no support for organisational transformation-oriented research and development, does not support the enhancement of the PSAs towards self-sustenance. Third, it finds no facilitated forum for the PSAs to share the knowledge used to assimilate various resource requirements, outcome processing and managing future performance.
    Keywords: public service; leadership; competency; innovation; Indonesia; self-sustenance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10064165
  • Improving public sector procurement methods in international practices: a comparative study   Order a copy of this article
    by Karem Sayed Aboelazm 
    Abstract: This paper presents the methods of public sector procurement in some administrative contracts or public procurement laws. Some of the modern methods used by many countries, the research also sought to develop a clear definition of public sector procurement and relied in this research on the comparative approach as a significant approach to study for comparing the laws of countries; in addition to the use of descriptive-analytical methodology to analysis the legal frameworks of public sector procurement methods in Egypt, UAE, and other laws in comparison, the research reached to a result that the new Egyptian system and UAE system were influenced by modern international practices by including in the new law on administrative contracts modern methods of public procurement applicable in many countries.
    Keywords: public tender; bidding; framework agreements; Egypt; United Arab Emirates.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10064166
  • E-banking service quality, e-loyalty, and mediation role of e-satisfaction: evidence from Indian public banking sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Priya Mandowra, Pritpal Singh Bhullar, Robin Kaushal 
    Abstract: There is no significant seminal study in the literature that provides strong evidence showing how e-satisfaction among bank customers mediates the relationship between factors of e-service quality and e-loyalty in the Indian context after the COVID-19 pandemic. The main purpose of the present research is to examine the relationships and effects of e-service quality and customers’ e-satisfaction on e-loyalty with respect to Indian public sector banks. Data were collected from 462 public sector bank customers using questionnaires with a five-point Likert scale. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed in model development and hypothesis testing. The results show that reliability, responsiveness, efficiency, and intention to use e-banking services positively affect public sector bank customers’ e-loyalty. The study indicates that public sector banks can increase customers’ e-loyalty by improving service reliability and e-satisfaction. A positive association between bank customers’ e-satisfaction and e-loyalty is also observed. Furthermore, the study implies that banks must implement effective fraud prevention measures, such as transaction monitoring, suspicious activity reporting, and recommending customers use strong passwords and avoid clicking on suspicious links. These insights offer crucial direction for banks to improve client loyalty and happiness in the digital era following the pandemic.
    Keywords: e-banking service quality; e-loyalty; e-satisfaction; public banking sector; PLS-SEM; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10066008
  • The impact of job satisfaction on the loyalty of doctors working at public general hospitals - a case study of Hanoi City, Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Danh Nam Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Lan Uong 
    Abstract: The main objective of this study is to analyse the impact of factors on job satisfaction and loyalty of doctors working at Hanoi’s public general hospital. In this study, job satisfaction and loyalty of doctors are measured through specific dimensions of the work of the medical sector instead of using the job descriptive index scale as previously studied. The study data was collected from 522 doctors working at Hanoi’s public general hospital through the inquiry form investigation and was dissected by descriptive statistics, reliability test, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The research results showed that there are eight factors impact on job satisfaction of doctors. Besides, job satisfaction has a positive impact on the loyalty of doctors. The research results of this study provided several utilitarian information for leaders of the Hanoi’s public general hospital to enhance loyalty is measured through job satisfaction and dimensions of the doctors’ work.
    Keywords: job satisfaction; loyalty; doctors; public hospitals; Hanoi; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.10066637
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on administrative decisions in the public sector in Jordan   Order a copy of this article
    by Noor Issa Alhendi, Nayel AlOmran, Asem Baniamer 
    Abstract: This study focuses on the impact of artificial intelligence on issuing administrative decisions in the public sector. The digital progress in the field of electronic public administration has had a highly effective impact. It aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence on automated administrative decisions, including its positive and negative aspects. The study first clarifies the concept of artificial intelligence and explains the systems used to support or assist administrative decisions. It also highlights the characteristics of artificial intelligence related to administrative decisions. Additionally, the study defines the concept of automated administrative decisions and the controls for automating administrative decisions and explains the implications of applying automation in the field of administrative decisions. Furthermore, this study looks at the mechanism for enforcing and implementing automated administrative decisions. Finally, the study evaluates the pros and cons of artificial intelligence in the field of administrative decisions.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; automated; administrative; decisions; public; sector.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10067042
  • Emerging human resource development practices in the Ghanaian public sector organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Samuel Howard Quartey 
    Abstract: This study explores emerging human resource development (HRD) practices in public sector organisations (PSOs) in Ghana. Using a phenomenological approach, 18 human resource (HR) practitioners were purposively selected from diverse PSOs. The data was gathered using in-depth interviews. The experiences of these HR practitioners were organised and thematically analysed. The thematic analysis revealed two major themes, three major sub-themes and 11 major codes connecting these themes and sub-themes to explain the emerging HRD practices in PSOs. The findings show that new forms of HRD practices are being practiced in the PSOs. These new forms of HRD practices were derived from an interactive influence of key drivers and enablers which worked together to produce new forms of HRD practices. Based on the findings, HR practitioners in PSOs should invest in technology-mediated HRD practices. Policymakers in PSOs should reform business and administrative structures and policies to include these emerging HRD practices.
    Keywords: human resource development; HRD; HR practitioners; public sector organisations; PSOs; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10067043
  • A qualitative study of judicial resistance to efficiency reforms in Indian courts   Order a copy of this article
    by Shobhit Mathur 
    Abstract: As a cornerstone of the world’s largest democracy, the Indian judicial system, currently grappling with approximately 50 million cases, struggles with implementing court efficiency reforms. This pioneering qualitative study, which leverages phenomenological methods, examines the experiences and perspectives of district court judges to comprehend these difficulties. Semi-structured interviews, observations, and document analysis reveal three primary themes - feelings of being overburdened, a lack of confidence in the system, and a sense of disempowerment among judges. These insights underscore that involving judges in all stages of the reform design, implementation, and evaluation process could play a crucial role in ameliorating the judiciary system. Addressing these concerns has the potential to not only streamline the acceptance and execution of efficiency reforms, but also bolster the public’s perception and trust in the Indian judiciary, leading to fairer treatment and improved delivery of justice.
    Keywords: judicial experience; efficiency reforms; Indian courts; case flow management; CFM; qualitative phenomenological method; semi-structured interviews; reform implementation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10067274
  • Tracing the development of publicness in public administration: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Mujibur Rahman Khairul Muluk, Sajida Sajida, Gina De Nisa, Shinta Fatimah Durrety 
    Abstract: This paper discusses the evolution of the concept of publicness within the academic framework of public administration, attempts to define its core constituent elements, and discusses the evolution of historical and current scholarship on this subject. Based on a systematic review of 159 papers from the Scopus database, the analysis indicates that publicness evolved in a complex way and influenced governance, transparency, participation in civil society, and the delivery of public services. The findings shed light on the centrality of publicness in determining these aspects, and provide a critical source for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners interested in learning about its evolving dynamics in public administration.
    Keywords: publicness; public value; governance; systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10067759
  • Exploring the relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being in Southern Chin State, Myanmar   Order a copy of this article
    by Lucia Yaw Laing, Sandeep Poddar, Leo Paul Dana 
    Abstract: In our consumer-driven world, the significance of ecosystems extends beyond their ecological value. The importance of this study lies as it examines how ecosystems affect Indigenous people, especially those with specific issues. Descriptive survey methodologies are used in this quantitative investigation. Google forms surveys collect data, and structural equation modelling (SEM) utilising SMARTPLS-4 and SPSS version 28 analysed the data to reveal complex research links. Provisional services (fresh water, natural resources) and cultural services (spiritual and aesthetic advantages) greatly affect indigenous well-being, according to preliminary results. Regulating services are not significant, suggesting ecological imbalances caused by external factors including air pollution, water contamination, and climate change. This research highlights the importance of ecosystem conservation and management in indigenous well-being, underlining the complex issues these people confront in a fast changing world and the mechanisms and contextual elements that create these interactions.
    Keywords: provisional services; cultural services; regulating services; ecosystem,; indigenous well-being; Myanmar; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10067914
  • Measuring engagement in Moroccan public establishments: empirical analysis on Facebook using machine learning K-means clustering   Order a copy of this article
    by Hamza Chekkour, Mohammed Ben Amar 
    Abstract: This study addresses the lack of research on public engagement via social media in the Moroccan context, and aims to evaluate and compare the level of engagement of eleven public establishments through their official Facebook pages, as well as to assess the influence of the content type (rational or emotional) on engagement with these establishments. All the data from 440 posts were analysed using Python and a series of machine learning techniques. In particular, the K-means algorithm was used to group public establishments based on two engagement metrics divided into four categories: Ghost, Chatterbox, Leader and Engager. The results of this research show a positive correlation between engagement and rational content, and on the other hand, a negative correlation was found with emotional content. In addition, they clearly show that the level of public engagement for the establishments selected is still low. This study enriches the literature on public engagement through social media by focusing on the unique Moroccan context and utilising machine learning methods in this type of research. The findings offer valuable insights for managers of public establishments, helping them understand how different content types influence public engagement and providing a foundation for refining their social media strategies.
    Keywords: social media; public engagement; Moroccan public establishments; content type; K-means; machine learning methods.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10068680

Special Issue on: The Shifting Goalposts - Disruption in Automation, Computational and Technology Management

  • A comparative analysis into the history and influence of Foreign Direct Investment in India and China   Order a copy of this article
    by Dhwanikta Sahani 
    Abstract: Foreign Direct Investment has become an increasingly important factor when comparing a political economys macroeconomic policies, economic growth and development. With globalization leading to a more consolidated international capital market, FDI stock figures are closely followed to define and adjust nations international relations and policies for interaction with the rest of the world. The fact that an economy is entrusted with foreign capital is made quantifiable by measuring and comparing respective FDI stocks making the foreign investment market a fiercely competed one. In this aggressive market, China and India have certainly emerged has the new hotspots for foreign investments categorically, while serving as driving economic forces in Asia and to an extent, the world. Recent decades have laid witness to the worlds two most populated countries, India and China, experiencing a significant degree of economic growth and geo-political change on route to becoming the two economic superpowers that they are today. Widely acknowledged is that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from foreign multinationals and large organizations has been a major attributor to the economic expansion of these two countries, introducing various new industrialized processes, technologies, employment opportunities, and a wealth of funding and resources to boost and grow the two nations economies and societal wellbeing.
    Keywords: FDI; Investment; India- China.

Special Issue on: INCONSYSM 2020 Performance Management Systems in the Digital Era

  • Organizational Structure as a Facilitator for Transforming Knowledge Management Practices in Indian Real Estate Industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Arpana Kumari, Teena Saharan 
    Abstract: Knowledge management happens to be lifeline of an organisation especially in service industry, which survives on knowledge generation for business operations. Real estate sector as a major contributor in countrys economic growth can aim to disrupt the knowledge management practices to serve its stakeholders better. Organisational structure with components, division of work, power, line of authority, and communication flow can leverage execution of knowledge management practice. This paper examines influence of organisational structure on knowledge management practice (knowledge creation, knowledge accumulation, knowledge disbursement and knowledge application) in real estate firms. Responses from employees of real estate firms of Delhi and National Capital Region of India was analysed with data reduction and multiple regression. Knowledge recording, rewarding for knowledge sharing, knowledge application and top management support to knowledge management are presented under knowledge management practices. Direct influence of organisational structure on knowledge management practices in Indian real estate sector was discussed.
    Keywords: knowledge management; organisational structure; knowledge management practices; KMPs; real estate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10043228
  • The Effectiveness of a 360-degree Performance Appraisal in the Digital Era.   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepika Pandita 
    Abstract: This paper aims to study and evaluate the effectiveness of a 360-degree performance appraisal across various companies in the digital era. Primary research was conducted in order to collect data. A questionnaire was built and was sent to 100 random employees through e-mail and various social media tools. The results were collated, and statistical analysis (multivariate regression) was conducted to arrive at a conclusion. Five factors contribute to the effectiveness of a 360-degree performance appraisal overall organisational performance, employee performance, and employee motivation, employee job satisfaction, training and development, and succession planning. A statistical analysis multivariate regression has shown that 69% variations in the effectiveness of a 360-degree performance appraisal are caused by variations in overall organisational performance, employee performance, employee job satisfaction, training and development, and succession planning. The study will help the HR and senior management in organisations appreciate the importance of a 360-degree performance appraisal and implement a robust appraisal system in their organisations. The study aims to identify the factors that contribute to a 360-degree performance appraisal across various organisations, primarily in the era of digitalisation.
    Keywords: 360-degree performance appraisal; succession planning; job satisfaction; employee motivation; productivity; career; feedback.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10044169
  • Exploring Hybrid HRM And Its Impact on Employee Performance   Order a copy of this article
    by Jeevan Jyoti, Rinku Sanjeev, Ankita Gupta 
    Abstract: The primary purpose of this study is to conceptualise, develop and validate a scale to measure the hybrid human resource management. Further, the impact of hybrid human resource management (HRM) has also been evaluated. The data obtained have been duly validated through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis by using a sample of 258 respondents. Structural equation modelling has been used for hypotheses testing. The results reveal that hybrid HRM is a multidimensional construct that consists of high performance management (HPM), high commitment management (HCM) and high involvement management (HIM) practices. Further, the results also indicate that hybrid HRM positively affects employee performance. Finally, the theoretical implications, managerial implications and limitations have also been discussed.
    Keywords: high performance management; HPM; hybrid human resource management; high commitment management; HCM; high involvement management; HIM; employee performance; structural equation modelling; scale validation; exploratory factor analysis; EFA; confirmatory factor analysis; CFA; multidimensional construct.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10043231
  • Sources of Innovation, Innovation Capability and Firm Competitiveness - A SEM- Mediation Analysis in Apparel Manufacturing Firms   Order a copy of this article
    by Mitu Matta, Sanjeev Verma 
    Abstract: Purpose In a volatile environment, it is imperative for firms to develop the innovation capabilities. It is observed that a firm builds on its innovation capability through internal and external sources of innovation, thereby enhancing competitiveness.rnDesign/methodology/approach A descriptive research design was adopted. Data was collected from a sample of 300 respondents in Delhi NCR. Data was analyzed using advanced statistical techniques - SEM mediation, using SPSS and AMOS. rnFindings The study reveals that source of innovation is significantly related to innovation capability and firm competitiveness. Innovation Capability significantly mediates relationships between sources of innovation and firm competitiveness in case of apparel manufacturing firms. rnOriginality/value The major implications are drawn as how the apparel manufacturing firms can capitalize on the various innovation sources to develop their innovation capability and thereby, competitiveness in the VUCA environment. rn
    Keywords: Keywords: Sources of Innovation; Innovation Capability; Firm Competitiveness; Apparel Firms.

  • Exploring the Factors for Sustainable Organisation via Employee-Employer Relationship   Order a copy of this article
    by Radha Yadav, Narendra Singh, Dharmendra Kumar 
    Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to explore the required factors for a sustainable organisation with respect to the employee-employer relationship. The variables were identified on the basis of maximum citation and the latest work available from 2000 to 2020 on employee-employer relationship and sustainable organisation in Google Scholar. The present study found that sustainable leadership, organisation trust; justice and structure, self-efficacy, employee engagement, employee motivation, transparency and communication are crucial variables for creating sustainable organisation according to the variables related to the employee-employer relationship. This study further provides valuable insights on the important variables which will help build a strong relationship between employee and employer for sustainable organisational growth.
    Keywords: sustainable organisation performance; sustainable organisation; employee-employer relationship; sustainable leadership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.10054404
  • A study of enablers that facilitate successful data driven performance management systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Devika Perayil, Rachana Deshpande, Nehajoan Panackal 
    Abstract: Data driven decision making commonly known as analytics in performance management is one of the crucial areas for an employee and the organisation. This study attempts to study the enablers or the variables that facilitate the implementation of analytics in performance management systems (PMS). The researchers have adopted the total interpretative structural modelling (TISM) approach for the study. The methodology started with extant literature review to identify enablers which were validated through expert opinion. The expert opinion was converted into structural self interaction matrix, reachability matrix and the model was derived. The findings of the study showed that governance is important to smoothly implement data driven PMS. Knowledge management practices helped capture information related to key result areas, it also supported future functions. A competent HR professional, strong data infrastructure support, strategic cascading for clear well defined goals and organisational culture were also responsible for enabling data driven PMS.
    Keywords: enablers; performance management system; PMS; data driven; total interpretative structural modelling; TISM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10058852
  • Impediments to the performance of education policy in India: modelling using ISM and MICMAC technique   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepika Joshi 
    Abstract: The presented paper is aimed to identify the critical barriers that influences the performance of the education policy in India. A survey data was collected from 50 senior administrators associated with policy projects in India. Contextual relationship between the considered set of barriers is established using ISM technique. This paper contributes by providing a theoretical model that conceptualises the issues related to governance, accountability, structure and control mechanism in the policy process. Findings from this research indicates that policy formulation and its implementation are the driving barriers towards the performance of education policy. The conclusive framework from this research can be useful to those apex institutions that are planning for long range policy programmes. Further, directions to statistically validate the model is proposed for improving the performance of Indian education sector.
    Keywords: impediments; education policy; performance; ISM; MICMAC; model development; barriers.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10058851
    by INDRANIL MUTSUDDI, Chandranshu Sinha 
    Abstract: Retention of employees had become a daunting challenge for information technology (IT) organisations in India. As the existing management literature on employee retention had focused only upon organisational, psychological and contextual issues, an attempt was made to explore the opinion of respondents from selected IT firms in the NCR of Delhi whether social factors like supervisor, co-worker, external social support and social networks had implications on their intention to stay. Using a descriptive research design, the study randomly collected data from 225 respondents. Using structural equation modelling (SEM), the research presented an empirical model indicating that social network mediated the relationship of co-worker and supervisor support on employee intention to stay. Supervisor support had significant influence on employee intention to stay, apart from influencing social network and co-worker support. The empirical model further showed that external support did not have significant implications on employee intention to stay.
    Keywords: employee intention to stay; supervisor support; co-worker support; external social support; social network; employee retention; information technology organisations.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10046871

Special Issue on: ICBPIPS 2020 Fostering Innovation in Business Practices Role of the Public Sector

  • Financial Analysis of the Indian Leather Industry Using Management Efficiency Ratio and Two-Way ANOVA   Order a copy of this article
    by GAURAV SHARMA, Rachit Agarwal 
    Abstract: To evaluate a companys investment prospects, it is important to look at its financial success from a particular perspective. Management performance ratios compare a companys assets to its sales or profit figures, giving customers insight into the companys capabilities. The management performance of five major leather industry players is measured in this study. Stock turnover, debtor turnover, investment turnover, fixed asset turnover, and total assets turnover ratios are all taken into account when calculating companies efficiency. From 2016 to 2020, the research was carried out. To test the hypothesis, two-way ANOVA has been used. The result suggested that the null hypothesis for all ratios between the group is rejected but for the investment turnover ratio between the group null hypothesis could not be rejected. The study will be helpful for the customers and investors in their decision making and to check the soundness and efficiency of the company comparatively.
    Keywords: management efficiency; financial ratio analysis; leather industry; turnover ratios; financial statements; efficiency ratios; financial performance.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10046870
  • Impact of Pandemic on Trade: Jewellery and Pharmaceutical Products   Order a copy of this article
    by Radhika Arora, Monika Arora 
    Abstract: The impact of coronavirus pandemic on India has been largely disruptive in terms of economic activities as well as loss of human lives. Almost all the countries worldwide were affected as the movement was restricted this led to disruption in the demand-supply cycle. Hence, trade plummeted but there were some notable exceptions. The pharmaceutical product sector being a major example of the exception as we observed high rise as compared to the forecast based on last 5 years data. In contrast to that sectors like jewellery and precious metals saw a steep decline in its trade trajectory as compared for the forecast for the year 2020 when the pandemic spread.
    Keywords: COVID-19; Lockdown; Trade balance; Deseasonalizing; Trend line; Cyclic variation.

  • INFLAPRO -The inflation protected return on investment applicable to Fixed deposit.   Order a copy of this article
    by Brahmadesam Venkataraman 
    Abstract: As an innovation to the bank interest calculation of existing uniform rate, the author has brought out a method known as INFLAPRO, the inflation protected return on investment, particularly applicable to Fixed deposits. This is entirely different from the erstwhile diminishing balance method also. The additional input parameter is the rate inflation protection. In this innovation, the initial instalment is obtained as per the authors web-based program, and subsequently other instalments for the entire term progressively calculated as per the given rate of inflation protection. Thus, providing the inflation protection for the entire term. The implications are transformation or transition in interest calculation and its allocation, innovation in accounting practice. Also, there is versatility of the INFLAPRO to cater to all the three methods of diminishing balance, Equated instalment and positive INFLAPRO.
    Keywords: accounting; banking; finance; Inflation protection; macroeconomics; return on investment.

    by Avneet Kaur, Sujata Khandai, Jones Mathew 
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to summarise the research on the relation between brand trust and brand loyalty conducted over the past two decades and to identify research gaps for further examination. The analysis method adopted is a dual approach: first, data tabulation of extant literature using MS Excel sheets and bar graphs; second, a bibliometric analysis using the VOSviewer application. The sum of citations, keywords, writers, journals, institutes, and countries are examined in both approaches. Elseviers SCOPUS database has been used to extract 286 articles from 2001 to 2021. The research aims to assess how an understanding of the relation between brand trust and brand loyalty has evolved over the period and its growth potential and future prospects.
    Keywords: brand trust; brand loyalty; bibliometric; VOSviewer; SCOPUS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10047919
  • The role of inclusive leadership in facilitating electronic learning during coronavirus disease 2019 in marginalised schools in Zimbabwe   Order a copy of this article
    by Rosemary Guvhu 
    Abstract: The study examines how school principals enact inclusive leadership practices in promoting e-learning in 300 marginalised schools in Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 pandemic being guided by the inclusive leadership framework. Three hundred principals completed a randomly distributed structured questionnaire for quantitative data. Twenty purposively selected principals participated in focus group interviews and documentary analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics computed through SPSS software were used to analyse quantitative data. Qualitative results were thematically analysed. The study discovered variations in how principals applied four defined inclusive leadership practices for e-learning, implying that they seldom produced change, shared a common vision, exercised self-awareness and sometimes built relationships to enhance e-learning. The study recommends professional development to enhance the principals’ competencies in implementing e-learning during the COVID-19 and similar disturbances.
    Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; diversity; e-learning; electronic learning; inclusion; inclusive leadership; school principal; Zimbabwe; marginalised schools.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10066127
  • Factors Affecting Impulse Buying Behavior of Online Shopping Customers in Punjab   Order a copy of this article
    by Amanpreet Pathania 
    Abstract: This research endeavours to understand the impulse buying decisions of online shopping customers. To determine the causes that influences the customers to make purchase decisions without recognising the need. The aim of research is to identify the factors that trigger the stimuli of customers and influence or restrain them to buy products without evaluating. Data has been collected with structured questionnaire and analysed with factor analysis, it showed that thirteen factors namely convenience, emotional factor, greater variety of goods and use of credit cards, relatively low price, comprehensive information about the product, marketing promotions and direct marketing, shipping services, delayed gratification, increased consumer control, price and product comparison, perception of quality and family boundaries, conscientiousness and quality of website and degree of impulsiveness are extracted as the affective factors that can motivate or restrain the customers to make sudden purchases. This research can help the marketers to frame marketing strategies.
    Keywords: internet; shopping; customers; impulsiveness; convenient; quality; website.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10051156
  • Impact of Meaningfulness and Flexibility at Work on Psychological Empowerment of Employees amid COVID 19   Order a copy of this article
    by Seema Wadhawan, Nidhi Gupta, Anu Bhardwaj 
    Abstract: Work is vital for an individual to have significant life and presence in an organisation. Employees do work that is interesting, gives identity and meaning to their lives. Meaningfulness of work refers to the feeling of satisfaction, association, recognition, and greater opportunity for the employee. In todays scenario, workplace and culture are significant for any employee along with work. Flexibility at work generates performance and a feeling of empowerment. Globally COVID-19 has not only impacted the lives of people but also the organisations, its cultures, and working patterns. This study aims to understand the role of meaningfulness and flexibility at work on the psychological empowerment of employees during COVID-19 crisis. A survey was administered to 600 employees in Northern India. Correlation and regression analysis showed both meaningful work and flexibility are strongly related and have a significant impact on the psychological empowerment of employees.
    Keywords: COVID-19; meaningful work; flexibility; psychological empowerment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10045667
  • A study on co-integration of stock markets in India, Hong Kong and USA during COVID -19   Order a copy of this article
    by Atul Kumar 
    Abstract: The objective of the paper is to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the co-integrating relationship amongst the Indian, US and Hong Kong markets. The data has been taken from January 2016 to April 2020. Engle and Granger method and Johansen method of co-integration was applied for the purpose. All the three market were found to be co-integrated when the whole period was considered but the long-term relationship does not exist when the analysis was done for the post COVID-19 period. One reason for the change in co-integrating relationship could be the break-down of trade linkages during the time of turbulence. The capital market not being co-integrated could be an opportunity for the international fund managers for formulating the strategies of diversification.
    Keywords: co-integration; Engle and granger method; Johansen method; error correction method; India; Hongkong; USA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2023.10048907
  • ERP Package Evaluation and Purchase Decision: AHP- Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach.   Order a copy of this article
    by Ovais Ahmed R, D.K. Mahalik 
    Abstract: ERP Solutions implemented in an organisation is an IS and resource planning package that integrates all the resources of an enterprise into a single database that can be accessed across the organisational levels with ease. From the past decade MCL (Mahanadi Coalfields Limited), Odisha, was using a Coalnet ERP system developed and customised from scratch to suit the business requirements of the Coal Industry in particular. IIT Kharagpur initially implemented the Coalnet ERP systems, and at a later stage, the project was half left due to some contract disagreements. It was stabilised in the year 2012-13. In 2018 a decision was made to adopt a standard ERP readily available in the market. An MCDM technique is involved in arriving at the best possible solution that perfectly matches the organisational requirements. We are using an AHP and Fuzzy Topsis approach for the justification of ERP package evaluation.
    Keywords: Key Words: Coalnet; ERP; Multi-criteria decision making; package; third-party; vendor; SAP; MCL; AHP; Fuzzy Topsis.

  • SMEs leveraging Strategic Orientation to achieve Firm Performance A mediating role of Firm Capabilities and Competitive Advantage   Order a copy of this article
    by Parul Manchanda, Deepti Prakash 
    Abstract: The COVID-19 global pandemic has emerged as a global crisis and has put pressure on small-medium enterprises (SMEs) for their sustenance. Taking firm-level strategic orientation and the resource-based theory (RBV) as its foundation. This present work attempts to observe the association of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm capability (FC) on firm performance (FP). The research work explores the mediating role of FC and competitive advantage (CA). This scholarly work refers to the Rangone (1999) capabilities identified in context to SMEs. The research was carried on 343 SMEs from Delhi. SmartPLS 3 was used for data analysis. The results highlight the importance of leveraging strategic orientation (EO) and FC. Further, the present work confirms the partial mediating role of FC in the relationship of EO andFP; and the partial mediating role of CA in the relationship of EO and FP; FC and FP.
    Keywords: small-medium enterprises; SMEs; entrepreneurial orientation; firm capability; firm performance; competitive advantage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10048591
  • Mediating Role of Organisational Agility for Knowledge Management and Corporate Sustainable Development-An Empirical Investigation of Indian Organisations   Order a copy of this article
    by Sunil Kumar, Manoj Mishra, Nidhi Sharma 
    Abstract: The present research has examined the contribution of knowledge management on corporate sustainable development. In this study, knowledge management along with all other its components namely, application, acquisition and dissemination of knowledge were used to assess its impact on corporate sustainable development in the presence of organisational agility. The two theories, namely, theory of knowledge management and theory of sustainable development forms the basis of the present study. The data was collected from 440 respondents from small and medium-scale manufacturing companies. Purposive sampling has been used for the purpose of this study. Data was analysed using SPSS (version 22) and AMOS (version 22). Mediation analysis has been done using PROCESS macro given by Hayes. The outcome of the study confirmed that all attributes of knowledge management has significant impact on corporate sustainable development. Further, it was found that organisational agility has meditating effect between knowledge management and corporate sustainable development.
    Keywords: knowledge management; corporate sustainable development; CSD; organisational agility; Indian organisation; SMEs; mediation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2025.10056517

Special Issue on: SIMSARC'20 The Five Trillion Dollar Economy of India Opportunities and Challenges

  • Exploring the nexus between Accessibility to credit and Economic well-being at the Grassroots: Evidence from the Indian Microfinance Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Vanishri Hundekar, M.M. Munshi 
    Abstract: India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Poverty remains a significant problem in many areas of the world despite the new age of globalisation. Extant literature has revealed that the microfinance model is the best intervention for better access to credit and poverty alleviation. This study investigates the impact of access to credit through microfinance channels, on Economic wellbeing at the grassroots. The research design is exploratory in nature. In analysing the relationship and impact among variables, paired t-test, multiple regression, one-way analysis was adopted. The results revealed that the microfinance interest rates, products/services, loan cycle and beneficiaries period of association with microfinance program had a substantial impact on economic welfare of the grassroots. It also illustrated the relations between government policies, microfinance programs, and poverty alleviation initiatives. These outcomes have operational and institutional implications for the functioning of microfinance programs in emerging economy, such as India.
    Keywords: microfinance; poverty alleviation; economic well-being; SHG; accessibility to credit; microcredit.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10048255
  • Privacy over instant messaging platforms; are users making the right decisions?   Order a copy of this article
    by Jayanta Banerjee, Prabha Kiran, Krishna Kishore S V, Vasudevan M 
    Abstract: This article explores the impact of perceived vulnerability, self-efficacy, resistance to change, and habit on users perception of privacy over users intention to use messaging platforms. The conceptual model includes perceived vulnerability, self-efficacy, resistance to change, habit, and its impact on users perception of privacy over users intention to use messaging platforms. A structural equation and hierarchical regression model were used for data analysis. The results show that age and profession affect peoples decision of shifting to a different platform significantly. The study is based on a few specific instant messaging platforms at one particular point in time and is undertaken in India; hence, the findings cannot be extended/applicable to other countries. The paper discusses the factors impacting the users sensitivity to data privacy while using a communication application through an electronic device, especially a mobile phone.
    Keywords: instant messaging platform; data privacy; information privacy; privacy concern.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10048256
  • Evaluation of End-User Satisfaction in Coalnet ERP Systems Using the EUCS Model.   Order a copy of this article
    by R. Ovais Ahmed, Debendra Kumar Mahalik 
    Abstract: Organisation across the Globe has seen increasing use of enterprise software with varied reasons, i.e., cost reduction, transparency, integration etc. In this respect, Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL), a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd, has implemented Coalnet ERP systems for the past ten years. Various researcher and practitioners across the globe are evaluating the ERP solution due to the involvement of resources like money, time, etc. In this regard, the study aims to analyse the end-user satisfaction of Coalnet ERP systems. We have used Doll & Torkzadeh EUCS instrument for evaluation. Satisfied end-users contribute to the well-being of an organisation and helps them in achieving their goals. Data is obtained from 15 items in six dimensions of EUCS model, using a questionnaire. The sample is 341. SPSS & AMOS is used. The result obtained shows end-users are satisfied to a moderate extent. The model was considered fit.
    Keywords: enterprise resource planning; ERP; CoalNet; end-user computing satisfaction; EUCS; survey; model; Mahanadi Coalfields Limited; MCL; SPSS; AMOS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10048258
    by RAJAT MOHAN BHATT, Deepali Garge 
    Abstract: This study has analysed the perception of stakeholders regarding feasibility and acceptance of Free and Open-source software (FOSS) to foster flat and modular disaster response structures. In a disaster response scenario, responders are from groups with differing work cultures but have to quickly bond, collaborate and create dynamic networks to work efficiently. They can be empowered if the organisational structure is flat and not hierarchical. Quantitative data from a stratified sample of 524 respondents to a well-structured questionnaire established that by leveraging FOSS, a seamless interface can be created to foster a flat response structure. Additionally, qualitative research based on semi structured interviews of subject matter experts co-related well with the quantitative findings, but also revealed certain resistances to change. The findings contribute towards implementable recommendations to leverage FOSS for disaster response in India. The recommendations cater for the competing aspirations as well as apprehensions of all strata of stakeholders.
    Keywords: disaster management; disaster response; HADR; tall and flat organisational structure; information and communications technology; ICT; Free and Open-source software; FOSS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10043911
  • Impact of International Trade and Inflation on Indias Industrial Growth: An Empirical Investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohanasundaram T, Karthikeyan P, Prasanth B 
    Abstract: This paper attempts to understand the effect of foreign trade and inflation on Indias industrial growth. The present study has two-fold objectives, viz., to establish long-run and short-run relationship between international trade, inflation and industrial production, and to investigate the impact of international trade and inflation on industrial production. The monthly data on exports, imports, inflation and index for industrial production (IIP) from January 2007 to December 2019 are considered for the analysis. We applied ARDL bounds test to estimate the long-run relationship between the chosen variables. The GARCH (1, 1) model is used to capture the varying volatility effect, as the residuals of ARDL model exhibits ARCH effect. Granger causality model is used to analyse the lead-lag effect between the variables in short-run. The GARCH model revealed that export and inflation had significant impact on conditional variance. The granger causality test indicates bi-directional relationship between Inflation and IIP.
    Keywords: cointegration; GARCH; ARDL; granger cause; export; import; index for industrial production; IIP; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10047230
  • Cyberdeviance among Students A Multidimensional Scaling Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Senthil Kumar Arumugam, Ramesh S, Budha Anuradha 
    Abstract: Cyberdeviance off late has been gaining a lot of attention because of the increased use. Educational institutions have also made the internet available to its student to improve their exposure to various educational information. Hence, it becomes essential to identify a model that helps understand college factors to cyberdivert. The study focused on assessing whether college students are involved in cyberdeviation and the demographic effect on internet behaviour and cyberdeviance. The multidimensional approach was used to understand cyberdeviance. Data were collected from 264 students using convenience sampling in Bengaluru city, India. The study found that the respondents prefer to use the internet mainly for games and prefer least for theft, harassment, adult content, and hacking. They misused the internet due to the fear of unemployment and were involved in internet fraud to deploy knowledge.
    Keywords: cyberdeviance; cybercrime; education; internet; multidimensional scaling; MDS; technology; university students.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2021.10048257

Special Issue on: Recent Engineering Trends and Applied Sciences

    by Iswadi Idris 
    Abstract: The objective of study is to find out the performance of senior high school supervisors in Bengkulu City regency, Bengkulu Province that consists of: (1) composing supervisory planning, (2) carrying out the supervisory planning, (3) evaluating the implementation of the supervisory planning, and (4) guiding and training of professional teachers and school principals. The research was conducted in regencies and cities in central Bengkulu regency, Bengkulu province. The subject of research is senior high school supervisor in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu province (29 persons). The method of research is mixed method. The research design used Provus is Descrepancy Evaluation Models (DEM). The data were collected by using observation, interview, questionnaire and documents. The results of research shows that: (1) the performance of supervisors in composing plannings is very good category, (2) the performance of supervisors in carrying out supervisory planning is good category, (3) the performance of supervisors in evaluating the product of implementation of the supervisory planning is fair category, and (4) the performance of supervisors in guiding and training of professional teachers or school principals in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu province is poor category.
    Keywords: performance; planning implementation; evaluation and training.