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Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal

Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal (PIE)

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Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal (9 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • The green plate revolution: understanding consumer willingness to embrace environmentally friendly food products   Order a copy of this article
    by Rolando Drogo, Álvaro Lopes Dias, Leandro F. Pereira 
    Abstract: Growing awareness of the impact of our eating habits on health and the environment makes it crucial for individuals to acquire knowledge, evaluate their daily consumption, and actively participate. This study investigated consumers’ perceptions of green products and their willingness to incorporate them into their dietary practices. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse survey data, revealing that health consciousness and trust in food integrity positively influence purchase intention through green environmental concerns. Additionally, perceived barriers that negatively affect purchase intention but are positively associated with confidence in product integrity were examined. The results demonstrate consumers’ willingness to embrace new messages that help overcome barriers to purchasing sustainable products, as well as the responsibility of companies to understand how to effectively promote environmental issues through tangible actions.
    Keywords: innovation; consumer perception; sustainable purchase; food habits.
    DOI: 10.1504/PIE.2023.10060644
  • The future of gas stations: sustainability perspectives and trends   Order a copy of this article
    by Maria Gomes Peres, Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro L. Dias, Jean-Baptiste Igonetti, Rui Vinhas Da Silva 
    Abstract: The use of vehicles powered by fossil fuels has a significant impact on the environment, as the process of extracting, transporting and burning them produces large amounts of CO2. At the same time, there is growing public dissatisfaction with the price of fossil fuels, as oil-importing countries are subject to market volatility and oil shocks. Consumers have made their calculations and believe that electric vehicles will be more economical in the long run. Both factors have contributed to the growing interest in alternative fuel cars. The research highlights the need for petrol stations to redefine their strategy and expand their business and revenue streams, and suggests some solutions to combat the fragility, risks and uncertainties of these markets.
    Keywords: sustainability; fossil fuels; CO2; electric vehicle; sustainable mobility; sustainable development; dynamic capabilities.
    DOI: 10.1504/PIE.2023.10061190
  • Optimising centrifugal drying for moisture reduction in plastic waste: design of experiment and decision tree analysis approaches   Order a copy of this article
    by Iwan H. Sahputra, Debora Anne Yang Aysia, Ignasius J. Boediono 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify ways to reduce the moisture content of plastic waste by optimising the drying process. The ANOVA’s results show the number of cycles significantly affects the decrease in the moisture content. The mass flow rate and the interaction between the number of cycles and the mass flow rate do not affect the moisture content. The Tukey test shows two groups for the mass flow rate having a difference in moisture content when using the highest and the lowest mass flow rate. The Tukey test also shows that the number of cycles influences the moisture content. The decision tree model indicates that the number of cycles significantly affects the moisture content. The model also shows that the mass flow rate does not affect the moisture content at a lower number of cycles (?2). However, the mass flow rate significantly affects the moisture content in the case of a greater number of cycles (especially >4).
    Keywords: moisture content; plastic waste; centrifugal drying; design of experiment; decision tree.

  • Operational excellence and supply chain leadership in a circular economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Ntise Hendrick Manchidi 
    Abstract: The appreciation of operational excellence (OE) and its economic value towards supply chain leadership (SCL) of a company in a circular economy (CE) is somewhat inadequate. This study engaged a qualitative research approach with open-ended interview schedule to collect data from a purposive sample of eight industry specialists in supply chain management (SCM), logistics, chemical and industrial engineering as well as production and manufacturing engineering (n = 8). Semi-structured interviewing was used in which the same questions were asked to seek subjective opinions on the importance and contribution of operational excellence to SCM and SCL and the understanding of SCM of companies in a CE. The findings establish that operational elements (human capital, process activation, conducive environment, and continuous improvement) and leadership elements (flexibility, strategic direction, tactical approach, long-term planning, awareness, and benchmarking) are the key drivers for organisations in a CE to attain OE and ultimately SCL.
    Keywords: operational excellence; OE; supply chain management; SCM; supply chain leadership; SCL; circular economy; CE.
    DOI: 10.1504/PIE.2024.10063214
  • Corporate social responsibility and innovation: boosting consumer satisfaction through reputation   Order a copy of this article
    by Carla Campos, Rui Gonçalves, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro Dias 
    Abstract: This study investigates the influence that corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and innovations adopted by companies have over their own reputation and consumer satisfaction. Furthermore, it explores the mediating role of corporate reputation in the relationships between CSR, innovation initiatives and consumer satisfaction. To evaluate these relationships, a questionnaire was used to collect the information needed to test the conceptual model developed using the PLS-SEM technique. The results prove the positive influence that both CSR activities and innovation initiatives have over consumer satisfaction and business reputation. This study's conclusions contribute with further knowledge to existent literature and, with new information which allows the development of theory in the corporate reputation domain. Besides, it can help companies in choosing which action to adopt given that, in this study, CSR activities are considered a successful method to boost public perceptions and firms and stakeholders’ outcomes.
    Keywords: corporate reputation; consumer satisfaction; innovation; corporate social responsibility; CSR.

  • Influence of sustainable supply chain leadership strategy on operational excellence and sustainable development of listed companies in South Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmed I. Kato, N.H. Manchidi 
    Abstract: Implementation effective sustainable supply chain leadership (SSCL) strategy at each organisation’s level, positively impacts on corporation’s competitive advantage and sustainable development. While fears have been acknowledged in previous literature, the benefit of designing Sustainable supply chain models for operational excellence and sustainable development is a noteworthy exploration. The study collected statistical data using an online Survey- monkey questionnaire from 46 of the top 100 JSE-listed companies to elucidate the large firms’ transition from longstanding linear approaches to sustainable production and consumption to a more circular approach. A bivariate data analysis was used to generate the results in SPSS. The results indicate a positive contribution of SSCL strategy to operational excellence and sustainable development of large corporations if only the entire supply chain system is well-coordinated and implemented. This study makes a vital contribution by proposing a new SSCL model for fast-tracking corporate sustainability and enhancing corporate contributions to sustainable growth.
    Keywords: Sustainable supply chain management; operational excellence; supply chain leadership; developing economy; JSE-listed companies; strategic actions; South Africa; sustainable development.

Special Issue on: ICITED-23 and ICOTTS-23 Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development Biases and Upcoming Challenges and Opportunities

  • Exploring the evolution of marketing strategies in hospitality and tourism: a bibliometric study   Order a copy of this article
    by Luis Fernando Garcés Giraldo, Vanessa García Pineda, Jackeline Valencia Arias, Lucia Palacios-Moya, Jefferson López Goycochea 
    Abstract: Marketing strategies in hospitality and tourism are crucial for attracting and retaining customers, increasing occupancy, and maximising revenue. However, despite their importance, there are still significant research challenges. Therefore, the objective is to examine research trends surrounding the evolution of marketing strategies in hospitality and tourism. To achieve the research objective, a bibliometric analysis based on PRISMA-2020 is proposed to obtain clear and replicable results. The research reveals a 99% increase in scientific production, with particular emphasis on the years 2021 and 2022. Avraham is a prominent author. There is a shift in focus towards storytelling to attract tourists. Digital marketing and COVID-19 are recurring concepts, while industrial tourism and sustainability are emerging trends. As a conclusion, future research in tourism and hospitality marketing must focus on understanding evolving consumer preferences, destination branding impacts, educational decision influences, and the integration of emerging technologies to address industry shifts and gaps effectively.
    Keywords: digital marketing; COVID-19; industrial tourism; sustainability; PRISMA methodology.

  • Virtual tourism through virtual reality   Order a copy of this article
    by Filipa Jorge, Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira, Mário Sérgio Teixeira, Maximino Bessa 
    Abstract: Technological evolution has promoted major changes in the business models of the tourism industry. Virtual reality is one of the technologies used to provide virtual tourism experiences. However, it is necessary to systematise the knowledge generated so that future research can generate new knowledge based on more solid theoretical foundations. This study aims to explore and analyse the scientific literature on the use of virtual reality to provide virtual tourism activities. To achieve this research objective, a bibliometric analysis was conducted. The scientific studies used as a sample were collected from the Scopus database and were analysed using cocitation analysis, through the VOSviewer software. The results indicate that the literature on this research topic is based on three clusters: 1) theoretical framework; 2) tourist perspective on the use of virtual reality for tourism purposes; 3) the importance of the concept of (tele)presence in VR experiences for tourism purposes. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
    Keywords: virtual tourism; virtual reality; bibliometrics.

  • Research trends in sustainable and responsible tourism management   Order a copy of this article
    by Jackeline Valencia, Carlos E. Villegas López, Alexander Arbey Sánchez Upegui, Jennifer R. Pérez Osorio 
    Abstract: While sustainable and responsible tourism management ensures environmental preservation, benefits local communities, and promotes equitable development, significant research challenges currently exist. Therefore, examining research trends surrounding sustainable and responsible tourism management is crucial. The study proposes a bibliometric analysis to obtain relevant information and adhere to PRISMA guidelines. Findings reveal a notable growth in scientific production, with 2021 and 2022 standing out. A shift in focus is observed towards conservation of natural resources, marine ecotourism, decision-making, and community participation as emerging trends in the literature.
    Keywords: resource conservation; marine ecotourism; community participation; decision-making; PRISMA methodology.