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African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance

African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (AJAAF)

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African J. of Accounting, Auditing and Finance (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Review of fintech regulations and development in Africa   Order a copy of this article
    by Mark Yama Tampuri Junior, Isaac Jerry Kwabena Asare, Mohammed Mansa Musah 
    Abstract: The research article examines the fintech regulatory approach in select African countries including Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, and Botswana using a qualitative research approach that incorporates a review of academic journals, books, and government reports. In addition to examining the regulatory approach in the aforementioned African countries, the research delves into the regulatory landscape of fintech in the five countries, outlining the key regulations and regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing the industry. The article also evaluates the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework, highlighting areas that require improvement. Overall, the paper concludes that the regulatory approach adopted by African countries is instrumental in promoting financial inclusion, innovation, and growth in the fintech sector. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of regulatory innovation, coordination among regulatory bodies, and the harmonisation of regulations across different African countries to facilitate cross-border operations.
    Keywords: fintech; digital financial services; regulatory approach; financial inclusion; business innovation; Africa.

  • IFRS adoption and performance in Sub-Saharan Africa: a comparative analysis of Nigeria and Ghana   Order a copy of this article
    by Musah Mohammed Saeed 
    Abstract: In this paper, the performance of commercial banks in Ghana and Nigeria was compared before and after the introduction of IFRS. The study relied on a causal-comparative research design and a sample size of 12 deposit money banks in Ghana and Nigeria. The results of the t-test revealed that the mandatory adoption of IFRS had no discernible impact on the profitability metrics of deposit money banks in Nigeria and Ghana. Also, the study’s test of hypotheses demonstrates that the adoption of IFRS has no substantial influence on the liquidity ratios as well as the financial leverage of deposit money banks in Nigeria and Ghana. The study’s conclusions indicate that the IFRS implementation has had unfavourable influence on banks’ general financial efficiency and position. The study recommends that governments and authorities in both countries must guarantee that accounting professionals have access to training facilities and resources on the idea of IFRS and the challenges related to its application and transformation.
    Keywords: IFRS adoption; performance; IFRS in Nigeria; IFRS in Ghana; signalling theory.

  • Determinants of capital structure decisions: an empirical analysis of small and medium enterprises in Ghana from 2016 to 2020   Order a copy of this article
    by Stephen Oteng 
    Abstract: This study aims to empirically explore the determinants of capital structure decisions among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs),comprising around 70 percent of businesses in Ghana. Achieving an optimal balance between debt and equity is critical to business survival. This study utilised data collected through face-to-face interviews with 121 SMEs across 12 regions in Ghana from 2016 to 2020, employing a mixed-method approach that integrated quantitative and qualitative data. The primary data were entered into Microsoft Excel and Stata for analysis. Managerial ownership, asset structure, and stakeholders' cultural backgrounds emerged as significant determinants, with managerial ownership showing a higher marginal effect.By contrast, there is an inverse causal relationship between profitability, business location, and the leverage ratio. The study recommends reducing the cost of borrowing by lowering the policy rate, government initiatives for affordable loans to SMEs, and enhancing the physical asset capacity for collateral during loan acquisition.
    Keywords: determinants; capital structure; decisions; small and medium enterprises; SMEs.