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International Journal of Aerodynamics

International Journal of Aerodynamics (IJAD)

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International Journal of Aerodynamics (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Inviscid Flows and Nonlinear Wave Propagation   Order a copy of this article
    by Aaron C. Burkhead, M. Hafez 
    Abstract: The first section of the paper involves developing third and fourth order numerical methods for one and two step schemes. These numerical methods are tested on various benchmark differential equations in order to show they exhibit the desired order of accuracy. Wynns algorithm is also looked at as a method for improving scheme accuracy. In the second part, several concepts common in numerical methods are applied to simple differential equations, namely Burgers equation, Kortweg-De Vries equation, a Burgers-Kortweg-De Vries hybrid equation, the Boussinesq equation, and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. These were selected because the equations solutions exhibit interesting flow phenomena such as shock wave and soliton propagation. These equations are solved with simple implicit and explicit methods, with a particular linearization technique applied to balance between the nonlinear term and the dissipative/dispersive term.
    Keywords: One and Two Step Methods for ODEs and PDEs; Third and Fourth order accurate schemes; Unsteady Oscillation of Shocks in Nozzles; Burgers’ Equation; Kortweg-De Vries Equation; Boussinesq Equation; Kuramoto-Sivashinksy Equation; Numerical Simulation of Propagation of Shocks and Solitons.

  • Numerical Simulations of Laminar Separated Flows Based on Compressible & Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations for Engineering Education   Order a copy of this article
    by A. Chuen, M. Hafez 
    Abstract: A simple numerical scheme based on Leap-Frog is developed to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. Methods for balancing the artificial and physical dissipation terms using DuFort-Frankel scheme are discussed. Approaches for restoring time-accuracy for unsteady problems are also considered. Test cases on simple geometries with structured grids are demonstrated for both incompressible and compressible flows. The present work is used to demonstrate the viability of the scheme as an educational tool for CFD in engineering applications with boundary layers and separation.
    Keywords: Numerical Simulation of Separated Flows; Incompressible; Compressible; Steady and Unsteady Flows; Navier-Stokes Equations; Simple Numerical Schemes; Damped Wave Formulation.